The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1907, Image 3
aamSamatemuvmmvk uSftrii THE DAILY NEBRASKAN y'Urn . rv. I ) Zk1t.s t Jtf ': M ; S.F.Westerfield Proprietor - j- - ? Special Servlco to PARTIES Bell Phono . 355. Auto . . 3356 A Specialty In Oysters in Season ' 117-19-21 North 13th 81. . . We manufacture all of our Canities & Ico Gram W senre the most delicious Ho and Col.d Drinks in the city TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT tOVKT9 and EAT "SAUER KRAUT" OLYHPIACAHDY CO.,II3IOS1. ?' ' ,r HEFFLEYS - i t UNIVERSITY TAILORS end HATTERS c 1337 O STREET HAVE THE EVANS Da Your gashing r MME. F. F. ROSS Scientific Cilrepodist Manicurist HAIR NttWM AW MAHA8E rARLORS 1339 0 SL, LINCOLN, NEB. Ueat.fK Mstkwi. Kiel., Tiplibla Silk Hosiery JU. J. HERZOG THE UWVEISITY MAKS' TAILOB 4 The inoet work done and price right. Call at ear sew store. 1230 O St. -' Llnooln Peg fop Corduroy Pints JJ8 So. ELEVENTH St. UCKStROl COMPANY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N St., Llnatrn, Nb. SAM'S CAFE BUSINESS DIRECTORY 4( 41 VCvftrv T.nvut tTnlFtflfv RlnrlAti la ' ., ,. , ( urged to pntrnnlso these Kobrni- M knn nrivertlsorft, unit to mentlou the paper trlillo dolus ' it ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. , BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Pe- try. BARDER SHOPS Grand Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Ernmert. BATH HOUSEPChrls'. BOOK STORES Co-op;, Lincoln; 'University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CIGARS Colo & McKenna: Matt'a Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magoo & Deomor; Mayor Bros.; Sterling. COAL. Gregory; Whitebreast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymplo; Lin coin Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hirschnor-Morae. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup.' DRUGGISTS HIrschner-Morao, Jer ry, Rlggs. . DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller & Paine. FLORISTS Chapin; C. II. Froy. FURNISHINGS Budd; Mageo &, vDoemcr; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis'; Mmo. Ross, Mrs. J. G. Boll. HAIR SPECIALIST Rico. JAPANESE GOODS Akagl. JEWELERS E. Floming; Harris; Myera, Tucker, Hallett, Hondorson and Hald. JLAUNDRIES Evamj; Merchants; X utu. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, FolBom. Dnlrymplo, Hlrschnor-Ttlorso. MILLINERY-Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Huydeu, Townsend, Clements. ' PIANOS Schmollor & Mueller. PRINTERS Gcorgo Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphroy. RESTXURANTS Boston Lunch; Buds; Camorons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Colo & Mc Kenna. SHOES Bookman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogors & Pop kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Portor; Rood. SUJTORIUMS JVober. TAILORS Backstroin; Dreshor; El liott; Heffloy; Horzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollon Mills, Union Collego Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS ThVp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr. S.S. Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Ysur Palrsnags Sellolfed JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF H0VINQ PICTURES AND ILLU8TRAT1D SONQ8 H330 O STREET- AN EA8Y VICTORY. By a series of forward passes and a fumblo by Denver, Boekloy was sent ovor for tho noxt touchdown. Wellor' kicked goal. Burnett, who had replaced Minor, ecorod the sixth-touchdown. Harvey nvt&Bisdv goal. Boltzor, who took Wal ler's place at right half, scored the noxt touchdown. Harvoy scored the next touchdown as a result of Bell zer's on-sldo kick. Wllloy's punt on tho 37-yard line was blocked, Chaloup ka running for tho olghth touchdown. Beltzer kicked goal. Scoro: Nebras ka, 57, Denvor 0. Beeklcy scored tho final touchdown and kicked goal. Tho half ondort: Nebraska 03, Denver 0. The forecast of bad timos nhcad, which was made In tho lottors re ceived from Nebraska men omploycd at tho Wostinghouso, wbTTftrMn East Pittsburg sovcral weeks boforo tho financial flurry culmlnatod in the re ceivership of that company, proves to havo boon well founded. Tho wholo Hnnlnr clnflR nf fllontrlrtnl nncrlnorlncr students aro affected, Insofar ns a I conBidorablo number of thorn were planning 'to follow tho WeBtlnghouso apprentice course; and thoso who had lntcndod to go to somo other company aro feeling anxious about posslblo re vision of courses by 'thoso other con cornB. Generally speaking, howovor, the onglneorlng students fool thoy afo as ablo to undorgb a period of financial depression as any other class of riicn about to graduato into active Ufo, and aro occupying themselves' with a study of 'Stelnmotz and neglecting tho 'stock market, ub of yoro. Wisconsin Enrollment. This year has shown a largo in crease in tho onrollmont of students at tho University of Wisconsin. An incroase of 30 per cont In the gradu ates studying at tho collego and also In , tho frcBhmon cnrollod Is shown. Tho total onrollmont for tho yenr will bo botweon 4,000 and 1,100, In tho College of Lottors and Sclenco there aro 1,038 students, which la. an In crease of 180, or 11 por cent. There aro 492 freshmon in this collego, an Increase of 120. "University Cadets" Not "Battalion of Cadets." Commandant Worklzor rccoirtly dis covered In a statute passed In 3887 that the proper and legal name of the cadets drilling at 4ho University of Nobraska' is not that omployed from timo almost immemorial, "Bnttallon of Cadets," but "University Cadets." Old Copies Wanted. Tho Daily Nobraskan Is desirous of obtaining coplos of Issuos of January 22, 1907; April 10, 1907; May !, 1907: May 11. 1907; May 11, 1907, and May 23, 1907. Ton cents por copy will bo paid for papers In good condition. Book Store. Tho Kogonts' Book Store is open during tho following periods: 11:00 'a. in. to 12:30 p. m. and 1:45 p. m. to 3:15 p. m. It is closed all day Satur day. The Zoological Club will meot at 8 o'clock Tuosday evening, November 19, 1907, In tho Zoological Lecture room, N. 210. Program: "Fauna of tho GalapagoS Islands," Mr. J. S. Hunter. Visitors cordially Welcome to the meetings of tho club. Tho debating tetrtn was entertained by Prof. H. H.rWilson at hlshomd last evening. Professor Wilson lec tured for about an hour on tho legal aspects of tho question to 'be debuted December 13 with Iowa and Minne sota. LoBt On' campus or between cam pus and O stroet. A Greek letter pin, with numo and' date engraved on back. Flndor pleaso return to No braskan office and recolvo reward. R. E. Dumonl, 190G, It. S. Harris, 1903, of Omaha, W. O. Ramsey, 1907, and Fritz Frlcko of 'Plattsmouth woro, visitors at tho Phi Psi house last' week. ,t ;Wan ted Saturday man; one with experience required, Budd114lrT0. ; , . do to 'Mrs. JC. BelL Jmirdressor, Cor chiropody Oliver Theatre "P- r A V MATINEE, 2:30 P JLJr T .TONIGHT, 8:15,' : FLORENCE GEAR. In the College Girls' Muscial Play "CIPID AT VASSAR" Mat. 50c and 25c. Night $1.00 to 25c.L - - - Thursday Night. 'Nov. 21. MR. OTI8 8KINNER IN The Houor of the family; Prices, $1.50 to SOoents; ' LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M.4 EVE. 4S 8c 9iOO i r ..,,; PRICE3 TEN AND TWENTY CENTS YlTNG x A 1ROOK8 HENRY ROETHIG LOCKE, RU88ELL A LOCKE" McCUNE A GRANT ILLUSTRATED 80NQv . I "DoWri by the Old Cross Roads') v , By F. W. .Hudson . f T" YR08C0PE BIJOU ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Mat. at 3 p. m. Evening 7:45. and 9. NEW MANAGEMENT NEW POLICY POPULAR PRICES. Balcony 10 cents, 300 seats reserved 20 cents, boxes 25 cents. Nothing higher. Three performances dally. WONDERLAND TELEPHONES IN THE MID- -DLE AQE8. FI8H- 8TOR.Y. c- ' QLIMP8E8 OF ERIN. JEALOU8Y PUNISHED. JACK THE KISSER, KITCHEN MAID'8 DREAM, LAT FOR HIS WEDDING. - Matlntit, 2, 3 and 4 p. m. Evanlnp, 7, 1, 9 and 10 i.m. ADMISSION -10 GENTS Elite Theatre POLICEMAN'8 BOOTS. REGGIE'8 CAMPING PARTY HELMET GLORIOUS 8TART ICE INDUSTRY IN SWEDEN MASQUERADEARTY. ILLUSTRATED 80NG "Darling 6ue!f Lost A. bunch of keys; aClaim tag t 7. E, Unrand & Co., attached to, rln ' W. E, Unfand & Co., atUche) Roturri to Nebraskap offlce." For Rent Modern room; pldnty ot hot water. 534 No. 12th St; " r I .I t I t X Ui T P A. t -if w