The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 19, 1907, Image 2
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN I! N I V - -ft l flfte S)aUjg flebragftan THE PROPERTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERl DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARb. Publicities Offlci, 126 No. 14th St. EdltoflnChlof. .. ........ M. A. Mills 08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager.,. H. C. Robertson', '09 Editorial and Ouslness Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. PoBtofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies. 5 Cents Each Telephones: Bell A 1466, Auto 1888 INDIVIDUAL. NOTICES will bo chanted or at tho rato of 10 cents por Insertion for every flf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will Kindly bo published freo. Entered at the postoflloo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter undor tho Act of Conprous of March 3. 1879. 8ATURDAY'8 GAME. hah Saturday Nebraska's football Mam gavo a 11 no exhibition of what "King" Colo has accomplished at open football. This was tho first oppor tunity that has 1)0011 given tho stu dents of tho University to see for themselves that tho forward pass and ontsidc kick woro really available and not more myths. No one has any com plaint -to make, but on tho contrary tho feeling is gonoral that tho devel opment of 'Nobruska's football team is as cmploto in all departments of tho gamo as could be wished by even the most zoalous supporter. Through out tho season it has boon evident to tho local enthusiasts that Nebraska was onco moro possessed of a team thoroughly versed in tho old style gamo, whero It takes good men and true to Btand for tho punishment sure jdB l, o ts Just bought a job of Otocoats--25 coals all told and they aro good. F bought them ata price because it was late in tho season all blades all $15 and Cffl flfl $18 coats. I will sell them at iJIUiUU I am not in tho clothing business. BUDD, $2.50 HATTER to bo meted out a'nd now we aro equal ly certain that tho now opon game, with all its numerous possibilities for spectacular piays, Is also a part of its equipmont. Tho gamo Saturdayldebato as sooiras tho first Is over. Tho was doubtless uninteresting to many because pf tho ovldont superiority of Ul ioTIJ Nebraska, but an Injustice Is do Denver's team !y this vory fact. Do vor played u losing game, cohsclous all tho tlmo that they wore opposed by a team which according to scores and gnm6fe played, was much stronger than themselves. Furthermore, Ne braska, cqntrary to their hopes and expectations, "went Into tho game with all tho spirit and dash that character ized tho 'Amos and Kansas games. AH this tended to dishearten and dis courage them. Donvor did not play such a poor gamo, but Nebraska played an almost perfect one and tho result was that tho spectators left tho game .convinced that Denver did not play at ajl, which Is contrary to tho facts. W. C. Pftrrtott, Law, '07, judge-olect of Nemaha county, was a campus visit or Friday. CORNHUSKER PICTURE8. Tho editor of tho Cornhusekr has been sending out notices to members of the Senior and Junior classes re questing them to report at Townsend's at once and have plcturos'taken. These rcquosts should bo met by prompt compliance on the part of each recipi ent and the action requested should not bo put off from day to day until it finally becomes too late, It is re garded as of first importance that the picture of every mombor of tho upper classes bo in this year's CornhUBker, and in order, to get this part of the work out of tho way early and give tho staff tin opportunity for other lines of work this work" is started oarly. Don't handicap the staff by Imposing a hardship upon them which is unnecessary if not oven inexcusable. Frat Pins. Tho now pins of tho debating fra ternity, have been received and are being worn by -tho mombers. They re somblo the Phi Beta Kappa pins and aro considered to be vory pretty. Tho fraternity is composed of men who ihavo demonstrated tholr ability by winning places on tho University de bating team. Tho members of this year's debating teams will" not be come members until nftor tho debates this year. Harvard Debaters. It is being proposed to institute tho same system of debating in Harvard that is now in force in Nebraska and other western schools. It Is planned to have the two debates In which Harvard is engaged held uponho same evening and on tho same ques tion, Harvard having opposite sides, howovor, In each debate. Tho advan tage of this plan lies In tho economy of offort secured by using the same question for two debates and allow ing tho men on tho teams to concen trate their offort on It, Instead of being obliged to start afresh on a second practice debates can bo held between the two university teams, slnco both will be prepared on tho same ques tion, and the argumonts of both skies can bo strengthened 'by having thorn vimdorgo actual trial. S Junior Fad Affair. Evory one come representing his or her fad. It matters not If you bo Senior or Freshman, come to tho af fair with your fad. If It bo Teddy Bears, bring a Toddy Boar. If It bo toll, bring, your ptclc-ax. Hide not your lugonuity and idiosyncrasies. Bring both in your fad to tho Junior Fad Affair. n, Carl Pierce Hartley, 1906, who has beon at Morgantown, West Virginia, since hfs graduation, has accepted a position on the Geological Survey ol! tho State of Minnesota. His work will bp under Prof. F. W. Clements, who wnB professor horo In botany last year. There is a certain satisfaction in knowing you have the best that money can buy. Every Stetson Shoe is worth 100 of its cost. . Remember every genuine Stetson nai the red dia mond on the (trap. Stetsons cost fiom $5.60 to $9.00 the pair. NDEg.N 'S iteSOSTMET.Jfr UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. Tuesday, November 19. 11:00 a. m? Memorial Wall. Convocation. Prof. Ceo. D. Ayors, "Sumner." 11:30 a .m. Memorial Hall. Senior class meets. Thursday, November 21. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Peer Gynt Suite by Grieg. Quartet and organ. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Girls' mass meeting. Saturday, December 7. County Fair. Friday, December 13. Nefbraska-Iowa debate. N DRAMATIC CLl MEETING. There wlil h a (netting of the Dramatic C(ub In rm 106, University Hall, , at 12 o'clock sharp, Wednesday mornlna. Every member is urged to be present, akthe castes forthc plays to be given soon, are to be announced. August A. Meyer, '00, and Alfred Lohr, ex. '07, went up to Grand Island Saturday to take advantage of tho chicken hunting in that locality. , Dr. Chas. Youngbluf, dentist, 202 T" Burr Blk. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. YAHD-0 YARD-0 30-SIX FACTS IN ITS FAVOR 5 Writo oj. it without liios mm uu it biruignc. ft WAlilnnlrnciiMa m vwilW for you sovor unused soctionft ut creases nnd save for your nqxti oxtru loner lottor. " V 1 YARD-0 YARD-f 000005000OOO &0 ., . ii you want a ' go J-) 1 NEW WINDSOR CAFE Popular Prices .COOOOOOO0OO O O U-all -No Tommy The U of N Caterer Hd'a in business for himself at 208 So. 12th tS'-Look for tho Red Llght"a Hot Luncheonette HURRY! Tho. 1A. Coleman, We're now located in the most beautiful store in the West .u.M CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATER Lincoln Candy Kitchen ltk Md O Strata Lincoln Dancing flcadamy Social Nights, Wed. and Saturday, 8:30 Beginners Night, Monday University Trade Solicited. 1126 N St. T Gillette Safety Razor Hi Stropping Ho Honing . ESBSEl F. B. Harris, Jeweler, 1137 O Strut, SPECIAL SELLING AGENT- 00000000b0000 AA...M- ..-.. 8 sijUAttt mtAL to the Excellent Service 00000000OffiO000 A . J- . i -A 1 -aA