fM I i THE DAILY NEBRASKAN 21- w. I V ni in o wmmMnHMIIhI i none jhUPHH. "UT Wff . w jimii w w m lira smBH jmm-'mm&iiiP Pil 1 --V---Hr IIkbhhhH mmm -ffpffpfff Mi.Hp I ' who think a good deal about their clothes--who take time to investigate style, are by all means the strongest patrons of this store. There is not a fabric in our store that has not a style reason for its existence and one that can be demonstrated; besides this there is not a fabric but what is made up "as it should be for example, we would not have an English Twede made up in a double-breasted frock, but would have it made in a suit with full, comfortable coat, with broad shoulders and very full cut trousers; thus giving the man with an English taste for dress the opportunity hot only to 'have .the fabric he desires, but the style as well. Taking the English Twede as a starter, you may go. all I the way up and down the line of reliable fabrics and we can give you a logical style reason'for every coloring and for every cut of garment we show, and so it is with "young chaps," men who are forty years young (and no man should allow his dress to be older than forty), come here and find suits and overcoats precisely to their liking. We have said a great deal about our four strongest Unes of. Men's Suits and O'coats n AT $10 $15 $20 $25 V 1- We cannot say too much about these" excellent garments, but we want everyone to know that our regular lines today start at $5.00 and end at $40.00. All the in between prices show as much value as we are a?le tpgiye; we simply specialize on the four prices ' x arid guarantee a saving of from 20 to 40 per cent on them. A , , : : ' , - ' ,. , : B ' tllUili ' ' "'"" ' , f '""" "' i wi r.: y ,"," ;, ' ' n n i w, . , ppppy, n n; I Armstrong Clothing Co, I fllk u. C" f .-! H Good Clothes Merchants ? i s.l I i H