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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1907)
r -, THE DAILY NEBRASKAN ,K :i r - r -t I Ti, . withjuureyts Conklln's Self-Filling Pen 1 tho beat fountain pen for both student and professor on account of tho Crescent-Filler. To fill Conklin's Fountain SEUr FILLING Pen simply dip It In any ink and press dropper no Inky filffiers no ruffled tsimnnn fliiiimntiuirl fn tin (i rwirfnff chut MWi iraA m i t writer. Lomltnc doalorn hnndlo tho Conklln. If yourn doon not, order direct. Hofuso nub ntltuton. Bond for tmndRomo now catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 Htnhillin Bultdlil. TOLEDO, OHIO THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK Owned by tha Stocklioldorifl of Tho First National UankJ XMTKBKBT PAID AT 8H PER CENT flnt National Bank Roomi, Tenth ar.d 0 Lawlor Cycle Co. Racycles and Ivor Johnson Bicy cles, Edison Phonographs and Records, D. & M. Sporting and Athletic Goods, Guns and Am munition. 132-4 O STREET JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF HOVIHfl PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS ' -1330 O STREET- ' HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing - HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY -THE- Qnlik and Easy Barber Shop C. W. EMMERT, Prop. 205 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Olvc me call SEE HEREFORD ELIAS BAKER P.ANTS CO., 8 x Get your shoes shlned by 3 American boys at j COLE & McKENNA'S 3 PALM GARDEN C 3 1132 O - 1132 O V SOCIALIST'S VIEW. (Continued from Pngo l.) do things) without Investigating the menna. "The man who can 'deliver the gobuV is asked no questions." Mr. Brooks considers Pros. Roose velt's policies laid down in his mes sage to Congress as the solution of the socialists motto to "give every man a square deal." "It makes no dlffercnco whother tho city or coun try owns all Industries, so long an each oi(e is given -a fair' and equal chance. Tho socialists say that yoat can't regulate tho railroads tho gov ernment must own them. When the Amorlcan pooplo wakes from its drug god sleep and helps the presldont and his successor in the policy they have mapped out, competitive culture will bo helpod on its way." GRANTS CHAPTER. (Continuod from pace 1.) Thy Lyre, tho fraternity Journal, wiiH ntithnrizcd bv tho annual conven tion at IDvanston, 111., in March ,1891'. Tho numbers are prlntod in Novem ber, January, March and. June. COURT MART AL General Court Martial Has Been Called. According to ordors Just published u general court martial is to be hold on .Novombor 18. Tho orders are given in full below. ORDERS NO. 4. 1. t general court martial Is ap pointed to met at tho Armory at 5:00 p. m., November 18, 1907, for the ttlal of such porsons as may bo prop erly brought boforo it. DETAIL FOR THE COURT. 1. M. F. Wnsson, Cadet Major; I. W. V. Kenuer, Cadet Captain; .".. It. E. Guthrlo, Cadet Ca'ptaln; I. L. A. Joues, Cadet Captain; r. E. A. Froyd, Cadet first lieuten ant and battalion adjutant; (i. H. O. Perry, Cadet first lieuten ant; 7. R. T. Funk, Cadet first lleuten ant; , 8. C. K. Shodd. Cadet first lieuten ant; 9. E. P. Nelson, Cadet first lieuten ant; '10. E. V. Hills, Cadet first lieuten ant; II. W. M. Webor, Cadet first llou ant; 12. F. E. McCall, Cadet first lieuten ant; 13. 11. L. Williams, Cadet first lieu tenant; H. S. Stophons, Cadet Captain, Judgo-Advocatoi By ordor of Captain Worklior. ' E. A. FROYD, Ciidot 1st. Liout., and Batt. Adjut., Batt. of Cadets, Adjutant. Dr. J. H. Graham.-dentlst. 1339 O St. Clomonts' photos are tho boat. Itatos toyBtudonts. 129 So. Elovonth. J. M. Rico, hair and scalp specialist, 121C O St, upstairs. Auto phono 3888. , Havo your clothes pressed at Wob er's Sultorium, Cor. 14 th and O. Marshall, students' barber. .Cornor Thirteenth and O under Famous. Ilayden, photographer, special rates to students. 1127 O street. Green's barber shops aro tho best In tho West. Go to Mrs. .f. C. Boll, hairdresser, for wigs. "V Palaco counter.' Dining Hall. No lunch JuHt a qulot ovcnlnff meal at Dalrym plo's. J Cameron's lunch countor 123 So. 12. r Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P C. H.Vrey, florist, 1133 O St. & PETTY S COLLEGE OXFORDS - SAT,, NOV. Freshman ABBOT'S ORCH. WHEN YOUR CLOTHES ARE MADE HERE" artistically made $45.00, and you savec you from tailors. Make array of stylish DRESHER JERRY THE DRUGGIST. HOT and GOLD SODA THE POST OFFICE 18 DIPlECTLY OPPOSITE OUR ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. Delicious tzT) Sandwiches of Hot 4Smn allklnds" Noon Chocolate r hour lunches a Tea and Coffee 1307 O Street specialty. HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET Petry Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly HHE RICEBPEAD OUR'SPECIALTV PHONE tJS AND YOUR ORDER WILL REOMVE PROMPT ATTENTION V KbKSTROI S rYrilllr C O WnnM film n ha Q 3 TAII HRQ !" 8 your Lauadrymea Q k j-tss-wamw r x VIII F DDAC X O 1320 N St., Llnooln, Neb. g H IULL UlivO. g Subscribe now, $2 per yr. MERfo HALL Informal.; &. ADMISSION 75c, J- you obtain not only ART in tailoring, but QUALITY and ECONOMY as well. Just conceive of the most clothes known, at from $25.00 to have, the Ideal combination that ready-made misfits and high priced your selection today from elegant fabrics. Lincoln's TJLtl flD Fashionable I AlLUlf 143 SOUTH TWELFTH-ST. BELL PHONE 604 AUTO PHONE 2686 Henderson & Hald JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY JU8T RECEIVED TH08E CELEBRATED Plow's . Chocolates Our Luncheonettes and Hot Chocolate Soda are especially fine. Hirs'ching-Morse Co. , I3I South llth Street DANCE PB06RAWS--AHQUgMEJ!JlS' 317 SOUTH TWELFTH IT. 143 So. 13th St. -1 . ' ' .-? N.i SB - , ., A