The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1907, Image 3
THE DAILY -NlSEflRASteAN t . ?K- - 7 i finest shoes 1 in the world. ft Do you want the swellest Shoe you ever saw. that will fit and wear well? STETSON is the shoe flaWM 0N5 tMS-0 - STREET. J J CINCINNATI 4 OUT PRICE SHOE STORE -AND-- Eliotrlo Shu Rapalr Faotory SAVBS VOU TIME - and - MONEY 1220 O St. -We're noyrjocated in the most beautiful store in the West CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATER Lincoln Candy Kltchin ltb and O Streets UNIVERSITY JEWELER fc OPTICIAN C.A.Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN H23 Street, yellow front Ytur PalrtMge Stllcited Lt. J, HERZOG THE UMIVEBS1TY HIKS' TAILOB tv , Th finert work done and prices right. 011 at or new store. 1230,6 St. - Lincoln atHlilifeEv1' m H WWatf!) aAlfrAaVAaifafcAaiTAahifcifeihAifrifcWafrWairaifiiiv 1 BUSINESS DIRECTORY I Very IiOjrul Unlveralty Student la j vrged to pntronlse tlicao N'ebrna- U knn advertisers, .nil to mention j the paper while doing; an. I I I Jt if ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor. HANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES ftalrymple, Folsom, Pe try. BARBER SIOPS Grand.- Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Ennnort. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Llnqoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CIGARS Colo & McKen'na; Matt'a Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magoo & Deomer; Mayor Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory ;. Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymplo; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; OJympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschnor-Morso. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS Hlrschner-Morae, Jer ry, RIggB. DRY GOODS Horpolsholmor; Miller ft Paine. FLORISTS Chnpln; C. H. Frcy. FURNISHINGS Budd; . Mageo & Decmor; Mayor Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mmo. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Boll. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. JAPANESE GOODS Akagl. JEWELERS E. Fleming;. Harris; Myers, Tucker, Hallctt, Henderson and Hald. LAUNDRIES Evans; Morchants; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymplo, Hirschner-Morse. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallott; Myers; Stieirm PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Haydeu, Towusend, Clements. PIANOS Schmollor & Mueller. PRINTERS Georgo Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Colo & Mc Konna. SHOES Bookman Bros; Cincinnati Hertford & Potty; Rogors & Per kins; Sanderson. ' . SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. ' STATIONERY Portor; Rood. SUITORlUMS Weber. TAILORS Backstrom; DroBhor; El liott; Heffley; Horzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderlnnd, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. I Don't Want Your Money If tup glasses full to. benefit you, and would rather return It than huvo a dissatisfied customer.' "Give me a trial' Dr. W. A. Myers, 1343 O Street THE UNI' SMOKE HOUSE Welcomes all students and invites you to .enjoy our, Smoking, and Reading Room. It's a pleasure to please. Try us. "UNI" SMOKE HOUSE. 1132 O STREET Dr. Chas. Youngblur, dentist, 202 Burr Blk. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. CAMPUS 'NOTES The Gorman Club will moot tonight at the homo of -Prof. Fossler, 11547 So. Seventeenth. " The 'Unlvoralty of Pennsylvania of fers a courso In nowapnper writing to Its students. Professor Clapp reports that the, fencing material has arivod and lj) ready for uso. Prof Soars of tho civil engineering department is in Lawronco, Kansas attending tho funeral of-a relative. RcproBentatlvo Pennsylvania stu dents afar complaining that tholr toam has rccolved no support since Its de feat. It Is estlmatdd that the students of Columbia University earned almost $25,000 (Turing tho year ending Juno 30, 190G. All subscriptions to the Dally Ne breskan are due and payable at the business office In the Administration Building. C. II. Potorsen, Torrnorly an Instruc tor' In the department of German, is nt present in tho Manual Training High at Chicago. Tho Wisconsin -co-eds always attend the games In a body. An entire sec tion of tho grand stand is reserved for them. Harvard's faculty has granted tho Cambridge Musical Clubs permission to go on a Western trip during tho Christmas recesB. A correspondence chess match is be ing nrrnngod between Cornell and Harvard, tho games beginning within tho next two weeks. Yale university now has tho largest Y. M. C. A, InomborBhip of any Am erican college. There are 800' mem ber's at Now 'Haven. A dozon now microscopes have Just been received In tho botanical depart ment where thoy wero bndly needed. They arrived just two hours before It was time to uso them. Tile Dartmouth Athletic Council haH declared ten of the twelve men of last year's baseball ' team ineligible ever again to represent tho college on nny athletic team -because of playing professional-baseball during tho summer. "Bleacher Rallj?" Is -the name given to a new form of a mass meeting popular among the 'Berkeley, Cal students this yoar. Tho student body turns out ut scrimmagas to a mass meeting, while speeches are given and yells and songs rehearsed. Prospects for a championship basket-ball team at Minnesota aro bril liant. There are five "M"' men back from last year who ar.o..!ollglble Woodfich, ,! PIdgoon,' Larson, Mulov1 and peering. The freshmen of last yoar who aro now eligible, nro Ander son, Lyford, Cahaloy, 'Hanson and Ca pron. Notice. Senior caps end gowns will be' dis tributed today (Thursday) from io a m.f to 5 'p. m. Administration building, room 204. amuseme NTS Oliver Theatre Friday Night, Nov., 15. RAH-RAH-RAH. "Just Out of College" . Musical Comedy By George Adc Prices $1.00 to 25c. 8AT. MAT., AND EVE., NOV.1G. Cniica And Hie Rnnrf i 55 'Musicians. 3 Soloists. '' . MAT. 75c TO 25c. EVE. $1.00 TO 50c; I j j LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 745 & 9iOQ PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CENTS DELPENINO AND DELMORA ILLU8TRATED SONQ ART FISHER The Oywboy Mimic STEWART AND COMPANY GILROY, HAYNE8 AND MONT- QOMERY-"Good Ship Nancy Lee." BIJOU 1 ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE ..- -.. i - I., i . , i. mm4 tMat. at 3 p. m. Evening 7:45 and 9. NEW MANAGEMENT NEW POLICY POPULAR PRICE8. Balcony 10 cents, 300 seats reserved 20 cents, boxes 25 cents. Nothing higher. Three performances dally. WONDERLAND ? FOUR YEAR OLD HEROINE MA8QUERADE PARTY 0NI0N8 MAKE PEOPLE WEEP TOWING AN 'AUTO' LOVE MICROBE ' SIMPKIN81 SATURDAY OFF ILL FATED CABBY SONG ' "THE HERMIT ON'THE MI88 I88IPPI 8HORE" Chas. L. Bogley. ' Matlnaas, 2, 3 and 4 p. m Evanlnga.7. 8, 9 anil (0 a.m. ADMISSION -10 CENTS Elite Theatre 8TREETS IN CANTON CAUGHT WITH THE GOODS, I , NAPLES AND VESUVIUS i ..i SOUTHERN DREAM ' A GUfNEA ENTERTAINER, A HOBO HERO WHO OWN8,THE PEAR2 A DREAM IN SEVILLE : i MMEF.F.lOSS Sclintl'fle Chiropodist Mulc.rist AIR lUStHM AM UMUt PAIUIt 1IM 0 St, LINCOLN NEB v t ' " I , i i fi -i v !f ' t T i '... e. n; i i rr'