The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 14, 1907, Image 1
3Xbe 2)atl$ IRebraeban Vol VII. No, 38. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER H, J907. Price 5 Cents. 25 Half-tones in Football Number; Order Now u i wip- et- $: r h GRANTS CHAPTER j ALPHA CHI OMEGA WILL ESTAB--. LI8H CHAPTER HERE. tThe Sorority Has Ten Chapters at j Various Schools The Badge Is '.. ' a Greek Lyre. Its History The Alpha Chi Ojnega sorority has .granted a chapter to tori University of Nebraska girls and will Install the XI chapter of the society at this school during the Thanksgiving re cess. Official notice of the granting of the chapter was received yesterday. The rihartor morabers of the Nebras ka chapter are : Lena Tlmmerman, Alice Lusher, Emma Farrow, Lllah David, Beulah Goodson, Iron Little, Nina Beaver, 'Stolla Johnson, Beulah Buckley, Vera Upton, May Bordwell, and Harriet Bordwell. When It becomes established at Nebraska, Alpha Chi Omega will have .ten active chapters, with a total mom . bership of about fifteen hundred. At present there are chapters at Do Pauw University, AlDlon College, Uni versity of Southern California, Now England Conservatory, Bucknell Uni versity, University of Michigan, Unl- vorslty of Illinois and tho University of Wisconsin. The badge of the sorority is a Greek fyre, Jeweled and displaying the Greek letters of Alpha Chi and Omega on a scroll placed diagonally across tho strings. The official pledge pin is diamond shaped, enameled half iij red and half In green, bearing an ln- '. . lhld-gold -lyre. The colors arc scarlet and olive. . The flower Is the scarlet carnation ' with smilax. ' Alpha Chi Omega was founded at De Pauw University, October IB, 1885, the movement being fostered by Jnroos L. Howe, tho dean of the school of muslcy because at that tlmo the Dc Pauw fraternities did not consider students In the musical department eligible to membership, and he was 103lrous of affording such students tho benefits to bo derived from such 'A organizations. .. Tho intention of the sorority for tho first few years was to establish ' chapters In musical schools. Not be ing pleased, however, with tho Idea "I", or beirig considered professional and feeling that .such designation did not , accurately .oxpress tho aim, of the society, In 1900 literary qualifications, toward which there had been an In creasing tendency for several years, wore mado a constitutional require . ment,' musical ability still being re . talned as an additional requisite vAlumnao chapters have been form ed at Chicago, Indianapolis, Detroit, ; and 'Boston during tho last six years. The Alumnae chaptors have all the privileges of (tho actlvo chapters ex cepting that of making initiations. (Continued on page,Ipur) 000000000000 o FOOT TWO GAMES FOR ONE PRICE Denver, vs. Champions Mo. Valley GAME CALLED AT 2145 Lincoln High vs. York CALLED AT 1115 GENERAL ADMISSION 75c. RESERVED SEATS $1.00 ooo.ooooooooo o AT CHAPEL. Lobingier Will Speak on Value of PhllllplncB. Hon. Charles S. Lobingier of Mnn iln, P. I, will uddrcss the faculties and Btudents of tljo University nt Convoca tion this morning on, "Tho Value of tho Philippines." Four degrees, tho first In 1888, havo been conferred on Mr. Loblnglor by tho University. Aftor graduation, he engaged in the practice of law in Omaha for twolvo years. During this time ho waB connected with tho state suprome court, both as librarian and commissioner. The college of law knew him as a professor during the four years- preceding his depart ure to the Philippines, whoro ho Is Judge of tho court of first instance. Now, in addition to these judicial duties, ho has been made chairman of u commission which is to codify Philippine, laws. Mr. Lozavd Colin, a noted mineral ogist of Colorado, and n collector of Interesting minerals and crystals .was , yisltlng tho department of geology yestorday.. The department bus do cided to purchase n vory flno sot of crystals and has Instructed Mr. Colin to prepare- It. Mr Conn had one very flno crystal With him which Is worth $250. It Is a towomalmo crystal as long as a pencil and as large around as a per son's littlo finger. It Is half pink and half green, being entirely transpar ent. Such a flno one as this Is usu ally cut up for jowols. v Throe newspaper subscription so licitors wanted Friday and. Saturday. Good money. Bell phone 9265. Tho Times, Havelock. 00000000000006000000000000 If you want a copy of the Illustrated Football Number of the DAILY NEBRASKAN ORDER IT Price 10 Cents. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo o 000000000000 I BALL o ooooooooooo FRE8HMAN HOP. Arrangements Completed fop Giving Dance. Tho Frtmhmun class have ji very lln? po3tor on tho bulletin' boards of tho main building this morn lng,tho .work of John Alexander, anquncing n Freshman Informnl to bo given under the auspices of the Freshmnn class, next Saturday evening. It was at Jlrst, Intended to nmko the informal In tho nature of a party, but owing to lack ofi time, It wa& decided to give a. hop. Tho regular FroBhman Informal will bo held sometime next month. Tho committee especially hopes for a huge attendance of freshmen at this first social affair of the class of .1911. The members of tho committee nro Claude Proudfit, chairman; Lloyd Calkins, Earl J. Leo,- Miss Helen Stolner, Miss Edna Flock, and Miss Harriett Milliman. Tho admis sion, Is soventy-flvo .cents and tickets can bo obtained from any of the com talttao T . Tho RovorendMr. Cross, formorly of Nebraska, but now a missionary at Wales, Alaska, has recontly sont Dr. Bessoy u collection of thlrty-flvo plants. As Wules Is within but a few miles of the Arctic circle it makes tho speci mens vory valuable ,and Or. Bessoy prizes them highly. These plants were pressed by his daughter Miss Helen. The University of 'Indiana has re cently installed a course in newspaper training which promises to bo popular. Two newspaper men of Bloomington havo been engaged as Instructors. Tho best oyster stew in tho city Is served 'fit Tho Boston Lnnch. Try It. AT ONCE Edition Limited. SOCIALIST'S VIEW DAMAGE 18 DONE BY OVER-CAPI-TALIZATION, John Graham Brooks Discusses Gov ernment 'Ownership and Favors the Roosevelt Policies. "Draw an Immonse circle. Call It Industrial life. In the clrclp Is a con trnl portion which represents tho In dustries regulated by our govornmont. Almost tho whole country Is plttod against this part." So said Mr. John Graham Brooks In n recont address boforo'tho students or Michigan Uni versity, on "Tho Socialist's Chnllongo to Modern Socloty." Mr, Brooks, as prosldont of tho Am erlcan Social Sclenco Association, ad dressed himself to tho studonts of the present, for ho believes that from thorn must come tho solution of tho problem presented by our monopolies. While not a socialist hlmsolf, ho stated admirably and with all fair ness tho condition of that party to tho effect that all Industries to be Justly administered must be owned and op orated exclusively by tho govornmont without nny idea of profits. Thon ho proceeded to. show that there Is another solution. Ho said: "It would show tho blindness of a bat to ignprotho fact that wo will not take tho course other nations have. Socialism Is tho only thing that sat isfies the ideal of tho soul anil tho mind." Ho showed, "that alroady it has affected tho leaders of thought In most European countries nnd Is a fac tor to bo reckoned with In our coun try, it Is this, which makes for tho elimination of wwrfuje, not Hjaugo Pence Conferences, where they decide that certain kinds of ammunition shall dot bo used, but do not dare consldor sorlousfy tho abolition of all, armaments. "Tho Socialists have made the dis covery that our politics nro not some thing apart from our business. -They havo only to road the capitalist sheets, or our president's messages to bollevo that our country is in vory desperato straits duo to'-the monopoly of a few men. A conversation with tho late i Colls, P. Huntington, tho groat -railroad magnate .reveals our presqnt situation. 'Wo nro not competent,' ho snid, 'to run tho railroads in tho United States, without groat casual ties 'Why not?' I asked. 'Becse, somehow wo havo gotten Into tho po sition that our thirteen hundred thous and employees feel that thoy need not do their best, they feel that they aro already worked too" hard.' 'What aro wp going to'do about it then?' And the answer , came, 'Tho government has got to take them,'" T Tho speaker went on to show that this state of affairs Is duo to, our poli cy of putting a promlum on tbpso who , (Continued on page .4.) T - , v V