"," .' r r i i THE DAILY NBBRA8KAN j . t r. 1 U? BOYS W WE'VE MOVED -j.-f TILL IMAKK JTHOSE iiWSTY T08$" . AT , M IOUR NEW LOCATION J142 . SOUTH I12TH Bj H Lm 111 H V.slMrl St Iff Willi I III U fm I IF I ilvl j BUSINESS DIRECTORY j ELLIOTT BROS : 7.1 ' Tailors Gillette Safety Razor Ms StrsailNr Mi Hiding afjMj 2aBasaTsaeasaeaeaw F. B. Harris, Jeweler, , 1137 O Street, 'SPECIAL SELLING AGENT. University Students Ladlea and Gontlomen If la tho market for a now.typowrlter or" desiring to rent one, we , would bo glad to hare our sales man call and demonstrate the .visible Underwood: Touts re spectfully, i UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER GO. 714 P St. Bell 348 t.j;thorp&co. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, Trade Checks, Keys Locksmithlng. General Machine Works, model Makers, Etc. 308 So. 11th, Lincoln saeaB iatIW"T.v 0 ' rVl VHbS"ro' fS6 f(ivwMMy IV! tA AND ' ! B In BTr X7l University Student la j arged to patronise thtae Nebraa- i i ka advertisers, aait to mention j 1 tea paper while doing ao. t I l H it ATHLETIC GOODS Lawlor. BANKS First Trust and Savings. Central National. BAKERIES Dalrymple, Folsom, Po try4 BARBER SHOPS Grand .Central, Green's Shops, Marshall, Emmert. BATH HOUSE Chris'. HOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; Unlvorslty. w CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CIGARS Colo & Mckonna; Matt's Place. CLEANERS-'-Wood. j(" ' ' CLOTHING Farquhar; Magee & Deemer; Mayor Bros.; Sterling.. COAL Grogory; Whltobroast. J CONFECTIONBRY4Dalrymplo; Lin coln Candy Ki tenon; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrachner-Morso. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS HIrschnor-Morse, Jor- DRY' GOODS HorpolBhelmer; Mlllor ft Palno. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Froy. FURNISHINGS Budd; Mageo f ' Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mmo. Ross, Mrs. J. C. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST--Rico. JAPANESE GOODS Akagl. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myors, Tucker, Hallott, Hondorson and Hald. LAUNDRIES Evamj; Merchants; Yulo. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom Dalrymple, HIrschner-Morso. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallott; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Hnydeu, Townsend, lements. PIANOS Schmoller & Muollor. PRINTERS Goorgo Bros.; Simmons'. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Buds; Camorons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Cole & . Mc- Kcnna. SHOES Bockman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Potty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood, SUITORIUMS Wobof. TAILORS Backstrom; Dresher; El liott; Hoffley; Herzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Wollon Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderland, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TltOUSERS-r-Bakor Pants Co. 60 YEARiT EXPERIENCE, bbbbbbbbI bbbbbssbbbV " ! m aaV bbbbb! bbbV m Trace Marks DraiQNB RnnvRiniiTa Art. Anvnnauini1lni- KaVnlrli nnil lAatrlrtHrn mi Quickly. asoertaJn oar opinion, free whether an Invention la probably patenable, Commtinlea .Uowsstrictlr confidential. MNlHtolCon Patents lent free. Oldest agency for securing patent. Patents 'taken tbroujrh Aiunn St Oo. receive tfxclalnotlct, nlthoot. charge, in the Scientific JlmericaM A handeomelr.rlBtrated weekly. T-arReatoO oelatlou of any aclentlOe Journal. Terms. S3 a fart four nvjfctBS, L bjohI by all newsdealer". MUHN &Mo.38lBryNewYork Branch Office. 696 v t Wrshlixiton. TKQ. FEARED BY HIM. (Continued on pnge 3.) Probably tho average unlvorslty 8tu dont of tho East comes from at least tho middle class of our socloty. In tho West ho may como from tho poor est class and still be not too much handicapped. Thero are at least no dollar bnrrlbrs In his way. With such a liberal policy Is It any wonder that the universities of tho West are rapid ly developing. Prostdent Schurraan suggests that. Inasmuch as there are m'oro people who can be classed among tho poot and middle clalas ttym ampng .thfe wenlthy, there aro likely tobojnoro sons of genius, more minds f the rarest quality anfong theso flrBt two claBsos;r and the u.nivorslty which lets down Its bars so that anf man's child may obtain tho advantages of higher education wlthinfits gatos, ahd which has no tuition to bar out and shut off tho development of genius and of tho highest scholarship, Is bound In the natural order of things at some future date at least to out strip another unlvorslty not so situ ated. Tho remedy is to roduce and flnnlly oven abolish tuition, and to do that necessitates greatly Increasod endowments for the cause of" hlghoi education. AyiUSEMEINTS Oliver Theatre I e TfcO HAV MATINEE, 2iT f -fc-ri I TONIGHT, 8:11 W. A. WHITECAU " In K AN OLD SWEETHEART OF MINE Mat., 50c and 25c. Night, $1.00 Jo 25c !' Friday Night, Nov., 15. RAH-RAH-rAH. "Just Out of College" Musical Comedy By George Ade. Prices $1.00 to 25c. AT CHAPE1-. (Continued from Pago 1.) operation this prlnclplo has broken down completely tV.d In Its appli cation in our laws has becomo almost a farce. Tho dollar instead, has be como almighty. A little orphan who has been left a few thousand dollars' has a guardian appointed by tho law, but tho orphan who had no money 1b left to sleep under sidewalks so far as tho law Is concornod. A poor woman beqomlng tired and discouraged with life tries to drown herself, but being rescued by a policeman Is taken into court and sentenced to tho work house for two months. There are no such things as inallenablo rights for wo have rights only as wo light. for them. The most important thing In young men and women who hope to mako a success 1b tho power of initiative the ability to see, things. Men may be able to thhik"wbil, 'hoy may bo honest and earnest, but without the powor to look Into tho future their ability is worth but little. Last Big Game of the 8eason. In tho gamo against Denver next Saturday, Colo IntendB to use his for ward pass and onsldo kick. This will bo the only chance for Nebraska peo ple to see tho Cornhuskers playing the new Btylo of football. One hundred and twenty thousand dollars has been subscribed for tho Harper memorial library fund at tho University of Chicago. It Is planned to raise about eighty thousand more, and Mr. Rockefeller has agreed to troblo the amount subscribed. New stylo football. "King" Colo In tends to use the forward pass and on side kick against Denver next Sat urday. Tickets now on sale. Gener al admission 75 cents. Reserved seats $1.00.' Miss Zola Dellecker,.a former do mestic science student, was awarded a fifty dollar, prize for tho best loaf of breadvexhlbltcd In tho pure food exhibition j'ScTnrtlyheld In Omaha. i Jean Fleming of Omaha Is visiting her sorority slsjters at the Delta Gam ma house. 8AT. MAT,, AND EVE., NOV.18. Sousa Ahd His Band LYRIC THEATRE MATINBB 3 P. M. EVE. 7t4Btc 9t0 PRICES TBN AND TWENTY CENTS DELPENINO AND DELMORA 1 t ILLU8TRATED80NG 80NG i ART FISHER The Opvyboy WrrtH ' -, STEWART- AND 'COMPANY- - . GILROY, HAYNE8 AND MONT- GOMERY "Good ,8hlp - Nancy Lee." v BIJOU ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE Mat, at 3 p.m.' Evening 7:45 and f. NEW MANAGEMENT NEW POLICY j. POPULAR PRICES. ' ' ialcony10 cents, 800 scats resertaj 20 , cenU, boxc" 25 cents. Nothing higher, - Three performances dally. WONDERLAND THE PIKER'S DREAM AMONG THE, REPTILES T.HERED, MAN'S WAY, PICTURESQUE BRITANY THE AVENGER ROMANIA 8QN.G Matlntis, 2, 3 and 4 fn m. EvHlHf s, 7V 8, 9 ni 10m. ADMISSION -10 GENTS Elite Theatre 8TREETS IN" CANTON CAUGHT. WITH THE ,GOOD, NAPLES AND VESUVIUS SOUTHERN DREAM A GUINEA ENTERTAINER a hobo Hero . I l'1 WHO OWNS-JHai PEAR?- A DREAM IN SEVILLE .'ii 4l -ri ,1