THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V1' :F You can fill it T sW mt6jmsJr Coriklln's Solf-Fllllng Pen Is tho bent fountain pen for both student and profcsHor on account of tho Croscont-Flllor. To fill Conklin's SELF FILLING Pen Fountain Hiniply dip It In any ink mid press tho Crcscent'-Plller that's all. No dropper no inkyJlngerBuo ruffled , tompor. Guaranteed to bo a porfect vrltor. jAsnainx donlorn hnndlo tho Conklln. If yourndboH not, order directs Kofuno nub tltutos. Hond (or hnndAomo now catalog. THE CONKLIN PEN CO. 310 Hiahtllia BnlldliJ, TOLEDO, OHIO SAM'S CAFE S,F. Western eld Proprietor Spoclal Service to PARTIES Boll Phono . 355 Auto . . 3355 A Specialty In Oysters in Season 117.1921 Norlh 13th St. JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVING PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED 80NG6 -1330 O.STREET- HUYLERS Chocolates and Bon Bons. Th Druj Cutter. 0 HAVE THE EVANS - Do Your Washing Lincoln Dancing flcatUmy SecUl Nights, WW. and Saturday, 8:30 Beginners Night, Monday, 'Uilnrsltj Tni Solicited. II26 K St. CENTRAL NATIONAL BAJK TWELFTH AND 0 STS. P. I. HALL, President. V. B. JOHNSON, Vice, Pre. DKEHAN O, POX, Caaltler. W. W. HACKNEY Jr.f Afcat. Oar. 1 SEE HEREFORD & H Tho hall went wide and fell over tho Nebraska goal line. Cooke started after it but bofore ho could fall on It, Milton, tho Kansas center had pushed him away and fallen on the ball, scoring tho Jayhawkcffs only touchdown. Ste phenson klcgP goal. This touchdown enmo after twenty-five minutes of play. No moro scoring was done. When tho gamo was called tho ball was on the Kansas Up yard lino in possession of Nebraska." Score-Nebraska, 1G; Kan sas, G. Line-up: Kansas Houbc L. Caldwell.... L, Reed L. Carlson, Nebraska E i Johnson T Matters 0 Ewlng Milton , C Collins Bond, Frum, Wood Ttr-L Harto Crowell RT Chnloupkn White, White R. B Harvey Coulter, Angney Q. Forter L. Porter R. Rice, Rice F. Craig F. B Cooke H Weller H Minor Kroger B ..Craig B StovonBon Touchdwhs Harvey, Mincf, Mil ton. Goals from touchdown Wollor, 2; Stovenaon. Place kick Weller. Officials for tho game: Hoaglnnd (Chicago) Referee. Hamlll (ox-ChlcagojUmpIre. Outland (Topeka) Field Judge. Cornell (Lincoln)1? Head linesman. Time of halvos BO minutes. Senior Play. The Senior Play committee will meet in N. 10G at 5 o'clock Wednes day afternoon. Notes of the Game. Kansos was forced to use sevoral substitutes. , Time was taken out by Nebrn.Bka only once during the game. The Kansas spectators thought the Cornhuskers'ad n great team. Under the' old football rules the ecori would have been 40 or 50 to 0. It Is a bad 'thing for the Jay hawkers that the elcglblllty committee did not get him. Nebnuka used the forward paps eight tlinos, six trials resulting Jin good gains. Director Delaney of the Kansas City Athletic Club witnessed tho game and be his money on Nebraska. The Kansas forward pass was a failure. The Jayhawkers lost ground every tlmo thoy tried to use It. Angeny, the regular quarter of the Kansas eloven played tho last ton minutes, but failed to make a -good I showing. Coach Pery of Kansas said Nebras ka had a wonderful toam and declared tho lino was tho strongest he had seen this season. t Nebraska nnd Kansas have met on the, gridiron fourteen times since 1890. Nebraska has won eight of the games and Kansus six of them. Nebraska scored 12 points in the first half and four polntB In tho sec ond half. Tho Jayhawkers made their six points in tho second half. "Tub" Rood, tho baby elephant who held down tho left guard position for Kansas was played off his feet In tho first half by Frum and In the second by Harte. Howe, a St. 'Louis coach witnessed the game. He was getting a line on the play of both tho elevens. St. ouls nlnys Kansas Saturday and Nebraska Thanksgiving. Monllaw, tho coach of tho Univer sity of Missouri oleven watched tho gamo and gathered points-tin the Kan sas stylo. His team plays tho Jay hawkers Thanksgiving at St. Joseph. Kansas City football fans want tho Nebraska-Kansas gamo to bo played in their city next year. Tho Kaw town lq, a hummer and would turn out a big crowd to seo tho Cornhuskers and Jay hawkors play. Coach Colo was well pleased with tho victory. 'He said tho Kansans were outclassed and that tho score of 16 to 6 did not Indicate tho relative strength of tho elevens. Ho believed a score of 30 to 0 would bo more rep resentative of their strength. Tho game demonstrated tho super- (Contlnuod on pago 2.) & PETTY S COLLEGE OXFORDS - 1 ar Tho crnsn H mF of the clasp Br mm la cosy. It's S mmmm' Mm a! J ! a 1 n jh Jim wiu 1111y uusu- lutcly flat clasp carter h tho Brighton. Milli ons of men know this buy them nntl wenr them. Thcfcar la there, nnd they cost only a Quarter a. pair. Remember it. FIOflEER SUSPENDER CO' 718 Mmut St., PuiUHtrm Delicious Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee &- "y "& 1307 Suits and O'coats No More No Less llnlnn Mnrtrt World's Greatest Tailors J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cutter -LINCOLN BRANCH 145 So. Thirteenth Street BACKSTROi COMPANY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N St., Llnooln, Nab. L, J, HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MaKS' TAILOR The finest work done and prices right. 011 at our new store. 1230 O St. Llnooln We're now located in the most bcaqtiful store in the West CANDY ICE CREAM SODA .WATER Lincoln Candy Kltchtn ia m o street Brlghtons oro mado of pure silk web. Tho patterns are .! new. orolnsfvn vnri. cty enough - to tatlsfy ' Avnrvhfulir- ATI Yimfnl navla ,. ..,. .. ......... 1'l.lM. , arc vi iicavy mcKci-piaicu uruss. If your dealer can't Bupply you, ; pair will bo ecn upon receipt pf price.. gk 1 f 1 t i i t . want w PIBNEER SOSPOIBCRS Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon hour lunches a specialty. p y - V O Street fV" PETTICOATS Made te Your Exact Measurement S1.G0 to S0.G0 la Satoons, Heathorbloom and Llnon Moroon. 0.G0 to $10.00 in a Yttry good quality of Silk. Wo guarantco n porfoet fli and workman ship. Orders flillod in ono-half to two dajrst notice. QUALITY and QUANTITY 18 OUB MOTTO Lincoln Skirt-Company ETHEL E. ADEItoON, Prop, 1235 N STREET Made to Order, SI5 ffJC, MME. F. F. ROSS Sclmtlfio Chiropodist Manicurist HAIR IIESSIM AM MAISAK PA1LUS 1839 0 ft, LINCOLN, NEB. Afitt br HHtafN, Wet., TtfiMb SNk Hetbrf T P JU3T RECEIVED THOSE CELEBRATED Plow's Chocolates uu,Ubuno."onett " Hot Chocolate) Soda are) specially fine. Hlrschin j-iorst. Co. 131 Suth llth Strut 143 So. m r 'mmmr.o aM 2eBB' g Got ydur shoos shlnad by j" 0 'Amorloan boys at j" COLE & McKENNA'S PALM GARDEN . tl32 O - 1132 Q jjj 13th St. 1 j iJ ts m r" f ' s.n i.; iili.-i)lilil ii ,mtnHnmmmmtmmtMnutmljmammi0ititnmle' Vvm nTOTtMiriTiT nm " rmmiriniixM'!1; KasffSHEBBSd iw JfftTjTS - ) txuariamiSxa, Ybjf&te.tiJfo&te, J