The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 12, 1907, Image 1

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    3Hbe.3aih IFlebrasftan
Price 5. Cents.
Football Number Out Nov. 26 -Order Copies Now
Jayhawkers Outclassed In Every De
partment" of the Game thfc For
ward Pass Used By Nebraska
' Completely outplaying their oppon
ents in both modern and ancient foot
ball, the Co'rnhuskers oasily defeated
' Kansas at Lawrence Saturday and be
came the undisputed champions of the
, Missouri Valley. Tho Jayhawkers
were complotoly outclassed In every
; department ot tho game and never
i during the entire contest had a single
chance for victory. Tho score was
t 16 to 6, but one of 30 or 40 to 0 would
Lhavo been more representative of the
relative strength of tho two elevens.
Nebraska, for the first time thjs sea
son, played tho modernized football
with good results. Tho forward pass
. - was attempted by tho Cornhuskors
eight times and In six of these trials
was used successfully resulting! Ii
gains of twenty or thirty yards each
time. 'The otisldo kick was worked
several times and gave Nebraska tho
opportunity to make her first, touch
down. The Nebraska forward pass was of
the samo s'tylo as that usod by Colora
do when tho Bbuld'orltes were hero.
Tho pass was workod'on a punt forma
', tfon, Weller fell hack several yards as.
for a punt and a bunch of tho Corn
huskers went well down tho field to re-
'' celvo tho ball, the long pass giving
them plenty of time to got grouped
for It. In the first half the pass work
ed havoc among tho Jayhawkers, who
seemed bewildered by tho fast work of
their opponents.
Kansas had a forward pass, but it
was a miserable failure antl was not
once used with success during the
game. It was tried twice, once strlk-
ingtheground and the other time land
ing In the arms of Minor. Twice more
the Jayhawke'r quarter went back to
give the passjaut was tackled by the
alert Cofnhuskers .before ho could get
,it out of his hands.
The Nebraska lino was a stone wall
and not once did tho Jayhawkers
make their downs through it. Their
only gainB wero made on end runs.
During tho entire game they made
" " their -'downs onlynino times, elght'of
these coming. In the second 'half. The
' ' Jayhawkers broke up Nebraska's plays
only twice by getting through the line.
' Tho impregnable line of the Corn
' buskers enabled Nebraska to use now
' .. formations,-on both tho. offensive and
" defensive that baffled the Jayhawkers.
. . Kansas was foiled by tho now forma
tions and- part of tho time the Jay-
nawkor quarter was at a total loss as
to what plays to try. Often when their
, i opponents had tho ball the entire back
field aad ends of tho Cornhuskor team
would scatter out several yard in an
By Defeating Ames and Kansas Ne
braska 8ecures Championship '
8t. Louis Is Not In the Race.
',.' -"
'8ub Half.
Right Guard.
'open formatjon, leaving only the hoavy
lino with the Jayhawkors. At thoso
times the line always held and It was
an Impossibility for Kansas to gain.
To use the forward pass or tryan end
run was folly, for a Cornhuskor al
ways nipped every play.
Captain Weller had an off day on
kicking field goals. He tried eight of
thorn and made one. In the first
half on five trialB at goal three kicks
from placement and two drop kicks
ho failed to make one goal. Hlspunt
lng was not up to tho standard. His
other work in tho game, however, was
fine. and what he failed to do in tho
kicking line he made up for In end
runs and forward passes. Porter played
a brilliant game for Kansas and got
off several long punts.
For . Nebraska, Captain Weller
Cooko," Kroger, Collin's, Harto, Frum
and Crlag played a star gamo. Cooke
ran tho team well and worried the on'
tiro Jayhawkor eleven when he re
turned punts and when ho circled their
ends. Harte and Frum werer pitted
against Reed, and so completely out
played him that 4the big 240-poundor
seemed to "be only a push ball that a
slight touch of the hand would move.
Collins opened up big holes In the cen
ter at any time they wero neoded.
Craig went in for .Kroger during the
last' five minutes of play and started
to "buck his way from tho center of the
flold for a touchdown but was prevent
ed by the call of tlmo. In five trials
he made 40 yards through tho Kansas
center and left tackle, Collins and
Hnrte opening big holes fdY him. Har
vey and Chaloupka played their usual
good gamo.
Porter did somo good work for Kan
sas In returning punts, Coulter, the
Kansas quarter, was a poor general
and his work wos.ragge'd. "Tub" Reed,
left guard, who had been touted as a
Kansas star failed to show up to any
advantago against his opponents Harte
and Frum.
Over $500In bets was posted at the
Eldrlgo Hotel In Lawrence beforo the
game. Nebraska was tho favorite In
all hut one case, A majority of the
bets wero at oven money that No
braskhswould win .by 10 points. Tho
odds worov2to 1 on Nebraska, but
roso to 3 to lith plenty of'Nebras
ka money on tho marfccU ,
x Tho largesfcrowd -thatoverXltness-ed
a gamo at 'Lawrence was present,
tho atond.acd boTngf.ostimated .at
4,000.' About thirty Nebraska rooters
wero there. Kansas, -City and surround
ing towns sentt many hundred spec
tators. Tho gates wero opened at 1 o'clock
and beforo 2 tho enliro bleacher sec
tion was- filled with the Jayhawkor
supporters. When the gam began
(Continued on Pago- 3.)
Important Teams In the -Missouri
Nobraskn. ' .
Amos, i
Washburn. -. '
' Manhattan. .
Tho Cornhuskers are tho 1907 Mis
souri Valley champions. By defeat
ing Kansus thoy wiped out tho last ob
stacle in the way of attaining- that
Tho Important teams in tho Mis
souri Valley race aro Nobruska, Kan
sas, Ames, Iowa, 'Missouri, Colorado,
Wnshburn and Manhattan. St Louis
University is not includod in this list
for two reasons. First, becauso of
Its location, which Is in tho .Missis
sippi and not In tho Missouri valloy.
St. Louis la situated at the
junction of the Mississippi and Mis
souri rlvors and Is nlways con
sidered by geographers- as -being
in. the Mississippi valloy; Second, St.
Louis Univorslty has practically no
eligibility rules und plays any stars
thnt can be induced to go to tho Mound
City schooj. Acker tho ritar half back
on tho present elovon has played col
lego football for six or sovon years
and Is recognized as a professional.
The other players are stars gathorod
from othdr schools whero thoy havo
played their four years of college foot
ball. On this point Joromo O. Boat-'
ley of 'Kansas City writing in Spald
ing's Official Football Guide, has tho
following to say: I
"St, Louis University plays" under .
much less strlngont rules than do the
other colleges and had 'on the, squad
a numbtir "of men who had. been foot
ball stars ''on-other college teams in
the season of 1005."
The teams' that loomed' up most for
midably, for. champidnshlp honors 'at
the beginning of the present season
wero Nebraska, Ames, Colorado, .and
"Kansas. Colorado's strong-' showing
against Denver and tho Colorado Ag
gies gave her a look-In In iho''dope"
unll she ran up against the Cornhus
kers and-was put out of -the' race.
Kansas looked strong for a' while but
her defeat at the hands of' Washburn
dashed all hopes of a JayhaWkef cham:
plonshlp, .Nebraska. and 'Amw wero
'doped" as having equal chances for
securing the coveted titlo.' -Tho re
spective showings of tho two elevens
against Minnesota early marked' them
ns'Jhe leading teams of tho -Valley.
(Continued on page4 3;)