0 ZHbelDafh) IRebraekan Vol. VII. No. 35. UNIVERSITY OF NE 'RASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1907. Price 5 Cents. Off TO KANSAS . TWO of THE KANSAS COACHES. DEBATING PLANS TRYOUT8 WILL BE HELD TODAY OR TOMORROW. ! put r- CORNHU8KERS WILL SPEND TO DAY AT KAN8A8 CITY. Final, Practice Held on Gridiron Yes jterday Afternoon All Varsity Men Were o6t Other Notes. r, The varsity held Its final practlco on tho gridiron yesterday afternoon be fore leaving for Kansas. No scrim mago was engaged In, the practlco . consisting chiefly of punting, catch ing punts and running through signals. All the varsity men were out Includ ing Johnson and Frum who were hurt in the Ames gamo. Frum's shoulder Is 1 Improving and ho expocts to enter tho gamo Saturday. It was "King" Colo's Intention to ,, make the work yestorday as light as passible In order to avoid any further injuries to his men before the Kan sas game. The Cornhuskors expect to take their final practice this af tprnoon In Kansas City, the team leaving for Lawrence tomorrow morning. Tho following players loft last nlght at ton o'clock over the Missouri Pa cific, accompanied by Coach Cplo, .As sistant Coach Peck, Manager Eager, ' Captain Worklzor and a representa tive of tho Dally Nebrasktin: Collins, Cooke, Burnett, Patton, Perrln, Bent ley, Chaloupka, Ewlng, Matters, Harto, Craig, Minor, Kroger, Wellor, Frum, "Miller, Beltzer, JohnBon, Beokloy, Har voy. A special from Lawrence to tho Kan sas City Star says: Vlf Kansas wore to play tho same ' game against Nebraska, Saturday sho did against "Washburn,- and if Nebras ka put, up tho same grado of football sho had to to win from Ames, Kansas would ",bo"beaton by. thirty or forty points.". Such was tho comment made by Assistant Coach Parry tonight on hifl return from Lincoln, where ho wit nessed tho Nebraska-Ames battle Sat urday. "I don't want to bo .quoted as say ing Nebraska will havo a walkaway in the game Saturday," continued the for mer Chicago star. "They won't. Kan Bag will play an entirely different gamo from that which, gave Washburn the victory Saturday. I won't mako any predictions as to the Bcore. All I say Is, that it is going to take tho hardest kind of work for Kansas to got Into shape to win andx wo are going to put in that work right away." "Nebraska has a mighty fine team, a Bplendld team." Was Arthur St 'Leger Mosse'a comment In comparing tho strength of the. two teams after watching the Cornhuskers' work against Ames, Saturday. "It looked even better to me than last year's squad. However, they can be .beaten and Kansas will Buroly do her best to turn the trick. I have not Been Ken nedy's men work yet this year, so I could not give an accurate estimate of the comparative strength of the two team's, but I should say that Kansas has a fighting chance for victory." , (Continued. on Page, 3.) BBBBBBBBBBBBBBMBBBfeBB'' jjBBBBBBBBBBh LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbhB"bbbbbbbbI bbLbbbbbbbbHbbbbLH bbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbVbbbbbbbbV KENNEDY r 1J Mr. Kennedy Jb tho head coach of tho.Jayhawkerj and has been at Kan sas four years. Mr. Mosse witnessed tho Nqbraaka Mlnnosota game last year and tho Nebraska-Ames struggle last Saturday. PHI DELTA PHI INITIATE8. Eleven Embryo Lawyers Taken Into Fraternity. Wednesday ovonlng, November oC, curred the Initiation of eleven law students Into tho law fraternity, Phi Delta Phi.' Aftor tho Initiation tho fraternity gave a banquet for tho now memhers. Toasts wore given by Toastmaster Knapp, Dean Costlgan, Professor Ayers and Assistant Coach Peck. Tho members represent some of tho host legal talent In tho school and tho fraternity stands for good scholarship and fellowship. Tho initi ates wore: Frank 3. Bullta, It. A.j Van Orsdol, Calllo H. Taylor, John A. Forgorson, H, S. Stephens, Y. G. Hum phrey, (B. B. Steovnson, M. A. Mills, Jr., 3. L. Waldron, Ed. Johnston, and Dan McCutchon. Pies like mother tried to mako. Baked fresh twice a day by an expert woman pie baker, at The Boston Lunch. Earl Gaddls, Kappa Sigma, 1908, was a campus visitor yBstorday. THE NEBRASKA-KANS. GAME REPORTS "will be given In full at the UNCOLN-HARLAN GAME Uni. Campus, Saturday, Nov 9, 3 p.m. Admission 25 CnU t M033E From pointers secured at the Minne sota contest he Is said to have solved the problom of tho Cornhuskor plays and ona'bled Kansas to defeat Nebras ka last season Ho Is assisting Coach Kennedy to get tho Jayhawkers In shape for Nebraska this week. INTERCLA88 FOOTBALL. Rules and 8chedule for Championship Games. , Tho IntorclaBS Athletic Board mot Monday night and decided to bar the Freshmen from all interclass athletic affairs. Practically all tho members of tho upper classes voted In favor of this measure. It was decided by lots to have the following rules: The team gaining the greatest num ber of points In the two games which It plays Is to be considered the cham pion. Any team that wins both of its games will therofore bo sure of the championship, but 4f every team should win but onoTgamo, the one hav ing the greatest number of points left after all scores made against it are subtracted, will win the champion ship ' The schedule Is as follows:' Friday, November 15 Seniors vs. Juniors. Friday, -November 22 'Sophomores vs. Juniors. ., Tuesday, November 26 Sophomores vs. Seniors. 0CH Nebraska Is to Debate Minnesota and Iowa Judges Will Be Chosen i Boon Prof. -Howard Speaks. Five weeks from tonight, on Decem ber 13, Nebraska will hold hor annual Intercollegiate dobatos on tho question of fodoral or stato control of Inter state commerce. This year tho con- , tests will bo with tho Univorsity of ' Iowa in Lincoln and with tho Univor sity of Minnesota In Minneapolis. Tho Univorsity of Iowa was dofoatod hy Nebraska In 1904, but tho Univer sity of Minnesota has novor beforo dobatod with this Institution. Tryouts for tho team at Nebraska will bo hold Friday or Saturday even ing. It is very probable that sovoral tryouts will bo hold beforo tho speak ers are finally chosen. Minnesota picked hor team against Nebraska las May. Instead of using tho squad sys tem of working up a question and thus lotting a number of students par ticipate In tho value derived from such study of a question, Minnesota first picks tho. team, and then lets them work up tho subject. Tho Uni versity of Iowa choso hor team In tho mlddlo of October. The Judgos for tho Nobraska-Jowa debate will be chosen from Minnesota and Missouri from a list containing the names of judgos of tho supremo and district courts and promlnont law yers. The Judges for tho Minnesota- -Nebraska debate will bo chosen, from.' Wisconsin from a list of faculty mom-i bers and judges and prominent men.' Nebraska Is to furnish judges for tho Iowa-Illlnols debate. Tomorrow Minnesota and Nebraska, and Iowa and Nebraska will exchange, from a total list of 'twenty-four, tho names of tho judges which they most desire, together with 'the names of those which they refuse to accept. No body who Is not acceptable to 'both" sides will be permitted to act as. a. Judge in any of the debates. Yesterday afternoon Prof. George B. Howard of 'Nebraska spoke to the squad on the question which is to be debated. Before comhig to this Uni versity, Professor Howard, with Dr. , Ross, was closely cpnnected wlthilo-. bating at Leland Stanford University. , CORNHU8KER STAFF. 8enlor Members Held Meeting Yes terday Morning. The Senior section of the Corn husker had Its first meeting yesterday at 11 o'clock. The Junior section met on Monday at 2 o'cldck. The immedi ate duty of the staff is securing the Individual write-ups. Within the next few days the Juniors and Sonlors will be s'ubjectd to a questioning process to -which it is hoped all will respond freely. , The members of the staff are taking up their work enthusiastically and with the determination to make the 1A08 "Cornhusker" a record-breaker In the history of (Nebraska annals. r