The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 06, 1907, Image 1

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A-e J& p
ftb2atl$ Ift'ebtaehan
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Will offer no reduced rate
" to lawrence.
Sfc Two Ends of the Kansas Eleven
1 v.
. .
Xt 'JCbrnhUiker Team ' Will Leave
Lincoln Tomorrow' Night at 10
t. O'clock Via Missouri Pacific.
Tlo railroads running from Lincoln
to Lawrence have refused to mako
any ratd for an excursion to the Iat
or city Saturday and rooters who go
from here to witness the Nebraska
Kansas game will have to pay the
regular two-cont-n-milo faro. Much
Ihfluonco'hns been UBed with the rail
roads to got them to reduco the fare,
but they havo firmly refused to give
anything bettor than the two-cent
fate. The stand of the railroads has
been a great disappointment to many
students who had planned on making
Jho trip if .a reduced faro wero se
cured. Several of the students will
go to Lawronce, however, and Ne
braska will have a fairly large con
tingent of "rooters there Saturday.
. Thofaro for the round trip to Law
rence over the Missouri Pacific by
the way of Kansas City is $10.80. The
ratd to Kansas City is $4.60 and from
there to Lawrence 80 cents, making
the 'round trip ticket $10.80. Rooters
may leave Lncolri Friday night and
reach. Lawrence in plenty of time for
the guiuo.
Tho Nebraska team will depart
from Lincoln for Lawrence tomorrow
night af 10 o'clock going via tho Mis
souri Paciflcf They wll reach Kansas
City early Friday morning and will
spond tho day and night there, run
ning' down to Lawrence Saturday
morning. They will leave tho Jay
hawker town soon" after the game
and will reach Lincoln before noon
Sunday. While In, Kansas City the
team wll stay at the Savoy hotel, one
of the leading hosteleries of the Kaw
Practice was hold on tho gridiron
yesterday afternoon in preparation
for the Kansas game. All of the regu
lars were out excepting Johnson,
whoso ankle is still troubling him.
Beltzer took his place at ehd. Craig
is still subbing it fciJf nid may play
part of the 'Kansas game.- Captain
Wellerhas sufficiently recovered from
his injuries received in the Ames
game and showed up in good form
last -night.
With tho- exception of Johnson and
Frum, all of the men are in good con
dition. Practice has been light this
week, owing to the desire of Coach
Cole to prevent possible injuries to
his men. There probably will bo a
slight scrimmage today and tomorrow
afternoon. Another practice will be
held nt Kansas City Friday afternoon.
Mr. G. A. Pearson, forest assistant
of the Vnited States Forest service
Iras been visiting the department of
forestry and botany since laBt Satur
day. Ho took his A. M., degree at the
University last spring. Slnce.-then he
bus been engaged In field work, in Ore
gonantriaji'ow on his way to Wash
ington for the' winter,
1 -.BBBBsVlBk.
Left End
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bbbbVbI WJ
Right End
Rhodes Scholarship Examinations
January 21 and 22.
Dr. Georgo R. Parkin of the Rhodes
Scholarship Trust of England has just
announced that the dates for the next
examinations have been set for Janu
ary 21 and 22, 1008, and that the ex
amlnations will be conducted after the
manner of last year.
A request has been made by the
scholarship committee of the General
Federation of Woman'B . clubs of
America for the use of the Rhodes
scholarship examination in determine J
lng the qualifications of candidates for
scholarships to English universities
which the federation will reward to
American Women during 1908. The
trustees have granted permission for
such candidates to. take the examina
tions, subject to the consent of the
committee chairman of the several
The intercollegiate cross country
association, comprising Pennsylvania,
Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Yale,
Princeton, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, nnd Syracuse, will hold
lit annual run this year November 27.
Tho best coffee I ever drank that
served In Tho Boston Lunch. Try' it.
Will Talk on "The Far Eastern Situa
tion." Dr. E. R. Fulkcrson of Jupan will
address University students under the
auspices of the University Young
Men's" Christian Association In U.
106 this evening. The subject will
ho, "The Far Eastern Situation."
This subject is of especial interest to
lis as Americans In view of the re
cent developments in the political
world, and Dr" Fulkerson is very well
prepnred to discuss this subject. He
has lived In- Japan for a fifth of a
'century and was president of a Jap
anese' college for a number of years.
Recently a Japanese educator has
been installed as president to succeed
Dr. Fulkerson, while he now serves
as Dean and is a professor in the de
partment of 'Political Economy and
Sociology. Every year ho is allowed
two months to travel for the purpose
of studying social and ccinomic con
ditions In other countries. Politically
ho served as United States vice-consul
to Japan and was also a. member
of the commission that seat tho Philip
pine students here to be educated.
. Tf
Tho Y. M, C. A.f has arranged fpr a
talk to be given by Dr. S. R. Fulkerson
of Japan this evening between G:50
nnd 8; 00 o'clock In U. 106.
will be given in full
at, the
. .- '' ! ! I I J ( .
Uni. Campus, Saturday, Nov. 9, 3 p. m.
Admission 25 Cents .
Held to Be a Most Serious Question
by Professor Charles R. Erd-
man of Princeton College.
Tho current issuo of Tho Inter
collegian contnlns nn article on "Tho
'Colloglan and the Church," by Pro
fessor Charles R. Erdman of Prince
ton, in which that gentleman givos a
serious discussion of the rolatlons of
the students to tho local churches of
the collego towns. Tho artlclo has
called forth consldorablo comment
and for that reason is roprintod horo.
It follows In part:
One if tho most serious questions
to bo faced nnd solved by undergrad
uates Is that of thoir personal rela
tion to tho local churches In tho cltios
or towns where they nro spending
their student days. It is a problem
of supreme importance to tho student,"
because by Its right solution his rollg
iou8 experience and future career are
of ton determined; the relation to tho
church which one recognizes as an
undergraduate Is tho relation which
ho usually maintains throughout life.
It is a matter of deep concern to tho
local churches, because if tho con
tributions to thoir life which students
may make. It Is of vital Interpst to
the church nt largo, because, of tho '
leadership and support which the
church expects from collego gradu
ates. Thoro is today, both within and
boyond the college worl'd, ran
evident tendency td underestimate"
tho character and functions of
the Christian church. There is
a temptation to forgot its claims,
its means qf grace its spiritual
oversight, its divine establishment and
mission, and to accopt other religious
organizations and institutions, as sup
plying ull possible needs for Christian;
life and service. Chapel exercises, the
activities of tho Christian Association,"
and student meetings, are all admir
able In their place and purpose, but
their very excollenco often makes tho
undergraduate oblivious of tho exis-
tence and clalmB of tho church. It
should be said of the Young Men's
Christian Association, and tho same is
true of other similar organizations,
that those who are most eager for Its
advancement and have -been most
prominent In Its promqtlon have novor
regarded It as a substitute for the
church but as an instrument of tho
church to be employed by it iri increas
ing its efficiency, in adding to Its en-,
rolled membership, especially in bring
ing young men into its lifo and activi
ties. There Is, however, even where
tho Association is most widely con
ducted, a very evident danger thqt all
church relationships may be neglected,
not only by those students who kro
characterized by 'religious indifference,
but oven by those who arq actlvo In
Christian work. Each Btudent should;
seriously ask himself this question,
x (Continued on Pago 3.)