The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 01, 1907, Image 1

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    XEbe SDaf to Iftebraefeaii
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VoLVIL No. 30.
Pi ice 5 Gents.
r iH Hi 'L H eW
-. .- .
Crldlron Muddy and 8quad Holds
i,. Praotlce at State Farm Ames
f, Aggies' Feeling Confident.
With one of tho hardest games of
the season at hand the Cornhuskors
are in worse condition for a contest
than they havo been at any other time
tjiis year. Two or three players are
on the hospital list and will be in
poor shape for Saturday's game and
the Cornhuskera will bo in a weakened-
condition 'when they meet the
Iowa Aggies on this account. Besides
hard luck from injuries to men, tho
team has also suffered 'in being handi
capped by the rain in practice.
Practice'wns held at tho State Farm
Wednesday. The field was soft, but
Jar better than that of tho gridiron.
The scrimmaging was a disappoint
ment to "King"Cole, tho varsity giv
ing a lifeless exhibition of football,
much the same as that of the first
half of the Colorado game. Follow
ing the 'scrimmage, signal practice was
engaged in, which moved swiftly and
without errors, fcreatly encouraging
the coaches.
( Craig's return to the squad has
greatly improved tho prospects- for
Saturday's game and his defensive
game' in the Ames contest of last
year haB not been forgotten by Corn
liusker supporters.
Harry Minor Is still on the hospital
list, but by keeping out of scrimmago
practice' this week ho is hoping that
tho improved condition of his badly
wrenched knee .will warrant his par
ticipation in the Ames gamo Satur
day. Yesterday tho team went to the
State Farm.
The football situation In the Ames
camp is described in the following
dispatch from Ames:
The practice thlB week Is behind
the canvas, aB "King" Cole hap Wil
liams worried. Sioux Jones' Reserves
will use the Nebraska stylo of play
and the lyarsity will be drilled to
- meet it.5 '
All that knowledge and skill con
devise will be used to find a means
jf breaking up the Nebraska- forma-
The line men Especially will be
given sope strenuous work, in the
first part of the Cornell gamo they
were out played both on offense and
defense. and must be braced up bo
fore the game next Saturday.. Dren.
nan, a guard on last year's champion
ship eleven, will be out this week to
assist; Williams with the line men.
, There is a feeling of doubt among
the students as to tho outcome pt the
game at Lincoln. Most of them ex
pected at least twenty-five points to
bo run up against Cornell and the
small 'score -has given them a scare.
Nebraska seems to be doing 'some
rail thinking, too. A letter wa's re
ceived by the editor of the I. S. C.
Student from the editor of the Dally
(Continued on page 4.)
1 (oncert
Opinion In Ipwa That Aggies Are Not
Tho following diBpatch to tho Chi
cago Record-Herald from Ames gives
a lino on tho "dope" at that school.
"King" Colo, coach of tho Nebraska
University-football team, lias declarorf
that unless tho Cornhuskors shoWf
marked improvement during tho com
ing week Ames will win next Satur
day by a substantial scoro. Ho states
.that he watched tho Ames-MInnosota
game several weeks ago and he was
greatly Impressed with tho way in
which tho team worked at that time,
and he believes that Juat now Ames
Is one of the strongest teams In tho
West. But throughout tho Btato of
Iowa a contrary opinion provails.
Both teams aro believed to bo min
imizing their strength In an attompt
to deceive tho opposing squad. But
U Is known that both Coaches Colo
and Williams are making desporato
efforts to perfect thoir formations.
And it Ib alBo predicted that tho com
ing strugglo between the two teams
will bo one of the .most sensational
In western football this season.
Tho secret work on tho Aggies' field
continues. A great deal of attention
In being given to Thayer's kicking and
Williams believes that both teams will
be forced to pjay a punting gamo.
Followers of tho gamo believe that
Williams has mado a real find in
Stouffer, tho big loft end who is prov
ing himself to bo a strong. running
mate for McElhennoy on the other
side of tho lino. Two brothers, Cy
and Guy Lambert, aro playing tho half
back positions, and both aro making
Tho quarterback position romaina
unsettled as yet. Both Hubbard and
ex-Captain Jeanson aro candidates, but
Williams is having a hard time to -decide
which of them will play the bet
ter game for Amos. Ab a result ho
lms been playing them alternately, and
(Continued on Page 3.)
Antes vs. Nebraska
General Admission, $1.00
Abott Operatic Comp,
Tickets, 50c to $1.50.
4 ' f
New Members of the Dramatio Club
Of forty-fivo Btudonts who "tried
out" for tho University Dramatic Club
Tuesday and Wodnosday ovonlngs
,twonty-flvo were successful In gaining
membership in that organization. Tho
namos of tho now members follow;
Helen Day, Laura FiBhor, Marguorit
Guthrlo, Esthor Balloy, Walter E.
HouBOWorth, Mabol M. Snyder, Vlletto
Gould, Allco Frum, Jennie Whitmoro,
J A .Buimatoad, Richard Russell, Har
old Coulter, S. A. Eraklno, 0. G. Rio
dell, R. A. Van Orsdoll, H. C. Robort
son, Erlma Faulklngburgh, Francis
Gould, Wilborta Knight, Efflo Schlnn,
Howard Rushton, Glaldoth Denny,
Eugono Phelps and Helen Barston.
Tho club was entertained at the
homo of MIbb Jessie Doyle, 1806 D
Btreet, last night.
Girls' Class Teams Will Begin Work
Next Week'.
Basket ball practice for girls will
start next week and all girls, who aro
interested or experienced in playing
tho gamo aro urged to roport for thoir
class team practice Registration for
tho class fives- will bo held at the
gymnasium office Monday and Tues
day. The lntor-class basket .ball tourna
ment will take place before Christ
mas and is expected to bo a lively
one. Players will soon be chosen from
the class" teams to form a 'varsity
squad, from which a quintet will be
picked, later on in the season.
Adjournment. -On
account of the Bessie Abott con
cert the Palladian Literary Society
will not give their annual program
this evening, A business meeting,
however, will be hold immediately
after the recital.
Tho beat coffee I ever drank that
Borved in The Boston Lunch. Try it
Reserve!, $1.00 art $1.25
"King" TJSle Urges Students to Have
Spirit That Crowe Stronger With
DefeatSpeaks of Anies Game.
Tho third football rally of tho yoar
was hold in Memorial Hall yestorday
morning. Dr. Boulton, with -tho aid
of "thormo-pnoumatics," prosldod
over tho meeting, and taught the root
ors how to act when thoir support is
noedod on tho athlotio flold.
Dr. Condra was tho principal 'spoak
or and mado one of tho finest talks
that has boon hoard at a football rally
In years. His talk voiced tho kind of
Nebraska spirit which would raiBe
Nebraska to a hlghor level aB a col
lego and make hor spirit famous
throughout tho country, if it wore to
become gonoral.
Ho. doclared that ho did not think
wo appreciated our colors, tho scarlet
and tho cream. Do our graduatoa
really understand the things for which
our colors stand? Wo havo a most
fortunate combination of colors, ono
of tho most significant in tho West,
especially for a co-educational school;
Tho scarlet stands for tho strength Of
manhood. Mon should roprosont
sturdlnoss. Wo Bhould move and act
as men. Our collogo being established
on tho plains of tho West', wo Bhould
develop a. college spirit, and a sturdy
energetic manhood that will mako our
Bchool famous. Those things iro pos
slblo for the University of Nebraska
Tho cream Btands for purity anL;
fair play. Dr. Condra declared that'
it was always particularly hard for.'
him to hear tho call "rotten" hurled,
at officials In tho gamo whpn thoy
make an unpopular decision. Thoy
aro most certainly trying their b'est
to treat both sides fairly and tho
spirit of fairness at Nebraska should,
prevent such exhibitions of rowdyism
on Nebraska field.
Tho gamo next Saturday Is going-to.
be a fight to the finish. Ames is a
collogo of tho plains and has the same'
determined flghtlrig spirit which we
have at Nebraska. It is going to be!
necessary for each man to vigorously
do his duty arid fool that tho responsi
bility for victory rests upo nhlm if!
we aro victors. -
Coach Colo was called upon and rfc
sponded briefly in his characteristic
earnest manner. Ho spoke of tho ex
ceedlngly great difficulties under
which Nebraska is laboring at the'
present time. However, he declared
that if the student body as a whole
becomes imbued with the fighting, Un
yielding spirit which will grow more
determined as conditions grow darker,
wo carinot and will notrbe defeated.
Lost A pair of long black kid
gloves, between University campus
and Sixteenth and S streets. Leave
at Nebraskan office. - .
Dr. Chas. Youngblat, dentist, 4oi
Burr Bik.
. i
vwM&i . 4- ih Jbid y: -