f 'r THE DAILY NEBRA6KAIN I- ' Gbe Dail$ tflebrasftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Npbrnakn. PH1USHED EYERY DAY EXCEPT 8UNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PrilicatlM Btflci, 126 No. 14th St. Editor-in-Chief M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C, Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. CONCERT TOMORROW. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, 12.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be chanted for at the rato of 10 conts por InBortlon for ovory flf toon wordH or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bullotlns will gladly bo published froo. Entorod at tho postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of ConprosB of March 3. 1878. YOU ARE NEEDED. It may soom to somo of tho stu dents that too groat demands aro be ing made upon their time by notices and reauG8ts to attond this and that student mooting. No doubt It Is dim-1 cult to find tho time to bo pr6sont at till of fho various meetings which a student may fool himself obliged to attend and at tho samo time givo tho college work propor attontion. Evon with full consciousness of tho many demands upon the student's time, wo would urgo that ovory studont attend tho football mass meeting today. These mass meetings aro extremely important and tho part that thoy play lu building up college spirit can not well bo tnkon by any othor variety of student ondoavor. Wo can vory ill afford to lot our enthusiasm fag at this part of tho season, because tho team certainly noods tho sincere sup port of tho Btudont body at tho pros- ont juncturo. It is not necessary to consider at present anything boyond tho Ames gamo Saturday, and accord ing to all reports Nebraska will have Miss Bessie Abott Will Appear at the New Temple. Miss Abott, who appears at the Tomplo tomorrow evening, is a mem ber of the Oonrled Metropolitan Opora Company of tho Metropolitan Opora House, Now York, whoro sho has never failed of brilliant results in the roles made notable by the groat Som brlch. To read tho Metropolitan crit icisms on her "Marguerite," "Violet tn," "Juliette" and "Martha," one might bo oxcusod for concluding that sho had fow peors anywhere. Before coming to tho Metropolitan Opora House, Miss Abott created 'a caroor at tho Grand Opora House, Paris, that aroused tho wonderment and admira tion of such artist-ndtabloB as Jean de ReBzke, Edward Do Roszko, Direc tor Gaillard, Director Carro, and Mhio. Gounod, widow of tho ndored com poser of "Romeo and Juliotto." A worthy second on Miss Abott's list of assisting artists is Sig. Ed. Cas- telluno, operatic tenor of tho heroic Curuso type,who Is certain to cause a "Bthr'with music lovers evorywhore. Receiving his training nt the La Scala, Milan, Cnstellnno established worth and merit so effectively at his debut in Malta, that Massenet and Giordano both selected him to croato leading foles In their operas "Manon" and "Fodora." Called to South Amer ica by an nttractlvo contract, to suc ceed Caruso, just completing his on-, gagemont there, ho Invited favorable comparison with tho great tenor whom American audiences have come to admire and adore. A dazzling little harpist, Ada Sas soil, known through her connection with tho recent tours of Mmo. Melba, also joins tho Abott combination, thus forming a trio of artists that is superb in fullest sense. Not content, however, with prlncl pulB like thoso, tho management is supplying a novel background in tho ChKCK0)IK)K)IK FOOTBALL Ames vs. Nebraska SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2-3:00 P. M. General Admission, $1.00 Reserved, $1.00 and $1.25 XO000KOK)tt& O O 0000 M Delicious Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee ET" ' S3 U &L 1307 O Street Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon hour lunches a specialty. of Grand Island aro to be tho soloists. This convention should bo of groat in terest to all Y. W. C. A. girls, and all who can attend aro urged to do so. A pleasant and profitable time is promised to thoso who make use of this opportunity to meet prominent association workorB of tho state, and to learn something of tho real strength of tho Y. W. C. A. in No-braska. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN8. I RESULTS TELL! W claim to bo tho best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and aro hr to provo It Our methods aro the VERY LATEST and our work men the boat that money can secure. We clean tho finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking in any way. Wo uIbo olean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. Alt goodB thoroughly storlllzod. Wo do altering and' repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. c woop & CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 Thursday, October 31. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Song recital by Miss Nolllo Dean. 11:30 a. m. N. 210. Special Convocation for Medical Btudents. C:30 p. m. Lincoln Hotel. Pathological Club meets. Friday, November 1. 7:00 p. m. U. 102. Class Athletic Board meets. Friday, December 13. Nobraska-'Iowa debate. Convocation. Tho program for tho song recital by Miss Helen Dean today is as fol lows: "Boloved, Pt Is Morn" Aylward "Counsel to Nina" Wakorlln "Loroloy" Liszt "Voices of Spring" Strauss Miss Edith Burlinglm, Accompanist. i Get your shoes ehlned by 6 Amerloan bays at A COLE & McKENNA'S j; 5 PALM GARDEN i 1132 O - 1132 O ;' HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing J enough to do If this matter is proper ly attended to. It is not to be thought that Nebraska will not win, but tho fact that should be remembered Ib that tho foe will demand the best that Nebraska has to offer. Tho stu dents should remember this and make every possible effort to bo present nt tho mass meeting this morning. Provo to tho team tho deep Interest felt In the outcome of tho game next Saturday and convince them that they are not to ho obliged to avenge tho defeat of last year alone, but will ;havo tho support of ovory student in tho University. Wo can not afford to take any risks. Everybody out to get tho spirit that will help to defeat Ames. . . Y. W. C. A. Notes. Tho noon meetings are being plan ned with groat caro, especially for tho month of Novombor, for the associa tion will thon bo in its now rooms. Special speakers will ho at tho noon meetings each week and intoresting programs for tho Wednesday Praise Service are being planned by Miss Starn. All University girls aor espe cially invltod to a'ttend theso sorvlces. HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS I337 O STREET Miss Edna Stevens, Delta . Delta Delta, at a recent meeting of tho state committee, was elected secretary of the state committee of tho Y. W. 'C, A. , Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So.. 12th. form of an accompaniment mndo up of five superior springs two violins, viola, violoncello and double bass), piano and flute. Most concert organi zations And 8Ufllcioncy In the meagre support afforded by a single Instru ment, tho plnno not so with tho Bes sie Abott Company, which desires tho broader and more "flooding" Im pressions that como only from an orchestral support pf tho songsters. On iNovember 1, '2 and 3, 1907, at Crete, 'Nob., will bo hold the twenty second annual convention of tho Young Women's Christian Associa tions of Nebraska. About twenty-flve delegates from tho University will at tend tho convention, which promises to bo unusually good this year. Pro fessor P. A. Stuff, of tho University, Will have charge of tho Bible Hour on Friday and Saturday. The music of the convention will be In charge of Miss Ida B. Vibbard, assisted by a small chorus from Croto. Miss Lu die Long, '07, and Miss Jano Pender For Rent Room for gentleman. Modern. 534 No. Twelfth street. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. For Rent Room ono block from University, 1218 T street. Board if desired. LOST Lost on campus Friday, a bunch of keys. Return to Nohraskan. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yeur Patrmge SallclM Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 1130 O St Auto 1737. &0050000000000 o Rooms - Rooms - Rooms New Windsor Hotel Wo have now open to students five or six well fur nished rooms. Steam heat and electric lights. "Will rent for $2 per week and iip. L- ft JO0 V fr-I BJim))HlllMq KSMMMM WW "'-.! ;3dtf;nim&8fc w' - r-c