THE DAILY NEBRASKAN m lv: StV iUJ-' UH . - H AT fer 6ur '- . f- tstf JLbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbv i BBBBBBBBBSW BOYS iVVE'VE "moVeo 'BUT k WE TILL MAKE THOSE "tisty TQIS" NEW LOCATION 142 south0 ' kTH feLLiptt BROS Tailors iWW - - -"' - 'If you want the best and mot t ityjifh ihoc at a pop ularpricetry a RCNitHS & I'fRhlNS . . 1129 0Street BJCKSTROII COMPHY EXCLUSIVE-: TAI LORS 1320 N Llntaln, Nab. L,. J. HERZOG TME UIIIVEKSITY HAMS' TA1L0K Th finest work done and prices right. OalTat onr new store. 1230 6 St. - Lincoln JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVINI NOIilllES AND ILLUSTRATED SONS 1330 O STREET- THE :, JEWEL THE MOST KPlNltVEAND a lARisf ttcruKis w thb CITY. i 1430 O STREET MME. F.F.ROSS imik ftirtNitt mnm JSwlRWeSw r Of 'ft WALK L OVER . . y" S T T f F BUSINESS DIRECTORY J ' 'i " t " ' I ltverjr Loyal Unlvenltjr Stadetit la vrged to patronise these Nebnf ' ( ka sUiertUera, nd to Meatlon the p'uper w fa lie detai aft", s s s 2 'BANKS-rFlrat Trust and Savings. C6ntral National. BAKERIES Dalrymplo, Folsom, Fe try, BARBER. SHOPS Grand Central; Marshal), Mogul, Richards, Cnpltbl, Emmert. BATH HOUSE ChrlB. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, Windsor, Sams, Dons, Buds. CIGARS Colo & McKenna; Matt's Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltehreast. CONFECTIONERY Dairy mple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co., Rood, Hlrschner-Morso. DANCING ACADEMY Lincoln, Pitts'. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS Hirschner-Morao, Jer ry, Rlggs. DRY GOODS Herpolsholmer; Miller b Paine. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Mageo f DeomerJ Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mrae. Ross, Mrs. J. 0. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. JAPANESE GOODS Akagi. JEWELBRSr-E. Fleming; Harris;' myvits, i uunei i xtuiiuii, ncuuciduu land Hald. I SUNDRIES Evans; Merchants; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. Dalrymplo, Hlrschnor-Ttforse. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Haydon, Towsend, Clements. PIANOS Schmoller'& Mueller. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL -ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS ' BoBton Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; DIpkJnBons; Francis Bros.; Sams, Windsor, Palace Dining Hall. SHINING PARLOR Cole &' Mc Kenna. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati 'Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. SUITORIUMS Weber. TAILORS Backstrom; . DreBher: El liott; Heffloy; Horzog; Ludwig; Scotch Wollen Mills, Union College Tailors. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou, Wonderlnnd, Elite. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. WeYe now located In the most beautiful store in the Wett CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATER Lhictlii Candy KitckiR IStfe am O Street 2 THE BLAZEK STUDIO A Special rate, on photos JM fA to students of , illiUll perdozon fwMW ! OPEN SlWBAYS :" I2r6 O STREET Miss X. B. Soukup, dressmaklag. Special attsntlom , give to stuieKts. 113(5 O St Auto 1737. AT WORK FOR AME8. (Continued from pngo 1.) may bo tho reverso of that of tho Colorado game. 'Cole's pupils are now working hard in preparation for the Amos Agglos next Saturday. The players are all .more or less stiff and lamo after tho Colorado game. Neither Minor nor Collins roportod for practico yostor. day. 'Minor has a bad kneo.and it Is feared he will bo kept out of practico for some time. Minor's place was filled by Birknor and Porrln hold down Collin's position at center. Cooke, who was hurt In Saturday's game, was at his old position run ning the team through the signals. Harto was playing end. Beltzer was' out again after a weok's absence. Practice last night was held In tho fain. "Mike" Denslow Is again in school after a month's absenco, but ho Is yet undecided whethor or not to get out for football, fearing that his enforced absence will make It impossible for him to make up the back work in his studies and play fooioall at the sumo time. Ames' showing, against Cornell and Mornlngslde would seem to bIiqw a weakness on her part, both games having been won by comparatively low scores, but this Is taken with a grain of salt by Coach Colo, who is o fthe opinion that the Ames farmers have been saving their strength for uso In the Nebraska game and at tempting to deceive the Cornhuskors ub to their relative rank. Secret practico will be thd program for this week, the team going to tho State Farm when the weather pro hibits practice on tho gridiron. Coach Cole had the following to say about tho coming game: "If Nebraska plays against Ames next Saturday as they did In the first half of the Colorado game we will bn defeated. I saw the Aggies perform against Minnesota two weeks ago," is tho way the Nebraska coach de scribes tho situation, "and the Iowans put up a wonderful exhibition of ag gressive football. They wore unublo to cross the Gopher goal, hut they held their opponents absolutely level in ground gaining and on straight football. I consider Ames ono of the strongest teams today In the middle west and It Is going to require the best Nebraska has in shop to beat them.' There must bo no such slump as In the Colorado game or, instead of avenging the defeat of Inst year, the result will bo another dose of grief. It is up to Nebraska, how ever, to win from Ames and I shall make Jthe practice stlffer this week than nt any time during the season." 8UNDEA N8PEAK3. (Continued from Pago 1.) There, is some talk of destroying tho old Unlvorslty .Hall, but for tho old alumni jt has many almost sacred memories. 'Mr. Sundean declared that it would be with tho greatest rellicj tanco that ho would ever consentUo its destruction. He closed his talk by Baying that. It would be of great value to have a man on the Board of Regents who came from home.- HUYLER'8 Chcfatf) imI tk9 fYWf CvtUr. kB AMUSEMENTS Oliver Theatre I THURSDAY NIGHT, OCT. 31. i .DAVID HIGQINS In His Great Racine' Play v; HIS LAST DOLUR PRICES 11.00, 75, 5f A 2tc. I FRL, SAT. & SAT. MAT., NOV. 1 & Lyman H- How Preaefjtr-i i THP OWHITWV,MI A MOVilW MCTVMS J . Eve,, Wc, 85c & Soo. Mat, 2c& lo mmmmtmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmtmmmmmmmimm 2 LYRIC TflCATftE MATINBB 8 P. M. BVEv 3ti4S tte PRICES TEN AND TWENTY CBNTft m AMES A, CORSETT Refined Singers and Dancers ILLUSTRATED, SON V3 "The Startt'4rfa,a?Hl.Yu,'I - , 'jf'" i j jy uutnr r - 4 ERE A STANLEY Cea OPP THE MUSETT8 Export Reed' Quartette LYJOfCt)lE' BIJOU ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE . Mat. at 3 p. m. Evening 7:45 and A. NEW MANAGEMENT NEW POLICY POPULAR PRICES. Balcony 10 cents, 300 seats reserve 20 cents, boxes 25 cents. Nothing) higher. Three performances dally. WONDERLAND T O D AV MODERN PAINTER CHINAMAN IN LONDON ASKING HI8 WAY CIGAR BOX EASTER EGGS AMATEUR DETECTIVE HAMLET WHO STOLE THE BICYCLE ILLUSTRATED 80NG "Honey Time"" CHARLE8 L. AG LEY MatrHiis, 2, 3 awl 4 p. m. EvMlHgty 7, lf S Mi ( ADMISSION - 5CEITS Elite Theatre INDIAN IDYL -4 : 8TILT RACE THE GHOST STORY f . ... .. : , Am. ini9M ObfclfcS AMU TYrttT ' TRANSFORMATION THE RUNAWAY MOTOR CAR WANTED A HUSEAND ILLUSTRATED SOM "Wait Till ths Cfsiids Rsll y, Jmrnti9 By Gordon Lintt : - W:t ,