The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 26, 1907, Image 1
i i i .' 'VolYVIL No. 26. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1907. Pf ice 5 Cents. i : 'u &! a tw tr ' . C 1 Ky" k '" .v . i-' CAPTAIN NOT HERE FARN8WORTH NOT ABLE COME WITH COLORADO. TO ,1 'h'ree of the Boulder Stars Are Out of 'ihe.Game'WIth Injuries and Did . W Not Accompany the Team. I IMPORTANT QAMES TODAY. 1 West. : Nebraska vs. Colorado. c WIsconslifVsllllriblB. t Yale ys-WlllaNvav Penn. vs. Carlisle. ' Princeton vs. Cornell. . Ih'rtbfP ,.NebraskaoJprado game.,. Fliriw called at 3 b. m. j-'.wWr ww-j lschtrs; 75 cents. Gran--Un, $1.00 and $1.25.;, " Weather Forecast for Today: v Partly elou'dy. and warmer. - TXeCJJniyerslty of qoloradpi .fpotbal eleYML''arrJvei In the city yesterday aferaqon at'2;40 over the, Rock Island without. .-'three of their star players, vhbiAwere Toft at homo on account of in juries- that prevent their partlclpa-a , 'tlon 'in; today's game. Tk'e injured men are Fa rns worth, capUln !kn4 ceater; Van Meter, star quarter back;' "ajid Welner, full-back. ,TJiaVi6e bf, these njen from Uie line-up?toSay, the Colprado coachea clalm-,has greatly weakened Boulder's chances of victory and has dishearten y&WM$Kti$m' 'CapUlnFdrns?. worth isv'the' star of the Colorado squad and tho rest of, the team feel SthaUtKeywUKOt' be a,Wo to make 1 a S&feWJ ,aa!nst,.thq..Conhu8- irkera.tnia auernoon. DarnswortuB shoulder is In bad- conditloa and Van iMdler. twd b4er gf rr -J.'aP:"i' vs i i' n j : .it kerauOhiB afternoon. ;Th'e Colorado party fa composed bf twenty-flvemeB. twenty of whom are ' playeri;Vn'-l staylnat thelLlndelf c? V i'l a, t a J( ,SBBHiflBaBJBJBJBJBJBBJBJBKBJHBXBJBAHBJ ' Pir IIDHbsbH ifj "V """"T '?-- isHSIIIIIIBW V BiEBHB 'O-tiKi "''"' V ' ' y ' - BBllllllrv .', 'jSanKsilM fj , -tJ fJBBBlBMBjBJBjBMJlBJSjaBJSJBM ;LLLlL taESBSK .'(B-"1" -T -siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissiassiiiiiiiiiisB .j - pJWPBeti'w''y-y'''!' j BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS ft k'BSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS MC BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB1 fieseeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeBesweseeBepesseeeesee "'I . J'' ;. ,- THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORALX) FOOTBALL SQUAf) '' 1 , "8AH, MR. BONES." The Y. M. C. A. WIII'Glve a Mlnstrol 8 how. ThlsYear. At the recent meeting of tho Y. hi, C. A. cabinet It wob -decided, to ppsh planV immediately for the presen tatloh next Bpring, of a high' clasB mln atrel show. In view of tho fact that there will bo no Unlvorslty Qlco Club this " is felt that something of this sort will fill a cortaln part of tho. annual program of University "stunts" for which thoro Is an increasing do; niand. Material for the organization of an excellent body of comedians la abundant Many of Jaat year's glob j clubnn-i&rU in school- and thosd' havj ing tho matter in charge are already on the trail of several men of marked ability along this line. Men to take charge of tho training of the Hquad and of tho financial part of the under Staking, will be "secured as quickly aa pos8lb1o'atld''then'project,fbi:tli:edcom-l pllshment of something worth while will be vigorously carried out. Discards .Honor 8ystem. Academy seniors at Yalo have dls- carded the -honor - system as ; trlod Irf the classroom at examinations and will return to the old faculty monitor .system. According t,p students, -tho honor system is Impracticable at New Haven because of tho size of the classes and the lack of provision, for, dealing .vlth offenders. . They also -contend that there Is no spare time in recitations and examinations for private detec tive work. The Yalb News says tho action "Is far in advance of many eo-calle'd, honor- systems,', evens thoughf Its result! may nofappearso tangible to the out' side world. . ' i .V. 'REQI8TEll-sfvUDENtS..' This Is the last day of rcolsteratldn and students are urged. to register, tfe foreiniihtJojortfeitlthat'they may vote alfNovVmrelection. Hot roast ,bdof' sandwich with rlbh' brawhv 'grayy almost' a ' meal IDc. wJTUo BoatonLunch. , , Seat inthe Girls DEMOCRATIC RALLY. Public Invited To Hear Prominent Speakers. The Jeffernonlan Club of tho Uni versity will hold its big rally in Mem orial Hall, Wednesday evonlng, Octo ber 30, nt 8 o'clock. The attempt will bo made by tho committee to secure the attendance of .students of all par ties, and the faculty as woll. ' Threo prominent mon have bopn'ao- cured as speakers, Richard L. Me teal f, P. L. Hall, aud Judgo Loomls, Richard Metcalf . is editor of tho paper which has probably the largest circulation in America, Tho Com- i1.!HK-i it. i l - . y i- uiuuur, nu in uibu uuluui 01 uuu uoun, "Of Such IB the Kingdom.' Dr. Hall, who Is preaidont of tho new bank r'econtly' established in Lin coln, has been a leador in tho demo cratic party fotyear, having held the, position bfCchalrmnn of tho stato con .vont&'r;,Kere. ;..'," Judge Loomls of- Fremont is the Fusionist candidate for judgo of the supreme court. Owing to tils boing tho only opportunity that tho people of Lincoln have had to hear him spoak: mt In this -campaign, a considerable" turn out of Lincoln peoplo Ja expected. Ar rangpmentB for engaging the Uniyorsi are being -made. 'A Purity Banquet. '.'; Tho University of Wiscdnsin, 'fol lowing In the footsteps of the Unlver- slty of Chicago, has decided ta hold purity banquets In honor of visiting football toams. This Ib one of "Old Man" Stagg's Innovations, and has met with sUccess here.. It has also been .conimonded. .by opponents of college athletics as a step in the right direc tion towards purifying intcr-colleglatej sports and eliminating tho unfriendly rivalry which has. been so prevalent hitherto. ' - '-' ffho Engineering Sofctety will lve'a sraoKor w , an engineerLng students, the evening, of Noyember 6, at the Acacia house, 1216 H street. The freshmen are particularly Invited tor - . . . . i cufnu out una, gut m;u,uHiqi.ur. i. j i - m . v J7 . ' . ..iv.f'- - .'.-. Rooting Section Todsy A LIVELY SCRAP FRESHMAN CANDIDATES i PRESIDENT MISSING. FOR Sophomores Capture Junior President Parade O. Street With, fresh man President 'After Eleeilen , . i - : I U has boon many a year since, the annually Teciirrlntf election, of tho freshman .- president has , paused as A much rivalry and 'brought out as cduch; cIobb spirit as tho election of-tAG: frosty man class held yesterday afternoot air. weavorung, or. .uciiiru;? .was u successful candidate recetvi ' : ng II votes against tho 172 rocolVod by Russqll. r Four candidates wore presentee! i tho class with many flowery conj menis irom inoir ardent suppor They were Morehouse of Frei Hascal of North Platte, Russell coin and Weaverlfng of Beatrlc two of these mon, howover, wore .pres-...i nt t tho, meeting, as two of them wero'inthe hapds of the sophomores. ., Last evening about 'nine 'o'clock a band tpf slxt sophomores hrokcrito .the room of MrJVeaverling,asld'."af4ter a seyoro struggle of .fl'vb;.mrnutee dura tion succeeded In'jjaglHg and handcuff ing him. He was Jed lo-.a hack and triumphantly carried joff; Even after entering, tho hack Mr. Weavqrllng con tlnued the fight and b'roke several win1 dows pf tho carriage.., Mr.. Hascal was captured on his way home from tho. theater. ' jtfq saw that ,lt was useless to resist and so was quickly taken Into a hack ud,whlrlr(.t away to a place' bf safe keeping. until after the, meeting, ' v : K,., ',-. Jt, had 'been jjlanped thi:JyTnvEJlIott, the:;,f)resldent., pf- .the, t J.unior, (clas, should preside qv.qr'the the Freshmen. An Elllbtt waaat- tending1 a meeting ,6f thb' -debating sqUad ift, two o'clb'cK wlien" ajSc"n- ' ;' '"A ': '5 1 A- 1 'i' v.. v. 1 A . . - n v M V 1 rf ,i2. it.