. - -!- THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i ' ) 1 You Have Overlooked Something You Want iff a , Vf. C ROTH HV. J" If You Haven't Been in Here to See Our Hart, Schaffner & Marx i 4 VARSITY SUITS There's no style for men so pop ular as the Varsity. Other makers imitate it and other dealers sell the imitation but they lack the style Hart, Schaffner & Marx get in them; and for the most part lack the all-wool quality. If you giv us a chance we will show you some clothes that are really worth while, such clothes that will be a credit to you and to us - Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and O'coats $18.00 to $40.00 Our regular lines of Suits and Overcoats embrace all qualities from $7.50 to $40 with our strongest lines at -. TV $10, $15, $20 and $25 ARMSTRONG CLOTHING COMPANY GOOD CLOTHES MERCHANTS ''P. MMitttattiiiaflMMliiiiaiiWTiMnwrwaiiiimiifiWMiM HiniflLflRiiallHBKaPifYiMHn MBfe1