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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1907)
THiB DAILY -i Ji. tffoe E)atl$ llcbraohan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska, PUBLISHED EVERT OAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PrtllCltlw Otflci, 126 NO. 14th St. Editor-in-Chief M. A. Mills, '08 Mannalna Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, ffc.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each fool lnplined to contribute to tho financial support of athletics, you should not Insist upon eooKng tho games, whether or no. INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will be chanred for at tho rato of 10 contB por InBortlon for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published froo. Entered at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nobraeka, as socond-class mall matter under tho Act of ConrcroBS of March 3. 1879. A GOOD 8PIRIT. Tho way tho students answorod the appeal for now football songs certain ly demonstrates both their loyalty to tho University and their ability to moot an emergency call. Further more tho songs submitted show de cided talent on tho part of the au thors and had moro tlmo boon given for the perfecting and developing of tho Ideas embodied in the songs the rosult would perhaps ttavi) been bet tor, If Buch were possible. It requires Uiobo tOBts to prove to tho world at largo that tho student body is alve to Its responsibilities and lacks a very . considerable amount of being deserv ing of the opprobrious epithet, "mor bid." Wo should bear in mind that moro songs will bo needed for the othor games, tho plan embraced more than the Colorado game and the duty was not complete when the songs for Chicago Groat Western Railway. Tho Short Lino and most popular train service to St. Paul and Minneapo lis. TralnB leave Omaha at 7:30 a. m. and 8: 30 p. m., making direct connec tions with all trains for the North west. Homescokers' rates every first and third Tuesday during Ootobor nnd No vember to polntB In Northwest. Ask to be routed via the "Great Wostorn" railroad. For further Information apply to FRED WIGHT, District Passenger Agent, 1512 Farnam St., Omaha, Nob. UNIVER8ITY BULLETINS. Friday, October 25. 5:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Freshman class meets. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heldolberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. New lino of fall hats. Special atten tion to studonts. Nichols, 116 No. 13th. The best place to eat in town is at Dons Oafo 114 So. Eleventh street. J. M. Rice, hair and scalp specialist, 1216 O St, upstairs. Auto phone 3888. Eat at Climax restaurant. Meals 15 cents and up, Tom Draper, Prop. 'Clements' photos are the best. Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh. Fred B. Humphrey sells Real EBtate and Insurance. 136 No. Eleventh St. iLost A small gold watch, with leather fob, between Library Hall and Thirteenth and S streets. Return to Elizabeth Wright 445 N. Thirteenth street. Why not take your bath at Chris' I bath houBo, Eleventh and P streets? 00000000000000000000000000000 KNOWLEDGE OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE EYE is necessary to fit spoctaclos as thoy should bo fitted. It Glasses fitted by trying glass after glass until ono is ft ( i 4. :..nn Jla .,.:. i. i. X. luuiiu iuuv (jivuo guuu vioiuii in ityu tu Kg PROVE INJURIOUS. 8 Thoro aro no haphazard mothods in ouj tests, Each test is of vital im- Q portanco and your oyos uro safe in our hands. Examination Free, 6 HALLETT tSLlttT 1143 0 St I 2fo00000000000OeO000000000000 avm K(vfr 4T 7XI - -Lj IVPTIU UUU y&rw tho Colorado game were submitted. It is none to early to plan a song that will be appropriate for the Ames or tho Denver game. Don't hand tho song in so late that it will bo im possible to do it justice on account of lack of time for prdotlce. DON'T BE TIGHT. A number of remonstrances have been registered with this paper in re gard to the questionable practice of studonts watching tho football game from different positions of vantage near tho athletic field. Without doubt such conduct Is very unfair to the portion of tho students who do pay tholr admission to games and certain ly It roflects no credit upon those who practice it. In fact, It should be much below tho dignity of any college studont to stoop to such a thing and by so doing make himself liable to adverse criticism. In tho futuro It is to be hoped that this subject need not bo adverted to. If you do not New lines In fall millinery. The Fa mous, Thirteenth and O streets. Hayden, photographer, special rates to studentB. 1127 O street. Palace Dining Hall. No lunch counter. Green's shops aro the best in the West. "ilust a quiet evening meal at Dalrym plo's. i Dr. J. H. Graham, dentist. 1339 O St. r ' Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Subscribe for the Daily Nebraskan. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. C. H. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. i Try Savoy Hotel and cafe. " Go to Mrs. J. O. Bell for manicuring. Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St Auto 1737. & ARE YOU PARTICULAR ABOUT YOUR CLOTHES 7 Do you want to bo SURE that you aro not having a Back Number worked off on you? Remotnber this is the NEW storo. Not ono old garment to show you. Tnko a fow minutes tlmo and lot me show you the now modes in all tho now fabrics and shades. You will not bo urged' to buy. New Location 1341 0 St. H. E. FARQUHAR Frats Hjpmembtr ihe Nme "UNf Smoke House f The "Uni" Smoke House ex tends to you gratis, the home-tik comforts of its Smoking, Reading, and Lounging Room. Q We carry in stock a complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers Articles. It is a pl ure to please you. COLE-McKENNA CO., 1132 O ST. Air: Mornin Cy." It was Nebraska, Nebraska. Every rooter in the crowd would say, "Hit that line - ' Every time. Jimmney Crlcketa, but they're doing fine. Nebraska, Nebraska." Everybody gives the Hoo Rah Rah, Help those boys make a noise, For no one else Is in it but N.ebraska boys. (J. O. Ketridgo.) Air: "Arrah Wannah." From the snow-capped Rocky Mountains mere comes an arrogant cheer Colorado with her ball team Challenges us here. But we know they are mistaken for they'll find Its all in vain When Old King Cole with his warriors bold Comes a charging down the plain. - Chorus: Col-O-rah-do, Col-o-rah-do, we'll take care of you, We will Bkln you too Smash you, punch you, slam you, ram you, jam you, bang you, lick you now Before we're thru with you For it's a task To beat Nebraska Old Nebraska U. If you wish to practice economy buying clothes Buy the Better Grades Men are fast coming to know that strict clothes economy Ib not necessarfly in buying cheaper ' TiTii iiii-rinf i" KgK -ii i miiii r grades and unrnllahln mnlrnn Almost invariably such elothR are poorly tailored, 111 fitting and every way. In other wordB when the dealer can only say for his clothes that thoy are low . In price it is usually Bafo to con clude that they are equally low in quality, for such dealers are very likely making a profit In ex cess of tho dealer who em phasizes quality. When we sell a Kensington suit or overcoat we are pretty sure of a satisfied customer for they not only In variably wear longer but look one hundred per cent better from first to last. If you have, never Been or tried on a Ken sington garment don't -think of buying your fall outfit before you do it., New Browns $15, $20, $25 and $30The very essence of style Magee & Deemer College Clothes a Specialty Hereford & Petty Shoe Fitters to Men 143 So. 13th t ' -t T-gJiWI'IIJU'HHIlUV "U'H-U. ',' essssiisssssssSi &.?:'& rm!tmmA,Aemmm mmmmmmmmm