The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1907, Image 1

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(SCCbe Fails iwebtaskan
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(ToKVII. No. 25.
Pi ice 5 Cental
t -"flri
CwcJjMAriB, Putting Boulder Eleven
' Thru Grueling Practice and
1 'Jnjurd Men AreBack
Farnsworth C.
Barr- ...... .-t R Q.
Klrnrnel . , , .t. , R. T.
Morrison R. E.
O'Brien L. G.
Coffin t ..,,... L. T.
Morrill . A a . :LVE.'
8tlfrett .V:....Q. B.
KnowlMv, ....R. H.
Reld ,.... ....F. B.
Welner L. H.
.i i j
180 3
190 3
173 2
150 2
180 1
180 3
165 2
135 1
165 3
160 2
180 2
Total weight 1858
Average weight, 168 10-11 lbs.
"The coaches dre dubious as
to the outcome of the Nebraska
contest and the students as a
whole take a sanguine view of
the flame. The general hope
seems to be to hold the Corn
huskers down to a small score."
Referee Outland,Topeka.
Umpire Rothgeb, Fort Col
lins, Colq.
Field Judge Quigley, 8alnt
Mary's College.
Head linesman Cornell, Lin
coln. The game will be called at 3
p. m.
(Special to tho Nebraskan.)
BOULDER, Oct 23 The Colorado
coaches, since the poor snowing
Bade against the State Agriculture
School, 'Saturday, are determined to
turn out a team that will make u good
showing against Nebraska and are
putting the men thru a grueling prac
tice this week In way of accomplish
ing that aim.
Reld; fullback, appeared for practice
Tuesday night for the first time In
a week ahd Welner, fullback, will
probably don the moleskins tonight
for the first time .since Saturday's
Although no special train can be tie
cured to nln to Lincoln, Saturday,'
"pools" have been made among the
students' to send a few rooters to the
The coaches are dubious as to the
outcome of the game and the students
as a whole take a sanguine view of
the probable outcome of the contest
The general "hope seems to be to hold
Nebraska down to a small score.
' The team as a whole does not show
the usual mid-season form. No secret
practice hi held oh the field, but Becret
signal practice In the gynaslum was
inaugurated last night
The showing the University of Ne
braska made against Minnesota has
given rise to many gloomy predictions
by the Colorado students who now
see only defeat ahead. '
Co-Eds, Get a
Manager Eager' has reserved a section of the
bleachers at the Colorado game Saturday for
girls. The section will be roped off and only
girls admitted to it.
Get a Megaphone and go, Girls
Large Crowd In Memorial Hall to 8lng
Many New 8ongs.
The most, enthusiastic and success
ful football rally of the season was
hold In Memorial Hall yesterday morn
ing. A spirit of loyalty and earnest
ness was exhibited by the crowd.
The numerous songs which have
been suggested proved moBt popular
and were practiced enough so that a
good showing can be made at the
game. Several members of tho Qlee
club of last year led the singing. It
has been arranged for these same men
to be on hand with megaphones next
Saturday to lead the singing at the
Manager Eager suggested that the
girls try one of the songs, and they
did their part so well that a girls' root
ing club is being formed and will meet
today In S. 102. It Is desired that all
girls come out and help prepare for
tho game.
Hawkeye Club.
The Hawkeye Club was delightful
ly entertained by Professor and Mrs.
Chatburn, Thursday evening, October
17. Great interest in the club was
shown, especially by tho now mem
bers. The club Is especially Indebted
to Miss Jaeggi for the violin solo and,
to Miss 'Williams for a piano solo. The
following are the officers for the fol-
lowing semester: president Elmer
Hills; secretary, Miss Jennie Mor
gan; treasurer, H. L. Ballenger.
Pies like mother tried to make..
Baked fresh twice a day by an expert
woman pie baker, at . The Boston
Alpha Theta Chi will give their an
nual party atWalsh Hall tonight
Memorial Hall.
Seal in the Girls' Rooting Section Saturday
The Freshmen Caws Choose Officers
for 8emester.
The Freshmen law claBs hold a
meeting in U. 300 yesterday and elect
ed ofllcors for the semester. The fol
lowing officers woro elected: presi
dent, Wentworth; secretary, Yodor;
treasurer, Adams; sorgeant-at-arma,
Bnrnett; attorney, Stevenson.
Holders of exchange tickets pur
chased at the Registrar's office for
thCBosslo Abott concert may reserve
their seats at the Temple next Tues
day, one day in advance of those not
holding such tickets.
All girls wishing to take part in tho
Girls' Rooting Squad meet at Memo
rial Hall at 2:30, Saturday. Como
and help Nebraska win tho game!
T. N. Fleming, 1905, W. L. Dowling,
1904 and F. M. Hunter, 1904, and R.
H. Thomson, 1906, are visiting at the
Alpha Theta Chi house.
The Friday afternoon tea for Uni
versity girls, which was to have been
given this afternoon, has been post
poned. Edwin Curtis, ex-1905, superintend
ent of Kearney county, is attending
the superintendents' convention.
George Thomas, 1898, superintend
ent at McCook, is In the city. Mr.
Thomas Is a Delta Tau Delta.
George Burgert, 1898, superlntedent
at Kearney, is on the campus.
For Rent Room one block from
University, 1218 T street Board If
Dr. Chas. Toungblut, dentist 202
Burr Blk.
Tickets 50 Cents 2
Talks Interestingly on "Public Schools
and the Municipality." Pleases
Quite Large Audience.
Superintendent Pearse, formorly su
perintendent of the Omaha schools,
and at tho hpad of tho Mliwaukeo
schools, spoke at chapel yesterday
morning. Owjng to tho uncortaln
schedule of Nebraska trains, Superin
tendent Penrso was a little late In
arriving, but everybody waited for
him. In tho Interval sovoral city su
perintendents from different par.ts of
Nebraska Bpoke a few words.
Superintendent Pearse ' dodarod
that he was glad to got back to Ne
braska tho state of clear, bricht sun-
shine. and large cornfields'. Many of
his dearest friends woro hero and
many pleasant memories.
He tjommonced his talk on tho "Pub
lic Schools and tho Municipality," by
saying that the iraportanco of tho
municipality in Amqricnn life Is con
stantly growing. Now problems ahd
perplexing questions aro arising In tho
modern city. The day when the city
and city iBsues and problems woro
unimportant Is over.
Ho dlscussod for a few moments tho
development which had mado possible'
the modern city. Time was, when
our more simple life made It possible
for tho school and tho church to he
the centers of social activity. Since
then the division of industry has mado
a moro complex life possible. Modern
systems of lighting and paving, sewer
age systems, and the carry lug away of
garbago have made It possible for
such great populations as bur modern
cities contain to llvo together. There
was left, however, no place for discus
sion of common Interests. Each per
son lives within himself. Human be
ings, however, crave society and com
mercial men have filled the noed by
supplying the saloons and cheap thea
ters. Educators are beginning, as a re
sult of this, to again consider making'
the schools not only a place for the In
struction of the children but a placo
.for social intercourse 'and amuse
ment. There is no reason why tho
great huildlnga built ' by the public
might not become the centers of ac'
tivlty in each community. Rooms
might be set aside in which the young
or children' could play. .Other rooms
might be given over to chorus classes:
or debating classes, and gymnasiums:
might be fitted up lor those who have:
to work during the day times. This
Is tho way in which schools must do
velop in the future.
. Superintendent Pearse declared
that the schoolis the place whore the
patriots of the future must be made.
The homo, in most cases, no? longer
teaches patriotism, and tho schools
must take this as one of their princi
pal duties in the future.
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