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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 24, 1907)
- THE DAILY ftbe alls Tflebragftan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY' AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Publication Olfleo, 126 No. 14th St. EdItor-ln-Chlof M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial nnd Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Slnglo Copies, 6 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo churned for at tho rato of 10 contB por InHcrtlon for every fifteen wordH or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and Univorsity biillotlns will gladly ho published froo. Entered at tho postoflloo at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. RALLY TODAY. Don't fall to attend tho football ral ly this morning at chapel as has boon announced. A numbor of now songs have boon received by Manager Eager, . some of them suro to make a hit If the student public will come out and prac tice them. Wo can not hope to sing .theao songs with any credit either to tho song or to ourselves unless this op portunity for practlco is taken. It should bo understood that ninny of tho songs recontly received are appropri ate only for some particular game and for that reason must be practiced im mediately before that game. Net Sat urday, for the Colorado game, sevoral 'excellent "rooting songs" must bo sung by tho supporters of tho scarlet and tho cream. The material Is In tho hands of Uiobo who have charge of the muss meeting and all we have to do Is to come out and take the vocal exercise. AGREE. It Is hoped, that the Law School will adopt tho agreement renched by the Law and Cornhusker conforenco com mittees. Past grievances nnd difficul ties should bo forgotten and all col leges in the Uulverslty should join hands in making tho 1008 Cornhusker a publication to be proud of. It is un necessary to pass upon tho niorits"of last year's controversy. Suffice to sny that both parties to tho dispute wero responsible for a share of the result. This year a spirit of forbearance and concession should tako tho place of last year's spirit of agresslve partl slanshlp. What wo want Is a good CornhiiBker, not several books and a variety of- quarrels. As showing the activity of Universi ty of Nebraska botanical mon, tho last number of "Tho Plant World" con tains two articles by men now here, a third paper by one of our graduates with notices of papers by two other graduates, nnd personal notes of two moro graduates. The Michigan Co-ed. John Corbln, in an artlclo on tho University of Michigan, sizes up tho Michigan co-ed as follows: "Tha Michigan co-ed enjoys tho samo liberties as her slater of Wiscon sin. The chaperon Is an Idol that has a niche, but few worshippers. Parties of sevoral couples rojolco in the Arca dian buggy rldo and tho distant dinner. Tho slnglo wayfaring couple is not un known. In a happy newspaper phrase, the light fantastic too is weekly trip ped at Grainger's. But liberty is not privilege. Michigan -scorns her co-ed. Tho eight leading fraternities, one known as tho Palladium crowd, haVq frowned upon her. It is said that, at Mndlson, If a frnternity, no matter how powerful, fails In its duties of gallantry, tho fomlnlno influence ugalnst it la strong enough to divert the beat freshmen to its moro gallant rivals. At Ann Arbor a fraternity is on tho down grade if It begins to take notice." The Ypung Men's Christian Associa tion of Nobraska have put out n very neat handbook for this year. It is end opening, covered in black and let tered In gold. Tho book was printed by Burt-Terry-Wilson Co., of Lafayette. It will bo remembered that J. L. Derk Inderen, '00, Is general secretary of tho association there. Purdue Expo nent. Tho Dnlly Nebniska,n will publish an illustrated football number next month. The edition will be limited nnd you will have to order early to be suro of getting a copy. Order one at the Ne braskan office now. The price Is ten cents. Subscribers will recolvo a copy free. iLost A small gold watch, with leather fob, between Library Hall and Thirteenth and S streets. Return to Elizabeth Wright 115 N. Thirteenth street. For Rent Room one block from Univorsity, 1218 T street. Hoard if desired. UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronago Solicited If you want the best and I ijliuol aiyium aiuj& ai a. yvy- I ular price, try a or a WALK OVER ROGERS & PERKINS 1129 0 Street THE t JEWEL THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND Q EAREST PICTURES IN THE QTY. t M30 O STREET v JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVINfi PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONQS 1330 O STREET- ELI AS BAKER PANTS CO.. Snappy Shoes, $3.50 and $4.00. All the new styles Mhtm &29QSmEET.& SEE OUR UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. Thursday, October 24. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Football Rally. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Sup't. Carroll G. Pearso of Milwau kee, Wis. "Public Schools, nnd tho Municipality.' 11:30 a. m. U. 205. Latin Club holds spocial meeting. Friday, October 25. 5:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Freshman class moots. Sunday. October 27. 1:00 p. m. Univorsity Hall 10G. Y. W, C. A. Vesper Service. Do you know that tho Dally Nobras kan Is the best illustrated collego paper in tho West? Well It is. Tho girls at Iowa have started the game of hockey, following the lead of the Illinois co-eds. A number of Bohemian reference books have been placed on the shelves of the general library. Silver Serpent held a meeting yes terday for tho election of officers. THE BLAZEK STUDIO A Special rata on photos to students of, por dozen $1.00 .OREN SUNDAYS 1216 0 STREET gO00000000000 D r Rooms - is.ooms - nooms. i New Windsor Hotel We. have now open to students five or six well fur nished rooms. Steam heat and electric lights. Will rent for $2 per week and up. 00000000000000000p0000000 s i W'-FORifrSlO WINDOWS Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention glvon to students. 113G O St. Auto 1737. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr Bile Wo manufactnro all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo make tho finest and most dolicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" and , EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY QLYMPIAGANDY CO., 1131 OSt. O 0000OfflO00000000 r 8 I P'w"! 7 MM 1 I 4 ' i' t H J J l 1