The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1907, Image 1
Hi vibe Datlv Mebtasftan Vol. VII. No. 24. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1907. Pilce 5 Cents ARC GETTING HURT 0O0KOO00OKto0 IS LIKELY TO END FOOT BALL, J- l if v - tf l .' " MEN' ON NEBRASKA TEAM BE- ING. INJURED IN PRACTICE. The Local Gridiron Is Hard on Men and Minor, Beltzer and Burnett Are Out of Game for While. During the foro part of the season Coach Cole's pupils wero very fortun ate in escaping serious Injuries and liot a player on ther squad was hurt 4eriouBly enough to keep him out of the game. The recent hardening of the gridiron, due to the frosts hna re sulted in crippling up soveral of the men, a thing which is very serious at FARNSWORTH. Captain of Colorado Eleyen. this critical point in the football sea son. Beltzer, right, end, is on tjio aide lines and the CornhUBkers' doctor has forbidden him to participate in the Colorado game. Minor, right half, strained a tendon in his side in the Minnesota game and hag bedn out of the daily practice this week. Burnett sustained a badly sprained i ankle in Tuesday night's practice, which threatens to keep him out of the game Saturday. Cole's men have been working on the forward pass this weok mdst of 'the time when on. the offense. Against tho scrubs the forward passhas been worked to perfection resulting In sev eral touchdowns for the 'varsity. The second team mra. been drilled on tho Colorado formations by Assis tant Coach Peck who. witnessed tho (Continued on page 4.) ' ll?lvtoaJBS'"i "Jt BriSBlBSMHttjDuwaaBBBBBBBBBfl BBBrjfSC 4KBsSBSSSBBBBBBBBBaH B3PS"tsssssssW-Sisat i WHbSmWP' v0laBBSSSSK -OsV i VmSBbbsssbst9bsb SaVaKBSmlffasuj 'i Ha'jQ'5i lvaBBBwJBanM va ' i IIB,; 7IHM BlssSM'ANvWl a'" 113yCT- J iBBBBBEBSBBBBUSi i'' :BST "B IIVAssCBSssfflSCl.K ':aBP"!" iHBBaBSHcTJBSSSBJMJalaBSaHflHf I KyMassssTjBBp"aBsl oyd Pw3BBbsssskBSbbB IBBBtjBhBB. "SSSv3P9vz tSBSSSl SBSsVEBSStaSBVMl 'l BssBinBwIi'ifasl SMBaSJBSSSSjSafcTBSftflKiWiBSSS Colorado vs. Nebraska Reserved seat tickets now on sale at Harry Porter's and Ed Young's. Three Middle Sections, $1.25. Two ond sections, $1.00 C)W)K0)KCC0O000O ELECT OFFICER8. The Jeffersonian Club Organize for Business. Tho Jeffersonian Club of the Uni versity met In U. 102 last night and elected officers for tho ensuing year. The following officers were elected: president, A. C. Huff; vice-president', C. A. McLaughlin; secretary, Q. A. Fltzsimmon; treasurer, S. Q. Evans. A membership committee of J. 13. iJodnar, J. G. Mothersoad, and M. A. Mills was appointed to enroll other students in the club. A challenge of the Republican Club 10 a debate was read and accepted by the .leffersonlans. A committee com po3Cd of J. M. Paul, B. W. Hill and E. T. 'Grunden was appointed to con sider the question and time for this debate. Mr. Myers, a graduate of tho Uni versity, addressed tho club for half an hour on the local issue of the present campaign. The club decided to hold a big ral ly within a week or two ,at which sovernl of tho leading democrats of the stato will speak. Program Prepared. A complete literary nnd seminar program for tho first semester has Just been made up by tho Komeninn so cioty. Tho work of this society this year will be of an especially thorough and helpful character. Heretofore the class work has been entirely volun tary. Now the masters of tho Slavonic tongue will be studied under tho su pervision of a compotcnt instructor, and tho work will be part of tho regu lar course of the department. A number of books have recently been given to this nocioty by frlondn in Lincoln, Omaha and the East. The supporters of tho society are much enthused over tho betterment of the course and the llbrniy. II. E. Stone, '07, has just been ap pointed an instructor In Botany In the Alabama Polytechnic Institute. Ho is the second botany student to be sent south In tho Inst tv,o months. Tho Graduate Club meets tonight, October 24, with Dr. L. A. Shorman, 12.14 J street. O3K00O3KKK0O)ro BAND INFORMAL- SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 26 Memorial Hall. KOtoKOto000IKDC0Oro WE ARE WILD? Chicago Paper 8ayu Nebraska If Football Mad. Under the scare head "Nebraska Is Wild" the Chicago Itocord-Hcrald yesterday prints the following dla patch from Lincoln regarding footbajl enthustnsm at Nebrabka: "Football Onthuslasm at tho Univer sity of Nebraska has beon raised to the highest pitch it has reached for sevoral years as tho result of tho' gamo with Minnesota last Saturday, Although hoping for as good n show ing as tho CornhUBkers made against Minnesota, tho secrecy with which the work of the team had been conducted since tho opening of tho season left the enthusiasts Bomowhat in doubt as to tho real strength of the Corn hUBkers. "hi view of tho change in coaches made by Nebraska this year, and other disadvantages which facod tho team at tho opening of the season, Satur day's scorn Is regarded in Lincoln as almost a Nebraska victory. "With tho Minnesota contest piny ed, chief Interest now rests In tho gamo with Antes, two weoka henco. "Coach Colo Is given most of the. credit for tho work of tho team Sat urday, although tho leadership of Captain Wcller Is regarded as having beon ono of tho most potent factors In It. Colo expressed regret that tho team could not win after scoring tho bnly touchdown of tho gamo, but 'is much oncournged by tho nervy work, of tho player." Tho State IJIatorlcal Society has Just received copies of tho Licking Val ley Register of Covington, Kentucky, dating from July 21, 1841, to July 20, 1844. In addition to this It has re ceived copies of tho New York Wookly Tribune dating from March 27, 1847, to September 1, 1849. This gives the so cloty noarly complete flies of two of tho principal papqrs of the country be tween 1840 nnd 1850. It Is expectod that this will provo of great vnluo to students studying tho period. Candidates 'for tho Juhipr class foot ball team report this evening at five o'clock on tho athletic field. Tickets 50 Cents DI8PUTE WILL PROBABLY BE SETTLED. Laws M'oet Today to Take Final Ac tion on Consolidation of Book and Are Expectod to Agree to It. The breach botwoon tho law slu donts and the Cornhusker manage ment over tho consolidation of the Law Annual and tho Cornhusker promises to bo closed this morning when the laws gather In mass meet ing to yoto on tho accoptlon of a llbdr al proposition which tho managora of tho 1908 Book have made them. Thoro seoms to bo a unanimity of opinion nmong the Laws In favor of consolidation ond It Is consldorod vorj probable that a settlement of tho un pleasantness will be reached toJny thru tho action of tho Laws. Tho mooting of tho Laws' will bt held at 11:00 o'clock this morning. . A copy of tho articles of agree-, ment which wore drawn up by tha Cornhuslcor-Law Conforcnco commit tee and which will be presented to tho Laws for their vote follows: Articles of Agreement. Between tho Cornhuskor staff and tho College of Law. It is hereby agreed between tho Cornhusker staff and tho College of Law that tho College of Law shall bo allowed not to exceed ono fourth tho space in tho Cornhusker. Tho College of Law shall have ono managing odltor, to bo chosen from tho senior class, and ono assistant business mnnnger, who Bhall bo select ed from the Junior class. Tho two members of the law editorial staff shall bo chosen from tho two upper Law classes ono from each. Tho material which the Law School will havo In the Cornhuskor shall con sist of photographs (half tones), car toons and literary work. It Is agreed that if such material is accepted it shall equal tho standard of similar ma toijal furnished by tho other collegos. In the case of a disagreement as to tho fitness of any material submittod by the College of Law, such disagree'1 ment shall bo-sottled by a board of ar bitrators; one from tho Law faculty, who shall bo selected by the managing odltor of tho Law College; ono from the Academic faculty, to be chosen by the editor-in-chief, nnd a third, who shall bo chosen b theso two. Tho conclusion of these three faculty mem bers shall be final. The Collego of Law shall have a separate division of tho Josh depart ment, for their Jokes and Joshes, and a title page for tho same, which shall bo designed by them. AH photographs (half tonesj and biographies in tho book aro to be Ar ranged according to years, but this di vision shall furthor be separated ac-" cording to colleges the senior Laws following tho senior Acndemlcs.- REGISTER, DEMOCRATS. ' Every democrat In the University Is urged to register Saturday, October 26. That Is the last day of registra tion and unless you are registered be fore Saturday night you will not be able to vote at the coming election Seniors meet at Tenth and O streets, 8at., Oct. 26, 7:30 a. m, frit linof rttrafit ntAiir In tlm aHv la soryed at The Boston Luncji. Try It. F Rally 11:30 a. m. ill ' tball loday