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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1907)
I I !l s v " ft fo r .. .l t mil? 1Tet)fraftan fcM THK PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nobraaka. FHIUSHEI mm IAT EXCEPT SUHDAT AMI IIHAT BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. PlMKltlM iflHl, 121110. Ht St JEdltorlhChlef... ..M. A. MIIU, '06 Mimaalng Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager. ..H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENTi ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable in Advance Single Copies, 8 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charted for nt tho rate of 10 cents por Insertion tn mmru lltnnn wnrli nr frnollon thrnf. Fnculty. notccfl and University bullotlnn Will gluuiy uo puuimiicu iruot Entered nt tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nobraskn, ns socond-clnBS mall matter under tho Act of Congress of March 8. 1870. FRESHMAN ELECTION. Dolow will bo found a statement of tho numerous candidates for tho presi dency of tho Freshman class at Illin ois.. It would seom from tho romarks, that tho situation at tho University of Illinois 1b qulto similar to our own sit uation. Although no now candidates havo boon announced this wook, it is' feared that tho postponmont of tho Froshraan election from Tuosday to Friday may bring out additional as-. pirantB. Tho article is as follows: "Tho IFroshman class election ought to bo held pretty soon or ovory mem bor of it will bo a candldato for presi dent. At tho rate announcements are reaching tho Daily Illlnl, there aro not many members loft in tho 'rank and Alo' of tho class. "It has heretofore boon tho custom when electing a Freshman president to stand tho candidates up where tho assembled multitude could soo them, label each ono with his name and elect tho ono who was best looking. Wo suggest that candidates announc . ing horoaftor, got a half tone portrait of thomselves and run It in our col umns. Wo can get them for $1.60 c'ach and solicit orders. RESULTS Wo claim to bo tho bost GLBANEltS and DYERS in Lincoln and aro bore to prove it Our methods arc tho VERY LATEST and our work men the best that money can soount. We clean tho flnost dresBOB and robes without danger of fading or shrinking in any way. We also clean gontlemcn's clothing of all kindB. Goods callod for and delivered. Ali goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD & CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phono Auto 1292 "Tho Freshman election Is matter of chance. It ought not to be s,o, but It can't i)o holpod. Thoro is very lit tle use of any moro members of -tho Class announcing thomselves. All are-, unknown to their follow olussmon and an announcement tloos them Qlttlo good' Whilo tho Dally Nobraskan does not doubt tho, truth of tho nbovo state-' niont rolativo to- tho ultimate good, announcements do, wo howover fool that tho Freshmen should be' oncour aged In taking an actlvo Interest in class affairs. Tho sooner tho Fresh men begin to know each othor and ' feelt that they have somothlng In com mon, tho sooner will tho class bo able to accomplish something. Attend your 'class meeting when it comes, "cionVbe a3ead ond. ,Mlaa EnaJBroch of Hastings' is visit toA&lPPA11 Thola house. is THE DAILY j o-4- ..' j ' 1 "X Nation's SUleldi" ' Undor the. Above caption tho Chi cago Tribune, ono of tho loading' met ropolitan dailies of tho United States, comments editorially on an article dealing with Corea written for tho curcnt issue of tho 'Forum by Profes sor Maxoy of Nebraska. Tho editor ial follows: "Corea has coasod to exist as a. na tion. The land is there and tho poo plo and the semblance of life, but for all that the Corean nation is dead and Japan is administering tho estate. Was it murder or suicide? Prof. Maxoy of Nebraska givos in the last Forum his reasons for a verdict of suicide. The Corean governmont kill od itself. It failed to recognize tho oondtlons under which alone a nation can livo. Tho woakness of the nation is shown by its inability to cure tho fos tering sore of royal misrule. Tho an nual budget of expenses is an index of tho conditions from which tho na tion suffered $1,103,359 for tho im perial privy purse and $424 for pub lic works; $1,000,000 for tho funeral of tho crown princess and $27,718 for nil public schools in tho country out sldo tho capital; $5,000,000 for a cow ardly nnd mutinous army, $450,604 for tho annual expense of keeping in commission one old gunboat which constituted tho whole navy of the country, and an expenditure of about $250,000 for the palaco guard wore In stances of throwing money away. Tho pension bureau spent $14 on expenses for ovory dollar which reached a pen sioner. The i. mining bureau did no work and made no report, but was paid $15,742. Favored courtiors were allowed to borrow the dies from tho mint and strike coins to pass current, but in which base metal was substi tuted for precious. Forced contribu tions wore levied upon tho woalthy undor the form of oxponsos attending the conferring of decorations. Tho whole country was plundored by a government which had no strength to protect citizens from private maraud ers, public grafters or foreign aggros- ED1I! sors. Tho form Is of loss importance than tho substance. Toars were shed over tho fall of tho old Venetian republic, although it was in reality a corrupt and tyrannical oligarchy, a republic In name only. Corea Is now a subject state, liko Egypt. But the common people of Corea will gain by the ex change of the native rule for that of Japan. There will bo a stable curren cy, schools, roads, and a market for the agricultural wealth of the country. Tho Corean will have to pay taxes, but ho will get an equivalent. Tho Corean empire committed suicide, but the Corean people ( will enter upon a new 'life. For Sale A Victor punching bag In best of cotidltibn, complete with 'plat form support ,nnd standing platform.; Price only, $4,50. Inquire at NSbQlfr' knn office. V ' ' S? ,, NEBRA&kAN f M . I iMbMhM' BcfWUft4TrMtifc' , s u . J -J i SW gsmm&A BRIGHTON K!vrS$ViwE&liSs0 FLAT llii ALL CLASP tHff SILK -is JERRY THE DRU6QIST. HOT and COLD SODA THE P08T OFFICE 18 DIRECTLY OPPOSITE OUR .ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN8. Tuesday, October 22. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Mr. C. B. Anderson and Mr. Geo. Coupland, republi can candidates for University Re gents. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Freshmon class meeting. Wednesday, October 23. 8:00p. m. U. 102. JofTorsonlan Club moots for election of ofllcers. Thursday, October 24. 11:,30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Football Rally. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Sup't. Carroll G. Pearso of Milwau kee, Wis. "Public Schools and tho Municipality.' 11:30 a. m.T-U. 205. Latin Club holds special meeting. Friday, October 25. 5:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Freshman class meets. G. L. Hedges, E. E., 1907, has re turned to his work as assistant to Superintendent Fee, after several weeks' confinement caused by running a nail in his -foot. Wollesloy, this year enrolled four .Chinese girls, tho first to bo Bent to ths country by tho Chinese govern mont. A. R. Wilson, C. E 1907, is working for tho Pueblo Bridge company at Pu eblo, Colo. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? For fine watch repairing or lowelrv go to E. Fleming, Jeweler, 1211 O St. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old. Holdelborg, 146 No. Eleventh Btroot. Tho bost placo to oat In town is at DonB Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. New line of fall hats. Special atten tion to students. Nichols, 11G No. 13th. Try Church's 20 cent meals, Twelfth and P streets. Cheapest placo for students, 127 No. Fourteenth street. Board, $3.00 per week, 127 No. 14th. o Rooms Rooms - Rooms New Windsor Hotel We have now open to studoiits five or six well fur- nished rooms. Steam heat and electric " ". ' lights. Will rent for $2 per , " ' $ r T , ,.',, t woe 0Offi09pQOd0i Flat Clasp Garters " for solid coriifort. The newest shades nnd designs of one piece, pure Hk web. All metal parts heavy nickel plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. 'a pair all dealers Or by ..mail. " PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Makers of Pxonttr SutptMtn Henderson & Hald JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY "Wo manufacture all of our. Candies & Ice Cream Wo mako tho finest and 'most delicious drinks in the city- TRY OUR FAM6U8 ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" and EAT "SAUE1T KRAUT" MADE BY OLYHPIA CANDY CO,, 1131 0 St. COTS' ABCORT AN ARROW CLUPECO SHRUNK QUARTER SIZES CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. mnmna or cmeTT HP MONARCH (HIRTI iinwnimi nam and jyro, j p a s i iwgfwgjgfffflgBsr fMSVK0lttS6M