The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 23, 1907, Image 1

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Vol.VH. No. 23.
Price 5 Cents.
Several Men On" Hospital List and
Cafptain ' Farhsworth' Has Been
i . Out of the Game for a Week.
(Special to Nebraskan.)
JBOJJ LDEROct, 21. The, prospects
horo arc not any too bright and Colo
rado, will have, to Improve very much
this week or she will be badly wal
loped by Nebraska next Saturday at
'Lincoln. Captain 'Farnsworth, the
mainstay df the Boulder eleven, has
boon out of tho game for a week, ow
ning to an injury-received in practice.
Farnsworth la- the beat man on the
team and every effort possible will be
,madetb get him into good shape for
,,the Nebraska contest. Both' of tho
'IColorado fullbacks, Welner and Reid,
are also "used up" and are taking
treatment at the sanitarium for, bad
.bruises. Held has been on crutches
"for the past "week and is in bad con
dition. Ho is a valuable player, be
ing light swift, and a good plunger.
His absence from the Nebraska game
would lessen very much Colorado's
chances of winning. Welner is the
one hundred and ninety-pound full
back of ithe. Boulder team. He will be
back In tho game by Saturday.
Tho Colorado line1 this season is
practically the same as last year,
with Farnsworth at center; Barr and
O'Brien at guard; Coffin and Kimmel at
tackle, Morrison and Morrll at end
1 In the back, field Boulder Is weak
on nccount of the new material sta
tioned there. "Bill" Trudgian, the
clever quarterback is missed at his
old position, and no one seemq to be
able to do the work there satisfactori
ly. Stirrett and Van Meter are both
good men 'for the quarter position, but
they are a little too light and inex
perienced and sometimes lose their
heads In a tight place.
Tho entire team is working hard
this week but the weather has been
entirely too warm to permit tho men
to get into more than average mid
season form. The coach is going to
give them stiff scrimmage practice
the rest of the week in preparation for
the contest. Saturday,,"
The Colorado-Agriculture game last
Saturdays does not give a true line on
the strength of the Boulder eleven
for the reason that throe or four of
their best men were not In, that con
test, being kept out by injuries. The
team that Colorado will send against
Nebraska will bo much stronger than
, the eleven that played t tho Aggies
There- will be no. excursion from
here to Lincoln Saturday owing to the
unreasonable attitude that the rail
roads assume toward making rates.
Since the two-cent 'faro went lata, ef
feet in the western' states'the railroad
have refused to make excursion rates
and football specials have received
deadly blow. , i
Colorado vs. Nebraska
Reserved seat tickets now on sale at Harry Porter's and
Ed Young's.
Three Middle Sections, $1.25. Two end seotions, $1.00
President Alden of the Senior Class
Announces the Following Ap
pointments to Committees.
Athletics Chairman, F. N. Mono
fee; W. T. Young, B. A. Schmidt.
Caps and gowns Chairman, Esthor
Wood; Laura Rhoades, Nellie Lud
den, Elizabeth Klewlt and Virginia
'Commencement orator Chalrmnjn,
W. R. 'King; Mattle Woodworth,
Alice Ruderadorf, A. -C. "Hough, and J.
C. Knode.
Finance Chairman, Q. L. Sullivan;
Geo. Fenlon, J. A. Murphy, C. C. Mc
Whlnney, Elsie Adams.
Pins Chairman. A. 'H. Miller; Jean
Sullivan, Abbie Stewart, Florence Tll
lotson, Mary Strahorn.
Party H. B. Bergquist, Noel L.
Provost, G. L. Sullivan, Bertha A. Hoi
lister, Geo. Currle, J. Allen Murphey,
R. E. Waldo, H. H. Hinman.
Manager of football team Roy Al
len. Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Saturday evening the new members
of the Y.' W. Ci A. became acquainted
In a very novel, way at the homo of
Mrs. M. J. Waugh, Seventeenth and
G streets. The ghosts and shades of
past association workers received the
new members in ghostly manner and
conducted them to the third floor of
the house whore more ghosts and
shades proceeded to' entertain tho in
vited guests by making the night hide
ous with ghostly antics, Tho effect
was heightened by the grinning faces
of Jack-O-Lanterns, which afforded
the chief light "for the occasion.'
Stories of ghostly adventures formed
the. principal amusement of tho even
ing. Refreshments wore served In a
novel way, fitting to the peculiar form
of entertainment. The new members
were unanimous in' their opinion that
they had been given a most satis
factory opportunity of getting ac
quainted. .
Tho Y. W. C. A Vesper Service will
be held as usual Sunday afternoon at
four o'clock, In IT. 106. The program'
arranged for lost Sunday nnd post
poned on account of tho Scoville af
ternoon meeting, will be given next
Sunday. Mrs. Hinman will lead and
a musical program will be .given by
Missj Jaeggi, violinist and Miss Vib
bard, soloist . - -
We serve milk In Individual bot
tles to insure cleanlinessr-and you
get -the cream 5c. The Boston Lunch.
Rally 1 1 :30 a. m.
Kansas Gets a Line On Cornhusker's
8tyle of Play.
(Chicago Lottor.)
Coach Parry of tho University of
Kansas, witnessed tho Nebraska-Minnesota
game at. Minneapolis last Sat
urday and got a line on tho stylo of
gamo put up by the Cornhuskors.
While In Chicago, where he spent Sun
day and Monday before returning to
the Kansas Institution; Coach Parry
referred to' tho Nebraska' team as bo
Ing as fine' a bunch of players as any
coach could wish for, and, without
casting any reflections on his own
eleVen,stated that he would be happy,
if he had an aggregation half as prom
ising. "Of .cburso the team Js somewhat
green just now," he said. "It has so
much new matorial, but by the time
the season Is at its height, tho team
might well be proud."
In referring to individual players,
tho coach picked Captain Weller and
Quarterback Cooko-us the Cornhusker
Btars. The ends, 'said he, while play
ing high class ball most of tho time,
were a trifle "weak on defense and
were somewhat slow, occasionally, in
running down punts.
When asked as to the probable out
come of tho Kansas-Nebraska game,
Coach Parry simply Bmiled. . His team
defeated Oklahoma) 15-0, last Saturday
and tho Child State has an ex
cellent team this season.
Jeffersonlans Organize Tonight.
Numerous copies of a petition have
been circulated the past two days call
ing a meeting of Democratic students
for thls'evening at S:00 p. m. sharp, In
room N. 102.
This first meeting, whjch is to be
spent in reorganizing, and electing
officers, Is preliminary to a larger
mass meeting or rally that tho club
expects to hold later. The party lead
ers outside the University have agreed
to furnish any speakers that the club
may ask for.
Sophomore Football.
' All candidates for tho Sophomore
football team are requested t meet on
the athletic field at 11 o'clock Thurs
day morning.
The Y. M. C. A. will meet tonight
under the leadership of Jas, Ayers in
N, 106, at 7 o'clock.
Mrs. E. M. Barkley, Oeaii of Women
will entertain the Cornhusker staff at
dinner Wednesday, bctober 30.
The Present Orders Revoke All Ex
Istlng Assignments and Appoint
ments M. F. Wasaon, Major.
Tho cadot appointments and as
Worklzor yostorday. Tho official or
dors making tho appointments fol
low: Orders No. 1.
1. All existing appointments are' re
voked, 2; Tho following cadet- appoint
ments and assignments are announced
subject to tho approval of tho Chan
cellor of the University:
Major M. F. Wasson.
Captains W. V. Konnor, Co. C; " H. '
S. Stephens, Co. A;1 R. E. Guthrie,
Co. B; IB. B. Yoder, Co. D.
First Lieutenants E. A. Froyd, un
assigned; R. T. Funk, uriasslgnod; H.
O. Perry, unasslgnod; C. K. Shedd,
Co. O; N. P. Nelson, Co. A; E. W.
Hills, Co. B', W. M. Weber, Co. D-
Second lioutenanta R. L. Williams,
Co. C; F. M. Weller, Co. A; W. B.
Houseworth, Co. B; J. F. Volleritlne,
Co. D.
Chief musician C. C. McElroy,
Sergeant major C. J. Kremor.
Chief trumpeter H. L. rfladik.
Principal musician B. T. Phelpa,
Battalion quartermaster sergeant
H. 0. Ingalls.
First sergeants I. J. Laingcr, Co. Q;
Y. Holland; Co. A; F. A. Jones, Co.
B; F. A. Crites, Co; D.
Drum major ' M. Clark, band"" if
Company quartermaster eergeanta
A. Schmid, Co. C; D. D. Plumb.Co..
A; S, A. Mahood, Co. B; J, X). Tay
lor, Co. D. 4
Sergeants R. L. Harrison, band; F.
W. Fensler, Co. C; J. L. Thomas, Co.
A; O. L. Olson, Co, C; J. F, Coupe,
Co. D; A. B. Ihgersoll, "band; G. W.
Peters, Co. C; V. White, Co. D; H.
E. Newell, 'band; -S. S. Davis, band';
C. A. Rutledge, Co. C; T. McAllister,
Co. A; E. M.'Buo, Co. B; H. J. Carey",
Co. D; Rf Jf Reed, -band; C."Pi 'SoV
derberg, Co. A; W. B. Byerts', "Co? B
V. B. Eisetfer, Co. D; C. W. 'Mitchell,
Co. B. '
Corporals H. R. Levin, band; R.
Hebbard, band; G. Crooks, band; R.
F. Greonsfit, 'band; C. H. Collins, Co.
C; C. M. Mengel, Co. A; P. M. Dale,
Co. B R. O. Webster, Co. D; W. A
Davison, Co. C; W. Rupert, Cot. A; W.
J. Wolenberg, Co. B; J. A. Scptriey,
Co. D; H. Ballenger, Co, C; S.B.
HIbbard, Co, A; D. F. Smith; Co. B;
J. 'Ayers, Co. D; J. B. Whitney, Co.
C; A. R. Kessler, Co. A; G, K. Moore,
Co. B; P. H. Hailderson, Co. D;; G.
Schwartzt Co. C; L. R. Smith, Co. A;
R. B. SUi, 3o. B; CO. Smith, Co.D;
C. C. Cottrell, Co. A; A. Dool, o, B;
C. Ef" Thornburg, Co. D; D. B. Wail
engren, Co. D.
(Continued on page 4.)