Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1907)
C THE1 -. r NEBRA8KAN Hfr .- v V () Y s ' 4 P37w WE'VE . v. MOVED STILL s MAKE TH08E "TASTY TOBS" AT OUR NEW. LOCATION 142 80UTH 12TH . ELLIOTT BROS Tailors Lincoln Dancing flcadamy Social Nights, Wed. and Saturday, 8:30 Beginners Night, Monday University Trade Siliclteri. II26 N St. MME.F.F.KOSS Scimtlllo Chiropodist Manicurist HAIR I1ESSIM AM IASSME PAILIIS . 1S8f 0 It, LINCOLN, NEI. Am Hr iMkHN, Mkk., VuilHh Silk KKltry HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. Tht Drug Ciatun CINCINNATI CUT NICE SHOE St ORE AND ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR FAC TORY SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY 1220 O STff-ST L,. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MANS' TAILOR Tte finest work done and prices right. OaU at our new store. i ' 1230 O St. V 'Lincoln '11 J 11 . I) I 1 ft JMjI Iff I ml If 11 0 Jg Gt your ahotjs shlnod by jjjj to Amarloan by at .'" , R COLE & McKENNA'S : 8 PALM GARDEN : (tttt)tttttt)K BUSINESS DIRECTORY 11 ii ii n 41 tl It II II H U Every Loyal UnlToralty Student It urged to patronize the Nebras kau ailvertliora, and to uientlou the paper while doing ho. i I I iinp BAKERIES D'alrymplo; Potry. BANKS FirBt Trust and Savings. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central; Marshall; Mogul; Richards. . BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAPE Savoy, Windsor. OIQARS Colo & McKenna; Matt's Placd. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Magoo & Dcemor; Mayor Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltebroast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymplo; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co.; Rood. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS RlggB. DRY GOODS Herpolshelmer; Miller fc Paine. FLORISTS Chapln; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Mageo & Deemor; Mayor Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. DaviB; Mine. Ross, Mrs. J.' C. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST-Rice. JAPANESE GOODS Akagl. JEWELERS TD. Fleming; Harris; Myera; Tucker; Hallett. LAUNDRIES Evamr, , Merchants; Yule.' LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Eolsom. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Haydou, Townsend, Clements. EIANOS Schmollor & Mueller. PRINTERS George. Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor. SHINING PARLOR Colo & Mc Kenna. SHOES Bockman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Potty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. SUITORIUMS Wobor. TAILORS Backstrom; DreBhor; El liott; Hoffloy; Horzog; Ludwlg; Scotch Woolen Mills. THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. U- all -No Tommy The U-of N Caterer. He's in business for' himself ' ' at 208 So.' 12tli ' V Hot Luncheonettes HURRY! Thos. A. Coleman. BSSSSSSSSSJBSm pa jSSSSSSSSSSSSi bbbbbbbl:jbbk7 jbbbbbbbbbbbbI LbbKsWbbVi 'vaaaal BBBBBBBHSBJr.SBjBBV -" ' JBBBBBBBBB BBBBbbf nSBBnABSHB VI - ."'tBBBBBBBBl bbBBBTjbbJi Btra r - v bbbbbbbi BBBBBBBBBBBBBhBmBBBBBBBmLj9BBBBBBBBBBBi BaBBBBBBBBBBaaBaBBBBBBK?rSaBBBBBBBBl ' bbbbbbuIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV (Continued from page 1.) forced to punt, and the ball wont to Minnesota pn Its twenty yard lino. Ca pron puntod to midflold, when tlmo for tho first half was called.. .Score Min nesota, 8; Nebraska, 5. The second half Btarted with a niBh. A blocked punt on Nebraska's twenty ard lino gave Capron anothor chanco for a field goal. Tho ball wont wide of the mark and Nebraska punted out to its forty yard line. On n quarter 11111 Capron made ten yards. A fumble gave tho Cornhuskora tho. ball. Lino bucks resulted In no gain and Wollor was forced to punt from tno middle of tho field. Schuknecht broke through tho Ne braska lino for u run of thlrty-flVo yards. Capron followed with eight yards, putting tho ball on Nebraska's flvo yard line. On a quarter back run Capron lost ten yards and fumbled, losing tho ball. Two forward passes by tho Cornhuskcrs gavo thorn thlrty flvb yards and put tho ball on tho llfty yard line. Minnesota had tho ball on Nebras ka's forty yard line whon the whistle blew. Final score, Minnesota 8, Ne braska 5. Lineup: Minnesota Nebraska Mowery R. E Boltzor Caso R. T Chaloupka Bandolin R. G Prum KJelland 4. C Collins Lambort L. ,G Harvey Young L. T Mattoru CheBtnut .L. E Johnson Capron Q. B Cooko Shuknecht It. H Minor Rademachcr L. H Wellor Dunn.- F. B .Kroger Touchdown Wollor. Goals from flold Capron, 2. Reforee-'-HoaglanJ, Princeton. Umpire Hammil, Chica go. Head linesman Allen, Chicago. Flold Judge McCarthy, Wisconsin. Time of halves 35 minutes. THE EARM WINS. Carries Off Many Honors at K. .C. Royal Stock Show. The Nebraska University Farm car ried off Its full share of honors at tho Kansas City Royal Stock Show lust week. Tho Farm had eloven fat steers on exhibition and won ten prizes as follows: three firsts, four seconds, two tlilrdB, and ono fourth. Tho three first prizes were tho following: first in tho two-year-old Angus class, won by tho stcor Fostor Zqnoleum III; first In tho yearling grade Angus class won by tho steer Dictator Dictator won tho championship as a grado Angus steer at tho Chicago International last year; and flrsWn the yenrling Gallo way class. Tho total prlzo money won by tho Farm was $210. Hordsman Chas. Sim mate also won a prize of $15 for fitting the best Galloway steer. All of tho steora oxhlblted at Kan sas City last week, with Bovoral others, will bo exhibited at tho Chicago Inter national Exhibition in December. In this connection it may be said I tbat.theBo prize animals are kept by mo rami not primarily for tno pur pose of exhibition, but for uao in Judg ing in the School of Agrlculturo and University classes. An oxcellont op portunity Is offered for students to bo come familiar with tho best types of animals, and with the characteristics of the different breeds. The Farm maintains small but good herds of the four principal breeds of beef cattle, viz.; Shorthorn, Angus, Herford, and Galloway. Prof. Smith recontly purchased three Shorthorn animals recently Imported from Canada, two of which are very fine individuals. Zoological Club. The Zoological Club will meet at 8:00 p. ra., Tuesday, evening, October 22, in the Zoological Lecture Room. The program, will be: "Tho Develop ment of CyBtlcercolds In Lumbrlcu? lus, By Al. Mrazok." George R. La Rue. "The Orientation of Cestodes, By L. Conn," Henry B. Ward. Notice, Democrats. The Jeffersonlan Club of tho Uni versity will meet Jn U, 102 at 8 p. m., Wednesday, October -23. ' All Demo crats attend. W. A. Posey, 1007, Is.the republican candidate for county superintendent 'of Thayer country. Oliver Theatre i Tonight at 8:15 . ' Lew Dockstaderl and His Great MINSTRELS. ' 60 People. ( Prices $1.50, $1.00, 76o, 60o and 25c Wed. Mat. and Eve., Oct. 23. I, CYRIL SCOTT In the New York Hit TliePrinceChap Mat. 25c to $1.00. Night 25c, to 1.5a LYRIC THEATftE HATINHB 8 P. M. BVB. 7l4 fc 9t00 PRICES TKN a FIFTEEN CENTS FINK'8 LONG-EARED CIRCU8 ILLU8TRATED SONG "STAR LIGHT." MR. HUDSON . DAVE AND PERCIE MARTIM "1 ' J,' LYR08COPE ,' , j BAKER AND GOMBY COMEDY ACROBAT8 GLADYS CARLETON. . The 8lnglng and Dancing Girl, . G. C. NUGENT CHARACTER -SKETCH. BIJOU ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE 9 Mat. at 3 p. m. Evening 7:45 and 9. NEW MANAGEMENT NEW POLICY POPULAR PRICES. Balcony 10 cents, entire .lowervffqor 15 cents, boxes 25' cents. Nothing higher. Three performances dally. THE t. JEWEL THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND a BAREST PICTURES IN THE CITY. i J430 O STREET JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVINI PICTiffiS AND ILLUSTRATED ONt -1330 O TREET- MCKSTROM COUPMY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS 1320 N Lincoln. Nale, THE BLAZEK STUDIO A Special rate on photos to students of, . per dozen..,..........,.,. SI.00 OPEN SUNIAY8 12IS O STREET