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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1907)
St v .ft! C THE NEBRA6KN U- -y xtf. XC-bcv2)atl fUbfcaefcan THE PROPERTY OP THE UNIVERSITY ,OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERT BAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND illDAT ' BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Pgklicatlon eiflct, 126 No. 14th St. DRAMATIC TRY-OUT8. EdltoMn-Chlef.. ,.M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 6 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents por Insertion for ovory llf toon words or f ractlort thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published frco. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mulW matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1870. LOOK TO THE FUTURE. Although tho Bcoro in tho Minnesota gamo Saturday shows that wc woro beaten, It does not nhow that the glory was undivided. Nebraska can well bo proud of tho lighting spirit manifested by tho mon who constitute "King" Colo's charge, und although wo wlBh the victory had boon ours, thoro yot could bo no word of criti cism of tho team or of their training. Nor Bhould any timo or energy be wasted in vain repining. Tho future domands our attention, the past is valuable only for tho lessomr it may teach. It is up to tho students to help tho football team win ovory game playoJ on tho old homo flold this sea son, which as Is woll known Is tho fi nal chapter of its history as an ath letic field. Tho Importance of a gen erous and whole-souled support on the part of tho student body can not bo ovor estimated. Just at this timo tho emphasis is laid upon now songs. This should moot with tho hearty approval of overyono and should bring forth good results. If you have a good idoa, Club Getting Ready for Opening of the New Temple. Tho Dramatic Club of the Universi ty of Nobraskd will hold its first "try outs" for tho year during 'the even ings of Tuesday and Wednesday, Oc tobor 29-30. All persons who desire to tryout for admission to .the club should seo tho secretary, Miss Lindormann, at once, nnd arrange their time. Two years ago the club was re organized. Prior to this change only students in the Department of Elocu tion wore eligible, and all Buch be came members by simply signing the constitution and paying dues. In or der to put the duty on a broader basis, tho eligibility list wob enlarged to In cludo any regular University student'; but at tho Bame timo, tho standard of excellence was raised by adding tho requirement that all applicants should pass a satisfactory test as to their dramatic ability by being compelled to Vtry out" boforo an oxamining committee. Tho Dramatic Club has been ac corded tho privilege of giving a play in tho now Temple theater at tho for mal opening of that building. The club contemplates putting on a play for this event that will rival amateur attempts of this nature in any school nnd leave a precedent which all sub sequent dramatics will he glad to omulnto. The standard will be placed high and the Ideals higher. Tho Dramatic Club probably did more than any other single organiza tion in tho University towards making tho Tomplo project possible, not only paying its own pledge of $500, but helping several of tho other Btudent organizations to raise tho amount of tholr pledges. The Dramatic Club has boon for several years tho best en tertainer in tho University, hampered as It has boon by an uttor luck of stage facilities and a suitable hall. Henceforth with tho Tomplo theater at their service, thoy expect to grow and put it Into Buch form as will mako a football sdng possible therefrom. Don't expand their sphere of usefulness, and Budd's New Brown Hats I paid $15.00 express charges last week-for New Brown, Hats all nobby styles all $2.50 LOOK ME UP BUDD, $2.50 HATTER sf' N!JnmSSKMImMiL 3 mimW$mkA2afr' Swell Snappy Shoes, $3.50 and $4.00. All the new styles PS sir sVH bskbW isfl isM Ba BV vAfek M i 2S0srjEr.& SEE OUR WINDOWS UNIVERSITY BULLETIN8. Tuesday, October 22. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Mr. C. B. Anderson and Mr. Geo. Coupland, "republi can candidates for University Re gents. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Freshmen class meeting. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. Miss A. E. Soukup,x dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 1130 O St Auto 1737. Try Church's 20 cent meals, Twelfth and P streets. M. For Rent Room for gentloman. Modern. 534 No. Twelfth street. Now stock every day. "No come backs" In anything served at Tho Bos ton Lunch. hesitate because you may never have done this boforo, it is possible that this is your first opportunity and you should not lot It slip by. You can not oxpect the chief rooters to accomplish ' anything without tho support of tho students. Thoy aro willing and ready to do ovory thing in their power to help beat Colorado next Saturday, but insist that their efforts will amount to nothing unless backed by the whole student body. Professor Barbour reports that the valuo -and Importance of many rare specimens In tho museum Is beginning to b'o realized by eastern scientists. Four French scientists have visited the museum so far this year. Dr. Hol land, director of tho Carnegie Institute and tho Carnegie Museum was In tho city during Friday and Saturday studying rare specimens in the col lection of Chas. H. Morrll. Ho will return for a short time in about ten days. to become an Institution of which tho University and its friends may be just ly proud. SONG CONTEST. Manager Eager offers a prize of two reserved seat tickets for the best Eong written for the Colorado gdme. All songs must be submitted by Thurs day morning. Postponed. Tho Freshman class meeting has been postponed from 11.30 this morn ing 'to 5 p. m. Friday. Instead of tho Freshmen, tho Seniors will hold their meeting at 11:30 thla morning. "Resolved, That the present tend ency toward centralization in our mu nicipalities does not conserve the host Interests of the public;" is tho subject of the first debate this year between the Senato and Congress olubs at California. The Forestry Club wilf meot to night In Room 110, Nebraska Hall. Professor Bruner will give a talk on "Forest Insects." Everybody is cor dially Invited to attend. The Chemical Club will hold a regu lar meeting in the Chemical Lecture room, Wednesday, October 23, at 7: 30. Tho following program will bo given: "Soil Analysis," Glesoker; "A Now Method for the Separation of As, Sb, and Sn." Discussion Lead by Alden and Young. Visitors welcome Wo manufacture all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo malco tho finest and most delicious drinks in tho city." TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LO.VET" and EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIA CANDY CO., 1131 0 St. Baked beans, baked on tho prom ises and served hot with delicious brown bread, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. 6X006C3O0O0eO0OOOO3O000OO0C3OO D d r I rxumus - ivooms - fVOOms X New Windsor Hotel We have now open to students five ' or six well fur nished rooms. Steam heat and electric lights. Will rent for $2 per week and up. 00000000000000000000000 t 41 M 1 rimiTMwimffiftfegw IJjgjjjliBSi rjwiiiiin1" 525 ar:,,