THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i Gbe ails IRebraefean THK PROPEUTY OF .TIII3 UNIVKIISITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY ' HY THK STUDENT PUB. BOARD. Pablicitloi Qtflce, 126 No. 14th St. .Edltor-ln-Chlef M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business .Manager... H. C. Robertson. '00 Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT. ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflcc, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clmrgud for at the rate of 10 conta per Insertion for ovory ilf toon words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bullotlnB will glndly bo published freo. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln. NobniHkii. as Bocond-class mull matter under tho Act of ContfroBB of March 3 1870. OUR ADVERTI8ER8. Tho Nobrasltnn would like to call tho attontlon of tho Unlvoralty pub lic to tho position tho advertising pa trons, of this paper occupy and tho course of action Incumbent .upon us therefrom. However much a college dally may differ from other news pub lications In many sallont points, It nev ertheless has ono point In common with thorn, viz , It rolles primarily up on tho Bpaco sold to advertisers for financial solvency. This Is indeed tho caso with tho Nebraskan and furthor than that, under the present system tho "Dally" could not continue for a week If It wore not for the funds paid in by tho local business men. In con sideration of those facts It would scorn that anyone Intorestod In tho prosperi ty of -tho paper and desirous of con tinuing the publication, would feel bound to patronize those business men who support It with their patronage. This attitude is Justified from princi ples of reciprocity as well as Trom a feeling of loyalty. And if it became generally known that tho studonts showed a proforonco for those adver tising in student publications there would bo decldoly less difficulty In se- RESULTS TELL! ,i We claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are hero to provo it. Our methods aro the VERY LATEST and our work mon the best that money can secure. We clean tho flneBt dresses and robes without dangor of fading or shrinking In any way. We alBO olean gontlomen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. Wo do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C WOOD & CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 curing advertising patrons. It is not fair play to pass by a generous ad vertiser's place of business and make your purchases of pome ono who Is not interested enough In tho Unlvorsl ty to buy advertising space or is moan spirited enough to presume that you aro obliged to patronlzo him' and any expense on his part would bo foolish. Whon Intending to make purchases look ovor tho names of business men in tho Daily Nobraskan's business di rectory and select somo ono from It. The trade of students' is acceptable to tho local 'business men generally but the student should see that the firm patronizing tho student publication should have tho preference over 'the firm that thinks it does not pay to ad vertise. Miss A. E. So.ukup, droaamaklng. Special attention given to. students. 1136 O St. Auto 1737. The Forward Pass. (By John B. Foster.) To what extent tho forward pass will bo used this year is a question that no ono can answer. Itnthor to put the matter more accurately, it is probable that tho forward pass will bo UBed ono hundred percent oftonor than it was in the season of 1006. Roper, of Princeton was a great be liever In it last year, and ho worked his team with it from tho Btart, but undor tho very eyes of everybody Yale perfected a system of forward passing which was brilliant, spectacular, flashy and nerve-racking in its first exhibit, an no one scorned to think it possible of success. No football crowd of the tremendous size of those which witnessed tho east ern university games over sat In more breathless astonishment than that which witnessed Yale and Princeton play last year when Veeder, tho Yalo back, made the first of thoso giant for ward passes which were the sensation of tho year. N:or was there more of a demonstra tion over a play than there was when Yalo succeeded with Iho long pass, which shows that tho American public, for one thing, Is very apt In gathering tha finer points of all the pastimes which It favors and takes a notion to commend. Tho pass by Voeder was not of the nature of tho low, driving pass which Is characteristic of English rugby. It was a high arching throw. Veoder, at the extreme end of lils lino, paused after a feint run, turned about and threw the ball far over the heads of those who were trying to 'block him, and tar beyond the line of defence of tho Harvard team the Illustration, by the way, showing a play In the Har vard game where Alcott, tho Yalo end, was waiting to catch It. When tho forward pass was first cx porlmentod with In tho early part of tho season most of the coaches had In mind that about all there was in It was a possible handing of tho forward by one mombor of a team to anothor at a psychological moment In tho game, or a quick toss around the ends. Both Princeton and Wost Point worked largely with tho fast passing at 'the ends, and both mado profltablo gains with tho play. Nobody had thought of throwing tho ball half tho length of the field as ono might tOBB the bal in basket ball. It is said that Quill, down south, worked out the play and that he wrote to Yale and advised that It be at tempted. The Yalo mon wore hesi tant about taking It up, but Yalo sel dom lots , anything get away without giving it a-trial, and while others wore wholly In the diirk as to what tho Ells wore doing they practiced tho play and sprung thoir sensation in the Princeton game. Well, they gained by It, and they also gained with the same play in the Harvard game. It is true that it is a very risky per formance, unless you have tho roator- Suiting the Hard to Suit Men The harder a man Is to please with clothes, the more particular he is in regard to style and detail in general, the more anxious wo are to have him come here for hie fall suit and overcoat. Remember, every garment In the house made this season. New Location I34I 0 St. H. E. FARQU H AR JERRY THE DRUGGIST, HOT and GOLD SODA THE POST OFFICE IS DIRECTLY OPP08ITE OUR ENTRANCE 132 NO. 10TH. I I UNION COLLEGE I TAILORS Main College Building....... SMI ial to accomplish it successfully and a general In chargo of the eleven to know when it Is tho right time to use It . UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. Saturday, October 19. 6:00 p. m. St. Paul's Church. Y. M. C. A. Chicken pot pie Bup per. All Unlvorslty men invited. Sunday, October 20. 4:00 p. m U. 10G. Y. W. C. A. Vesper Service. Mrs. HInmon and Miss Joeggl. Tuesday, October 22. 11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Mr. C. B. Anderson and Mr. Geo. Coupland, republi can candidates for University Re gents. 11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall. Freshmon class meeting. Professor Barbour has been in Chicago for tho past few days visiting the Field Museum. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Elovonth and P streets? Now lino of fall hats. Special atten tion to students. Nichols, 11G No. 13th. Tho best place to oat In town Is at Dons vJafo 114 So. Eleventh street. CheapoBt place for students, 127 No. Fourteenth street. Dr.. Chas. Burr Blk. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Board, $3.00 per week, 27 No. 14th. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Patronlzo Capital Hotel Barber Bhop. g0S0O&O000005)OOOO00Q0C tf Eat at The Windsor Cafe Best and Cheapest Cafe injtho city, quality and ser vice considered .... L Henderson & Hald JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS REPAIRING A SPECIALTY I For First Class Tailoring AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW I Wo manufacture all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo inak6 tlio finest and most delicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" nnd EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIAGAHDYGO., 1131 OSt, HAIR CUTTING A SPECIALTY -THE-n Quick and Easy Barber Shop C. W. EMMERT, Prop. . 20S SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET Qlve me a call Havo your clothes pre'ssod at Woo er's Suitorium, Cor. 11th and O. Try Ohurch'a 20 cent meals', Twelfth and P streets. ' VA & 00000000000000O i . "5 pr mm