wmmmmmmmmmmmi vf , .. THE DAILY NEBRASKAN mMHMMMMiiMMMMHM . ' , t kO0000Q000) A !r- V JUST RECEIVED THOSE CELEBRATED . Plow's i ' Chocolates Our LuncKaonattas and Hot Chocolate) . Soda ara specially fina. Hirschinc-Morsi Co. 131 StHthUth Stmt - THE. UNIVERSITY MAKS' TAILOH Tha finest work done and prices right. Call at oar new store. 1230 O St. Lincoln THE FIRST i t TRUST ft SAVINGS BANK Owned by the Stockholders' of The First National BankJ INTKBK8T PAID AT 8K PER CENT Pint Ntllenal Bank Rooms, Tenth nr.rf 0 Peg Top Corduroy Panls ELMS BAKER PANTS: CO., u - J USo. ELEVENTH St ,v , l, . V THE BLAZEK STUDIO lA Special rate on photos ,to students of, per dozen $1.00 OPEfTSUNDAYS 1216 0 STREET Petry. Bakery Co. Baking Orders Filled Promptly FINE RICE BPEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND YOUR ORDER WILL BEOBIVB PBOMPT ATTENTION G. K: AKA'GI & BROS. EXCLUSIVE ' ' JAPANESE STORE BYrybody Is cordially-in vited to call and inspect our store .'. .. .'. ,. . 204 Seuth Twelfth St. .wuxtmzmsAXU.i&.wviiXxi, : CINCINNATI CUI ftlCE S WE STWE AND ELECTAIC $N0E IEPAHI.FAC-, TONY, SAVES YOU TIME AND MONEY 1220 0 STREET imwvvy r rf . ? T -j,' p. .'dressmaking. Special 'attentfon given to students. 1186 O St, Auto 173V , Patronize CapitalLHotel Barber shop. 0000 Pershina '1 f fratbrKity hall OCT. TWENTY-5 Adm. $1.25. Limited to 90 iOOO0OOyOI BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loral Unlveralty Student la urged to patronlio theae Nebraa kan adycrtlaera, and to mention the paper while doing ao. t t t f fo aV 55 Sf it tfStf i k tf ."-"lA. ftf -lCb f .S SAjtf .b b.Sa BAKERIES -Dalrymple; Petry. BANKS First Trust and Savings. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central; Marshall; Mogul; Richards. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFFA-Snvoy, Windsor. CI0AR Colo ,& McKenna; Matt's Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; Mageo & Deernor;' Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whltebreast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co.; Rood. DENTISTS Graham; Yungblut DRESSMAKING Soukup. DRUGGISTS RIggB. DRY GOODS Horpolshoimer; Miller ft Paine. FLORISTS Chapin; C. H. Frey. FURNISHINGS Budd; Mageo & Deemer; Mayor Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mme. Ross, Mrs. -J. C. Bell. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. JAPANESE GOODS Akagf. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers; Tucker; Haljptt. IA.UNDRIES EvanB; Merchants; Yule. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. , OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazok, Haydou, Townsend, Clements. PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. PRINTERS Georgo Bros.; Simmons. HEAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch ; Buds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor. SHINING PARLOR Cole & Mc Kenna. SHOES Beckman Bros; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. SUITORIUMS Weber., ' TAILORS Backstrom; DreBher; El liott; Heffley; Herzog; ' Ludwig; Scotch Woolen Mills. " THEATEHS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Undorood auio inorp, TROUSERS Baker PantB Co. (Continued"3 frorn" -pago l!) ' days, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Before it was revised rule U.I read as ollows: No new student shall remain In any Chapter House later than 6 p. m. on Mondays, Tuesdays,, Wednesdays and Thursdays;, , Delicious Hot ." Chocolate T and Coffavs mOTQPStoeete Rifles Hop - tickets. Abbott's Orchestra TWENTY MEN TO GO. (Continued from pago 1.) UP for the Nebraska gamo, tho Chi cago contest probably being tho big gamo In tho eye of tho Gopher coach. To win from Nebraska will require a hard pull, but with UiIb week of prac tise tho rooters bellovo tho Minneso tans will have a sufllclont .strongth to turn tho trick. Victory eithor way will not bo thru a high score. "Save in tho case of Woodrick, Min nesota camo thru tho Ames game without serious Injury. Tho dislocated Bhouldor or tho unfortunate 'Peggy' will doubtless keep him out of the running for tho rest of the season. Case Is to take his examination some tlmo this week, and if ho succeods in clearing himself of his condition, will appear against Nebraska Satur day. This will put YoUng and Case at tho tackle positions. Dunn, too, will get in against Nebraska, and this Is putting tho rooters on tho conjec ture bench as to tho possible shift In tho team. Rademachor may be sent to the end and Dunn put In at full back. Nothing is known as to what the coach intends to do In this mat ter, and If there Is such a shift it will not bo known until tho team comes on the field Saturday." Delinquent Students. Tho committee on delinquent stu dents wishes to call attention to Rulo 22 of the Student's Handbook. RuF22 A student who, In any soraestor, 1b not satisfactorily carrying at leaBt twelve (12 hours is debarred from representing tho University that sem ester on any athletic or debate team or board, on a glee, mandolin, or dra matic club, on tho staff of any college publication or on any other University organization; moreover a student who falls to para in twelve (12) hours at the end of a semester is debarred from representing tho University in any capacity the semester following. In case a student in any of tho above named enterprises falls, any semester, to carry satisfoctorlly tho work or any part thereof for which ho is registered, tho committee on delinquent students may, at its discretion lessen tho hours (of such Btudent's registration. uopios or tno "Rules and Rogula-, tlon's Governing Students" may bq had at tho Registrar's office. Another Freshman Candidate. Nyo Morehouso of Fremont is an nounced as the fourth candidate for the .presidency of the Freshman class. Although "entering tho race a little late, his supporters aro confident of his winning out. 'Notice. t All football men who have not been physically examined should report at u. zui ror samo at once, eithor Mr. Bohler or to R. G. CLAPP. Tho best place to eat In town is at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. Cheapest place for students, 127 No. Fourteenth street T)r P,hnB TminpWiit HonHirf 9ftl Burr Blk. , Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon, hour lunchss a .& ? LYRIC THEATBE MATlHfcK S J. M. KVB. 7i4S fc f tOO' PRICB3 TEN !" 1WTBKN CENTS LAMBONT AND MILLIHAN LYR08COPE. BAKER AND ROBINSON.. ROY JONES. LUT2 BROTHER8. PHIL AND WETTIE PETERS. LA TOSKA. LYR08COPE. BIJOU ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE,, 'Mat. at 3 p. m. Evening 7:45 and 9. NEW MANAGEMENT NEW POLICY POPULAR PRfCES? Balcony 10 cents, entire lower flobrr 16 cents, boxes 25 cents. Nothing Three performances dally. ' , Oliver Theatre I! ' i,y TONIGHT, FRI., 8AT. & SAT. MAT. HERBERT DE GUERRE ' And a 8elect Cast In the Hoyt Theater , Success, - 5.1 fof "A Bachelor's Honey moon" Mat. 25 A 10c. Night 50, 35 & 25c' MONDAY NIGHT(iOCTi21 ARIZONA i. PRICE8-t$1.00, 76&0 4LT26c.. sr t - Ti THE JEWEL THB MO$T 1XPBNSIVK AND, a-EAREST PICTURES IN THE OTY? , t 1430 O STREET JOY-0 THEATRE I) I'll, A HIM" I FINEST OF MOVIM PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATID SONQt .. wv'vr -v umb J BACKSTROI COHPMY S EXCLUSIVE '; TAILORS 11320 N St.. Llnaoln.'Nab. pm - Vfr m" HAVE YOU HAD rx ' DR. MYERS Examine your eyes yet? The beat Is, f none too flood.-, .(Yeu, have but xne pair of eyes. The best-glassca properly fitted are 'f none to good for 'you.. Tha,t'a the kind you get of us the only f klndwe ell; the only kind you want. LW.A'HYFRS LrVts JS4i ; Sff A.1 w'' f. -ifl 1 V I