, 11.11 IIIIIIHI1 .7 . j i " ? '. f i w iW A i m i w -r- I f--" w t"J ' . V Pil.y; nebr ajbkain A. h . -F- .& & JiN 1 ' I ' 'I" Ji i I III 111 inn I i 1 Hi' ,' v. I ! 1.1 I II l.. I I nrr W J fi , 5 ' V . i u? fr ttbcW.ajil fUbraefoan THE PROPERTY OF TUB UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nebraska, IMm PUBLISHED EVERT DAT EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. BOARD. riklicatlM llflci, 126 No. 14lh St. Editor-in-Chief M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. .Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. , Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, J5 Cents Each THE FIRST OtfE. Bo a INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo chanted for at tho rate of 10 conts por insertion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bullotlns will gladly bo published froo. Entorod at tho postofflco at Lincoln, Nebraska) as second-class mo41 matter under tho Act of Congress of March 3. 1870. TO MINNE80TA. Todny Is tho day tho team leaves for Minnesota. Remember this and mnko arrangements to bo at the Bur lington depot at 6 o'clock this ovening. This Is a fine opportunity for a big demonstration, tho only, kind of a demonstration that is worthy of our team and Nobraska studonts. It is up to us to give them such a recep tion that tho memory of It will at least last until next Saturday. Tho student body haa no othor way to help beat Minnesota than by joining the rooting squad at tho depot; so come out and do your share. Initial Y. M. C. A. "Feed" to Pot-Pie 8upper. To all tho oldor men at the Universi ty; the announcement that tho first of ,tho Y. M. C. A. suppers for men this year will bo given at St. Paul's church next Saturday night, is a particularly welcome one Every man who has In tho past attended thoso functions striking thero the enthusiasm and fellowship always present, remembers them as especial occasions some thing out of the ordinary. Thoy have como to take thoir place as a Univer sity Institution. It is with great pleasure that the committee announces that the first of these Buppors for tho year is to bo a "chicken pot-pie supper," and more over, this 1b Increased by tho fact that tho chairman of tho Y. M. C. A. advis ory board, Dr. B. L. Paine, far and fa vorably famed as a culinary artist, is to preside over tho kitchen. Any man with even a slight knowledge of tho University world is well aware of the meaning of this. Tho great event comes next Satur day evening at 6 In St. Paul's church. Only mon will bo present. There will bo a variety of entertalnmont besides tho more "eatings." There will bo something moving every minute. Tickets should bo obtained at once from tho general secretary or from any member or tno cabinet. The tickets cost twenty cents. All old and 'all now mon are Invited. Fall Into line. " "yi iy NO GRAFT HERE. Moro or loss criticism has been heard relative to tho sale of football programs which boar tho Inscription to tho effect that such programs aro free. Tho faact of tho matter Is that thoso who had tho matter In charge found that tho advertising would not pay and were authorized to mako tho small charge objected to. This charge is not to bo made In the future inas much as tho list of advertisers has been Increased sufficiently to pay for getting tho programs out It Is for A FEW FACTS. Interesting Statistics 'Compiled by the Registrar. Registrar Harrison has just finished the compilation of some interesting1 statistics regarding tho University of Nebraska. His figures show that tho University today has 236"' instructors in tho faculty ajid 3,130 studonts reg istered In the various departments of tho Institution.' Since tho University of Nebraska "was founded, 3,387 stu dents have beengraduatod- from-it. Budd s New Brown Hats I paid $15.00 express charges last week for New Brown Hats all nobby styles all $2.50 LOOK ME UP BUDD, $2.50 HATTER the purpose of clearing tho distribu tor of tho charge of graft that men tion of tho affair Is made at this late date. -Unquestionably the Indignation of tho students who purchased these programs was justifiable, in view of their misunderstanding of tho circum stances and Is commendable as dem onstrating their attitude toward graft of any kind. At Syracuse, tho two junior socie ties, the "Monx" Head' and the "Corpse and Coffin," have had such a . controversy over which one shall have charge of tho Junior Prom, that Chancellor Day, In conforence with representatives of tho two societies, will leave the conduct of tho class dance to a faculty committee. Both societies will choose representatives fpr the committee. Try Francis BrosV restaurant," 1020 P There aro living today 9,425 .people who have attended Nebraska at one time or another.' The New V Neck Sweaters r-V --arid--Winter Apparel for Students v Men's V Neck Sweaters in navv. oxford and cardinal, edged with contrasting colors, at , '. .$1.00 to $2.50 Men's regular stylo sweaters in white, navy, black and, brown, 4 green and oxford, at ..,.. $2,50' Wo carry tho best known popular priced Shirts: Ferguson and McKlnnoy and Princely. Tho Princely Shirts for men, at.... 50c Tho Ferguson McKlnnoy Shirts, at 75c and $1 00 Wo sell the Monarch Shirts at $1.00 and $.1.25 Men's Fall and Winter Suits, the Globe, at .-....'.'........ $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 Men's Fine Camel Hair Shirts and Drawers, at per garment, v '. $1.25 to $2.25 Men's Natural Grey Wool Shirts and Drawers, at per garment $1,00 to $1 .50 Mnn'o Tlniihlf 'Rrnnnnrl Mntnroirirav SVilrfn nAVh JM . 00 .. w. ..v ..v.u.v..w ,...., .wcw ..Y... 0 Men's Fine Rod Wool Sanitary Shlrta and Drawers, each...,. ...$1.00 Men's Neckwear, both plain and fancy, at 25c and 50c Men's Embroidered Hose, at 25c to 50c Men's Collars, "Arrow" Brand, 15c, two for. . . .' 25c Men's Fine Cotton Handkerchiefs, at 5c to 15c; puro .Linen Handkerchiefs, at 15c to 50c Men's Eagle Suspenders and Union Made, at 25c and 50c Men's Navy Blue Flannel Shirts, Cherry Valley Make, each . . .. ,$1 .50 to $1 .00 Men's Cotton Fleece Ribbod Shirts and Drawers, per garment... 50c Extra good quality Men's Night Robes, Outing Flannel, each . 50c to $1 .00 Radium 1-2 Hose, black or brown, at 15c, 18c and 20c Men's Heavy Cashmere 1-2 Hose, also light weight, black or nat ural wool, per pair 25c Men's Fine Imported Worsted Hose, at 50c UNIVER8ITY BULLETIN8. 1 ' Thursday, October 17. 11:00 'a.m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Dr. Berijr'F. Sham baugh of the Iowa State Histori cal society. " 11:30 a. m. -Memorial 'Hall. Junior ClaBS, meeting. 7: 15 p. m: Armory. ; ' Pershing Rlflo drill. Tryout for new memoors. 8:00 p. m. 2850 P St. Hawkoye Club r.eception to all Hawkeyo Btudenta at homo of Prof, and Mrs. Chatburn. 8:00 p. m. Nebraska Hall 210. Pathological Club meets. Report on Current Literature Saturday, October 19. 6:00 p. m. St. Paul's Church. Y. M. C. A. Chicken pot pie sup per. All University men Invited. 8unday, October 20. 4:00 p. m. U. 106. Y. W. C. A. Vesper Service. Mrs. Hlnmon and Miss Joeggl. Why not take your bath at Chris' bath house, Eleventh and P streets? Tho University of Wisconsin now has "a medical department jby the au thorization of the last legislature of that sjate. Only tho first two' years, of the course will be given, the plan being to allow the student to enter, as juniors at other schools of. modl fro after the two years spent at the state university. The senior council at Princeton has pructlcally put a stop to tho 'soiling of caps, chapel tickets, -etc.; 'to iha freshmen by requiring that the sopho mores first secure signed permits stating the price at which the various articles are to be sold. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. New line of fall hats. Special atten tion to students. NicholB, 116 No. 13th. For fine watch repairing or Jewelry go to E. Fleming, Jeweler, -1211 O St Wo manufacture all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo mako tho finest arid most delicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" and EAT "SAUER KRAUT' MADE BY OLYMFIA CANDY CO.. 1131 0 St. Try Church's 20 cent meals, Twelfth and'P streets. Board, $3.00 per week; 127 No. 14th 'A 1 Eat at The Windsor Cafe Have your clothes pressed at Web er's Sultorlum, Cor. 11th and O. it Best and Cheapest Cafe in -the city, quality and ser- .vice considered ooooooooooo O Q o 00$080$0000000p 8 35 -4rri i'i-s&rt&r.