&&$&?&- .w- Sbe 3Da IRebtaekan Vol. VU. No. 9. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1907. Price 5 Cents. Mj0m r v - r "i tK r-'-o lu. ! ' ; Everybody be Ifl TUB THE iL TWENTY MEN TO GO VAH8ITY 8QUAD OFF FOR MINNE J 80TA TONIGHT. ' AfHard 8crlmmage Practise Held at i8tate Farm Yesterday All the Men Are In Good Condition. I ho' University of Nebraska football squad which will leave for Minneapo lis1 at 6:00 p. m. over the Burlington today, will be composed of twenty men. Their names are: Weller, Mat ters, Cooke, Minor, Burnett, Johnson, Chaloupka, Harvey, Collins, Beltzcr, Kroger, Frurri, Harte, Beck'ley, BIrkner, Bentley, Mil ler, Perrln, Patten, Ewlng. V-Tho other members of the Ne braska party will be Coach Cole, Assistant Coach Peck. Manager Eager, Trainer Jack Best, and Dr. Oliver Everett. A stiff scrimmage practise was held at the State Farm yes terday afternoon and this after noon Coach Cole will run the men thru a light signal practise. All of. the Nebraska men are In good condition and the Corn huskers will .be able to put their, best players Into the contest Saturday. Weller, who was on the "sick list the first of the week, Is firm on his pegs again .and expects to de liver all kinds of good In the kicking line against tfie Gophers. Th6 Minneapolis Journal speaks as follows about the coming Gopher Cornhusker contest: "Minnesota starts to tune utf'for the annual struggle with Nebraska this afternoon. The Gophers have a very good line on the Gornhuskers this year and It may be said that the Ne braska game Is the oruclal one for Minnesota. The team Is developing mid by the time Chicago comes will bo In- condition to put up a Bplendld battle. The "time Is short 'for the Gornhuskers, and as usual, the Gophers will have to hide a part of the'ir nlay and still play fast enough football to get the chaps irom the prairie district.' A well-versed football authority watched Nebraska for The Journal Saturday, and his deductions are to be found in another column. It is the first authentic lino on the Lincoln team received this fall and It Is given from 'jko, unbiased standpoint It shows that .Nebraska has as good a team as usual, in fact, better than that of last year. v "Nebraska has'been working for two weeks longer than the Gophers, and the men- are being pointed up for this game, Minnesota is. not being pointed (Continued on Page 3.) at B. & M. Depot at 6:00 TrAM IC AAIMA T MIMyCADAI TEAM IS GOING CHANGE8 RULES. Rules II and III Altered by Inter-Fraternity Council. At a meeting, of the Inter-fratornlty Council last night rules II and III, gov erning pledging and Initiating, wore altered so as to make them more ex plicit. In rule II, which follows, the words , or be entertained" by thernwere or dered stricken out: Rule II. No new student shall be entertained within, or without the Chapter House by or in the interests of any fraternity before the third Fri day In October. No new student shall be Invited to functions given by fra ternities or be entertained by them The 1907 Minnesota Football Squad. except on Friday evenings' and Satur days. Rule III was made to read: No new student shall 'be entertained In or without any Chapter House later than 6 p. m. on Mondays, Tues (Continued on Page 3.) f III, 111 I III COACH CLYDE WILLIAMS Of Mlrinnsota, the Mdn Whom Nebraska Has to Fight. k TO MINNEAPOLIS ATHLETIC NOTE8. Doings in Basket-ball and Cross-country Work. Yostorday afternoon candidates for the gymnastic team met for their first practise, and will meet regulariy htfro after from 4:00 to 6:00 at the Armory on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Either Dr. Clapp or Mr. Bohlor will bo with them during practise Nebraska is a member of the Western Intercol legiate Gymnastic Association, to which practically all the "Big Nino" belong. The annual meet of the asso ciation has been held at Chicago the last two-or throe times, but this year will be held at Minnesota, Wisconsin or Nebraska. Of last year's team, Mitchell and Klesselbach are the only men now attending this University, so there 'Is a big chance for candi dates. All men Interested In fancy gymnastic work, whether expert or not, are urged to be out. (Continued, on page 4.) - I 4 1 J p. m. Today IC I ELECT PRESIDENT 80PHOMORE8 CH08E JOHN ALEX ANDER OF LINCOLN. Juniors Will Hold Election This Morning at 11:30 and Freshmen Will Have Meeting Next Week. ' t Tho. Sophomoro class meeting yos torday morning brought to a close tho strong fight which hap boon in pro gress for soveral weeks for tho posi tion of president of tho class. Both candidates made a strong light and the result was uncertain until tho very last. John M. Alexan der of Lincoln wasjolectod presi dent 'over Frank O. Whoolock of Beatrice by a vote of 111 to 72. Mr.- Alexander is an '00 grad uate of tho Lincoln High School. Ho was chairman of tho first impromptu and acqultod himself creditably. He is not a mem ber of any fraternity, but Is a member of tho Dramatic Club and tho Hawkoyo Club. Frank O. Whoolock is a mem ber of the Dolta Tau Delta fra ternity and graduatod from tho Beatrice High School In '04. In tho high school he was a member of the Senior class play, He is an' En gineering student. Last "semester ho waB chairman of the hop committee. Mr. Alexander was nominated by Q. A. Mahdod and Mr. Whoolock by Harry Ingles. The nominations of both men wore received ylth great enthu siasm, which was continued until tho final results were known. Fred Ho f man of Omaha has recent ly announced his candidacy for class treasurer.' Ho was prominent' in class affairs last year and made many friends. The remaining officers .of the class are to be elected at a later date. The elections In tho Junior class will be held this morning at 11:30 o'clock. Robert I. Elliott,' Acacia, of University Place Is tho only) candidate for president. He has taken a promi nent part in class affairs and it is ex pected that his election will be almost unanimous. As usual, arrangements for the first Freshman, meeting will be made at this time. Four candidates are now striving for the Frestynan election. They are Morehouse from Fremont, Russell from Lincoln, Hasoall from North Platte, "and Weaverling'from Beatrice.' The fight is so close that no predic tion at this- time can be made as to the probable outcome" of the contest We serve milk In individual bot ties to Insure cleanliness and you got,"tlie cream 5o. The Boston Lunch. ,