The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1907, Image 2

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Ebe Dail$ Ifoebraeftan
Lincoln, Nebraska.
Mblicitloi Since, 129 No. 14th St.
Edltor-li-Chlef M. A. Mills, '08
Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09
Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09
Editorial and Business Office:
Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb.
Payable. In Advance
Single Coplerf,. S Cdnts Each
INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged
for nt tho ruto of 10 cents por lnflortlon
for ovory (If toon words or fraction thereof.
Faculty notices and University bulletins
will gladly bo published frco.
Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln,
Nebraska, as Bocond-claBs mall matter
undor tho Act of Congress of March 3.
Last Saturday Nebraska closed the
wouBon of practlco games vory credit
ably and now tho toam has Its real
work to tlo. How real this work Is,
can bCBt bo appreciated by examining
tho schedule, which will show tho
gamo with Minnesota for next Satur
day. Then comos Colorado, Ames,
i Kansas, Donvor, JJoano and St. Louts;
Novor boforo 1ms Nebraska hal a
heavier football schedulo than this
yoar. This means that tho men on the
team aro going to bo Bitbjccted to
sovoro strain both on -tholr physical
and nervous strongth. While wo can
not directly minlmlzo this, yet It id
. . possiblo for tho student body to make
this strugglo moro pleasant in many
wnyB by a llttlo thought and Biich
should bo our determination. Whon
the team leaves for Minnesota there
should bo a demonstration such ns has
chnraotorized this achool in the past.
Evrybody should ho at tho train If pos
siblo to assuro the toam of our enthus
iastic support nnd Impress thorn with
tho thought that they aro to light for
tho honor of tho old U. of N., and that
they aro supported by sovoral thous-
(Continued from pago 1.)
for scholarship in history and the
.lames forensic medal for excellence In
debate at the St. Joseph high scool,
and won tho esBay prize offered by
the St. JoBenh Chapter of tho Sons of
tho Revolution. Ho waa a member ofT
the University debating squad last
William H. King, 1908, of Osceola,
waa a member of tho team which de
bated with, tho University of Illinois
team at Urbana last April. Ho Is a
member of Phi Alpha Tau; of Delta
Sigma Rho, the honorary debate fra
ternity, and of Delta Tau Delta.
Clyde C. McWhlnnoy, 1908, Law,
1908, of Lincoln, a graduate of the Al
llanco high school, won one of the firat
year scholarship prizes in the Col lego
of Law, waa a member of the squad
in 1905-1906 and was alternate on the
toam which debated with the Universi
ty of Wisconsin at Lincoln last April.
Ho was tho first president of tho Uni
versity Forum which became a chap
ter of Phi Alpha Tau. Ho Is a member
of Phi Delta Phi, tho law fraternity.
Homer S. Stophona, 1908, of Sidney,
Iowa, Is a graduate of the Sldnoy high
school and is going Into the law. He
was a member of tho squad last year.
Joseph H. Swenson, 1908, Is a gradu
ate of the Omaha high school which ho
represented on five winning debate
teams. In his freshman year ho won
a place In tho Nebraska team which
defeated Washington University tho
ninth of Nebraska's nine successive
victories. He was alternate on the
team that wont to Wisconsin In 1900
and was a momber of tho team that
mot Wisconsin nt Lincoln last spring.
Ralph A. Van Orsdol, 1906, Law 1910,
of Maxwell, was graduated from tho
Lr Creolo Academy, Dallas, Orogon.
Ho was editor of tho Dally Nobraskan
in 1906-1906. -Ho is a member of Alpha
Thota Chi.
Joseph T.J Votava, 1910, -attended
Fromont Normal College whero he won
tho Tribune Oratorical contest In 1904.
Ho is going into tho law.
George. Mr Wallace, 1910, of Omaha,
is a graduato (class of 1905) of tho
Omaha high school. Ho was alternate
on tho high achool team In 1904 and
was a member of tho team In 1905.
This is his first year on tho .squad. He
Is a member of Alpha Thota ChJ.
LavPfonco J. Weaver, 1910, of Boa
trico, represented tho Beatrice high
school three years In dobates with tho
Lincoln and Omaha high schools. He
wna also Class president and orator.
We want you to know that
is the best place in the state
to buy SHOES, They al
ways have just what you
want and you are sure to
be fitted right and pleased.
See Out Window
12290 STREET. &
about two months. Tho debates will
occur olght weeks from Friday night.
Another meeting waa held last night
at 8 o'clock to got started with the col
lection of material. A dozen committees-were
appointed covering aome of
tho most important pointB on the ques
tion. It was agreed to decide on a per
iod of the day when the squad could
meet so that there would bo no excuse
for not remembering dates of tho meet
ings. The next meeting will bo at ono
o'clock this afternoon.
Big storos don't boo how Budd can soil such coats for $10.00.
Easy monoy I don't carry big stocks no interest oh big invest
ment HO OXnmiHO of Rnllilll" it n n. t,in linn wifli inn- nnl T mitv
buy whim tho manufacturer is anxious to soil at a price
Snappy Popular Furnishings.
$2.50 Hats
and nnxioiis students. And when they
return, whothor In victory or dofoat,
tho same enthusiastic crowd will bo
thoro to give thorn a reception worthy
of tho good fight wo know thoy will put
up. Bo sure that you aro there.
( A second mooting of the Officers'
Club was held last night at 6 o'clock
In the Commandant's office for tho pur
pose of electing a chairman and mas
ter of ceremonies for tho officers' hop.
The result of the meeting was tho elec
tlon of Capt. Walter Kennor for chair
man and Lieut. F. M. Weller for
master of ceremonies. At tho first
meeting of tho club, held about a week
. ago, Major M. F. Wasaon was olocted
.president and Capt. Byron B. Yodor
secretary-treasurer of tho club.
Clemorits' photos aro tho best.
Rates to students. 129 So. Eleventh.
He wns a member of tho University de
bating squad In 1906-1907, his fresh
man year. His fraternity is Alpha
Thota Chi.
Byron E. Yodor, 1908, is a gradu
ate of tho Topoka, Ind., high school. Ho
won a place last yoar his first year
on tho aquad on tho team which mot
tho University of Illinois nt Urbana.
Ho wjig Jmsjuqas manager of the Daily
Nebraskan last year. Law is to bo hla
profession. His fraternity Is Delta Up
sllon. Tho' first meeting of tho squad was
held Yesterday afternoon at 1:15
o'clock In the Trophy room for tho pur
pose of giving some preliminary In
struction before beginning tho actual
work of classifying tho material. Prof.
Fogg outlinod the mechanics of the
squad work, explained tho arrange
ment of tho note boox used in tho
course and got daas schodulos from
each of the fifteen members, Tho
work this year will be moro strenuouB
than usual from the fact that the work
that formerly extended over a half
year or more will be crowded Into
Tuesday, October 15.
11:00 a. m. Memorial Hall.
Convocation. Rev. Francis Wilson,
of Boston. Chaplain Rev. Fer
guson of Kansas City.
5:00 p. m.T-U. 210.
Faculty committee on University
Extension meets.
Wednesday, October 16.
12:00 m. Memorial Hall.
Sophomore cIbbs meets.
Thursday, October 17.
11:30 a. m. Memorial Hall.
Junior Class meeting.
7:15 p. m. Armory.
Pershing Rlfio drill. Tryout for now
8:00 p. to. 2850 P St.
Hawkeyo Club reception to all
Hawkoyo students at homo of
Prof, and Mrs. Chatburn.
8:00 p.k m. Nebraska Hall 210.
Pathological Club meeta. Report on
Current Literature.
Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th.
Wo manufacture all of our
Candies & Ice Cream
Wo make tho finest and most
delicious drinks in tho city.
Try Church's 20 cent meals, Twelfth
and P streets,
New lines In fall millinery. The Fa
mous, Thirteenth and O streets.
Eat at The Windsor Cafe
; : '4
Best and Cheapest Oafe in tho city, quality and ser- $
vice considered ....
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