iiroMWBWBW'L'awtiwiffl iwhimihhi THE DAILY NEBRASKAJN n 1 U G)e fills Webrasfcan TUB PROPERTY OP THW UNIVERSITY OP NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Nobraflka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNOAY AND MONDAY BY THE STUDENT PUB. .BOARD. FrilicatlM Bfflci, 126 Ko. 141b St. Editor-in-Chief M. A. MIIU, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '00 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. 8UB8CRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable 'In Advance 8lngle Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tho rato of 10 cents por Insertion for every fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will gladly bo published freo. Entored at tho postoftlco at Lincoln, Nebraska, ns second-class mall matter undor tho Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. COMMUNICATION. From tlmo to timo In tho past, com munications from atudontB not directly connected with tho Btaff of tho Ne- brnskan, have been published. It 1b our Intention to follow this established policy of the paper In order to give any student an opportunity to oxnreBB himself or herself upon subjects of general Interest. The sentiment of Buch communications may or may not bo endorsed by tho management of tho paper, but whether It Is or not, tho communication If worthy of tho notice, will bo published. All such articles uhould bo Bhort) concise and to tho point and should bo written for a deflnlto purpose. A further point Is that they bo Bigned. This last stipula tion Is for our own protection and does not Blgnlfy that tho name of tho author should appear with tho communication. colvo $1,000,000 upon tho condition that It Bhall withdraw forovor from in tercolleglato athetlc contests. There Is a question as to whether tho en dowment woud bo worth tha price that la proposed should be paid for It. Tho accoptanco of tho gift upon tho terms Btlpulated would seem very much like selling tho college spirit, and without college spirit a college la In a bad way. " 'Why, I nevtfr heard tho name of this college till it scored against Cor nell, Bays a character In tt George Ado comedy. Into the 'line Mr. Ado put truth and a shrewd An'eicnn observa tion upon the value of advertising. Athletic contests advertise a college more widely than any other form of advertising and in these days of many universities and keen competition tho advertisement Is needed. A good foot ball oloven may servo to socure much patronage for a college, and participa tion In Intorcolleglato contests fosters healthy, wholesomo college pride. Tho percentage of students who take part In contests Is Bmall, tho devotion of a student to athletics does not always make him a drone at his books, and a lively Interest In athletics makes for a wider Interest In gymnasium work and out-door exerclBe among Btudonts who need physical development, but do not enro to try for teams. "Tho institution that formally elim inates Intercollegiate athletic contests must run the rick of being rated as a mollycoddle, and the average young American is not inclined to view with onthuatlaBm, or even complacency, tho prospect of being enrolled at a molly coddle Institution." EXCHANQE8. Wo wlBh to call tho attention of the readers of tho Dally NobraBkan to out exchanges from other colleges. Al most ovory middle west college of Im portance and Bovoral eastern colleges arc 'represented In this list and can be Dr. Jewett and MIsb Compton return ed yesterday from Omaha, where they attended the annual meeting of tho Ne braska library Association. Tho ses sion was a joint one with the Iowa as sociation. Dr Jewett read a paper on "LlbrarloB of Washington, D. C," and MIbs Compton was re-elected secretary for the coming year. The meeting was a very profitable one, over 150 being in attendance. Dr. Bostwlck of the RESULTS TELL! We claim to bo tho best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to provo It Our methods aro the VERY LATEST and pur work men the best that money can secure We clean tho finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking in any way. We alBo clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered'. All goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C. WOOD & CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N STREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 found in tho "Rag" office at any tlmo of the day. If you aro Interested In nny particular school In tho above Hat you can find all the news in their col .lego paper. And If you aro interested In no particular college you perhaps would like to know what Is doing In other schools moroly for tho Informa tion. Your attention is called to this opportunity and you can avail your self of It or not according to your In clination, but we can assure you that you aro ralsalng something of you do not keep track of the doings of other schools. Advertising Pays. Recently, ono of the Southern papers Swarthmore for her withdrawal from collegiate athletic contests. It la Worthy of being printed hero; f ; "By the will of a wealthy unmarried woman Swarthmore Collogo Is to re- Now York public library and secretary of theAmerlcan library association" de livered a fine address. THAT SUIT ToDAY With a tremendous big show ing of brown and tan nobby suits full of now Ideas you ought to make your selection to day. Just depend upon It, you have never Been Buch splendid ' fabrlca Such elegant values ns we aro showing today at $15, $20 $25 We fit every garment perfectly. CRAVENETTES CI ft M C t?ft the right kind tiU 3l0 U Magee & Deemer UNIVERSITY BULLETIN8. Saturday, October 12. 8:00 p, m. U. 111. Students Debating Club meets. Par liamentary drill, business meeting, and debate. Visitors are welcome. Sunday, October 13. 4:00 p. m U. 106. Y. W. C. A. vesper service. Musical program , Wednesday, October 16. 12:00 m. Memorial Hall. Sophomore class meets. Thursday, October 17. 7:15 p. m. Armory. Pershing Rifle drill. Tryout for new momhers. 8:00 p. m. 2850 P St. Hawkeye Club reception to all' Hawkoyo students at home of Prof, and Mrs. Chatburn. Iowa state college at Ames has en rolled more students this fall than ever before In Its history. At pres ent the enrollment Is 140 In advance of last year. Illinois University has formed a Scandinavian club composed of stu dents who have a knowledge of at least ono of the Scandinavian languages. James-Macrae, (Jlmmle) Beta Theta Pi, was on the campus yesterday. Ho Ib on his way, to St. Louis University to complete hlB course In medicine. Since leaving the University, "Jlmmle"' has gono Into athletics -and stands a good show to bo In, the Nebraska-St. Louis game, Thanksgiving. Mrs. Davis, hair dressing parlors are now located In the FamouB. Corner Thirteenth and O streets. Why not take your' bath at Chris' bath house, Elevonth and P streets? Cheapest place rfor students, 127 No. Fourteenth street. Board, $3.00 per week, 127 No. 14th. Chapln Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. We manufa'ctnro all of our . Candies & Ice Cream Wo mako'tho finest and most delicious drinks in the city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" , and EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIA CANDY CO., 113! OSt. THE GRAND CENTRAL BARBER SHOP anrj CIGAR STORE W. H. BARTHELMAN. Proprietor 134 South Eleventh -St. s East Side Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 1136 O St. Auto 1737. ' 000000000000000OS)03p00OQ)00 As a result of questionable forms of hazing, Williams has abolished this practice entirely as well as tho class rushes. Thta will mean the prohibi tion of the freshman parade and the historical senior celebration at Hallowe'en. New line of fall hats. Special atten tion to students. Nichols, 116 No.' 13th. Eat at The Windsor Cafe Best and Cheapest Cafe ip tho city, quality and ser vice considered ... 0000000000000000000000000OffiO 'i , !. M : & i r If WRG 'iXLJJH I'SJOH.' wiwww'liMww'''''''''''''"." i i wwwwiwmww;"' ' ' '" "J. "" , i - -ZZT7 n ' "mii i iiingw.wi pttwMyngMMMi ifcMnaa MM . .. mmfsmm MMMMMHMI ss i 1 1 i'miotv mmMmmmimmmimism