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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1907)
4 t) " K fH(B DAILY NBBRASKAN OTr'-Wk'U TRY-0UT8. BUSINESS DIRECTORY j Ker LojrtU UnlroriiUjr Stuilent U J 41 urged to imtronlio tltoiio Notirai 2 H kt dertUor, nnd to mention 4t the paper while doing in. t I I 4 RAKERIES rJulrymplo; Petry. RANKS Fh-Ht Trust nnd Savings. DAUBER. SHOPS Grand Central; Mnralmll; Mogul; Richards). I'.ATH HOUSE ChrlB'. HOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; Unlvoratty. CAFE Snvoy, Windsor. CIGARS Colo & McKcnnn; Motfs Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhur; Mngco & Doftnor; Mayor Uroe.; Storllng. COAL Gregory, Whl'tobronst. CONFECTIONERY Dalvymplo; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olympla Candy Co.; Rood. DENTISTS Graham ; Yungblut. DRESSMAKING Sonkup. DRUGGISTS RiggB. DRY GOODS HurpplHhoImer; Miller , fc Paino. FLORISTS Chnnln; C. II. Froy. FURNISHINGS Iludd; Mageo & Uoemor; Mnyor Hroa.; Storllng. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mine. I103R. HAIR SPECIALIST Riccr. JAPANESE GOODS Akagl. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myora; Tuckor; Hnllott. IfAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants; Yulo. LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, FolBom. MILLINERY Famous; Nichols. OPTICIANS Hnllott; Myers; Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS niazek, Hayden, Townsond . PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. PRINTERS Goorgo Bros.; Simmons REAL ESTATE Humphroy. RESTAURANTS Ronton Lunch ; lluda; Cainerons; Church; Climax; Dona; DloklnKons; Francis Hroa.; Sams; WIndaor. SHINING PARLOR Colo & Mc- Keuua. SHOES Bookman Bros; Cincinnati Horeford & Potty; Rogers & Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. .TAILORS Bnckstrom; Dresner; El . Ilott; , .Hoffloy; Ilorog; Ludwlg; I Scotch Woolen Mills. -THEATERS Jewell; Joy-o; Oliver; I Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. U - all - No Tommy mmWW eWt 0 '-1' "fVSfl Preliminary Debates Take Place To day and Tomorrow. The preliminary dehates for the Unlvoralty squad will, take place this evening In Art Hall and tomorrow ovening In Memorial Hall. Admission will not bo charged, nnd it la hoped thnt the University public will attend. The question is: Rosolvod, That the United Statca government should ex orcise exclusive control over all trans portation companies doing nn inter state business. Constitutionality waived. Twenty-six men will try out, of whom fifteen will compose the squad. Friday Night. Art Hall, 7:30 p. m. Affirmative. 1. Dan McCutcheon, Law '09. 2. R. H. Van Orsdel, '00, Law '11. II. F. H. Rolnsch, '09. 4. E. W. Hills, '09 f. C. C. McWhlnney, '08, Law '08. 0. L. J. Weaver, '10. 7. .1 T. Votova, '10. Negative. 1. G. M. Wallace, 10. 2. B. E. Yodor. '08 It W. R. King, 'OS. 1. J. M. Swenson, '08. G. H. S. Stephens,' '08. fi. M. L. Frorlchs, Law 'OS. J. E. II. Hahne, '11. Satruday. , Mejnorlal Hall, 7:..0 p. m. Affirmative. ' 1. S. P. Dobbs, '09. 2. Q. L. Fonloif, '08. 3. E. D. Mnllory, '11 J. F. C. Builtn, '08. r. M. J. Hughes. '09. (i. R. E. Wou veiling. '11. Negative. 1. V. A. Davis. '09. 2. R." I. Elliot, '09. !i. R. W. Bates. '09. I L. A. Gregory, Law '09 5. G. Marshall, students barber. Corner Thirteenth nnd O undor- Famous. Try Savoy Hotel and cafo. J. M. Rico, hnir and scalp specialist, 121G O St., upstairs. Auto phono 3888. Eat at Climax restaurant. Meals 15 cents and up, Tom Draper, Prop. Hayden, photographer, special rates ho sludonts. 1127 O street. ' Fred B. Humphroy sells Real Estate and Insurance. 136 No. Elovonth St. Students' barber since 1897. Corner Thirteenth nnd O. Pnluce Dining Hall. No lunch counter. Green's shops nro the best In the West. 1 The U of N Caterer ' He's in business for himself at 208 So. 12th Hot Luncheonette HURRY! ' TTHos. A. Coleman, Just a qulot evening meal nt Dalrym-plo'B. Dr. J. H. Graham, dentist. 1339 O St. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Subscribe for the Dally Nebraskan. i ! n Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. C. H. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. Fall Dress Suits Special "for One Week t $3730 LUDWIG'S 1036 O Delicious . Sandwiches off Hot yL aH kinds. Noon Chocolate r r- hour lunches a Tea and Coffee 1307 O Street, specialty. ' , Frats q The "Uni" Smoke House ex tends to you gratis, the home-like comforts of its Smoking, Reading, and Lounging Room. 5 We carry- in stock a -complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos and mcmbr the fhme- Smokers' Articles. It is a pleas- "VNT Smoke House ure to please you. , COLE-McKENNA CO., 1132 O ST. Suits and O'coats Made to Order, SI5 No MoreNo Less World's Greatest Tailors I ,..,, i . . i . ,.r- J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cutter LINCOLN BRANCH 145 So. Thirteenth. Street li -i t Smm Made to Your Exact' Measurement PETTICOATS $1,130 to $3,r0 in Satoons, Heathorbloom and LJnenMoroon. '$0.tOto $10.00 in n very good , qnnllty of Silk.. Wo cuarantoo n porfect lit and workman- Hlilp. Orders flillod in ono-hnlf to two day - notice. ' , QUALITY and QUANTITY h IS OUIt MOTTO Lincoln Skirt Company ETHEL E. ANDER&ON, Prop. , 1235 N STREET Frats and Sororities When in Need of COAL call and seethe n WHITEBREAST CO. 1 Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. j We will treat you right am r M Subscribe now, 2 per yr. Hereford & Petty Shoe Filters lb Men 143 So. latti s- 4