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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1907)
THE DAILY NERRASKAN . .i-o ! " r A --- r f' ri VWt!. !;',;,H-r!ll i?"T. t:,j',,,!1(-T.Tvj-v; i i :w. ' i ! r V 'i - tf-t-ti- : 4 i s r -,,' "-ti-' l '. TT .'' V Young Man JBsit3JsSSSsVlSSSS JSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSlV rfl W 4 BmJ J '''mBBSKHtsSBBBBBBBM Wm'"ft &' 'i ' ijf-yX' jl- ' s!SSSVV,BBBBSBSBBBSBBBBBBBBW AstwE BBBBBf bisk ''''. bbbbbbbbbbV BBBB B''W''SBBBBBSS' j fy. !', l$-'jE 1 L. I Who appreciates originality of style in his clothes and something new " arid modest in pattern will he pleased with the unusual display at ? -, - V' r r I T Vl ,M.W " .,--.. i . , . . 1217 0 Street I h 8ECRET PRACTI8E. (Continued from page 1.) grueling fight which Grlnncll is ox pecting. Our mon will put nil their onergy into this game, evon tho thoy mny bo outclassed. Secret practiso has boon the ordor this weok. Tho llno-up of tho team with statis tics for each man follows: Center G. O. Sparks of Lynvlllo, Iowa. Weight, 170 pounds. First yeiar on 'Varsity. Guard on 1906 freshman eleven. Ho is light for tho position, but Is consistent in passing the ball. Right Guard D. B. Campboll of Goator, South Dakota. 'Weight, 190 poundd. Socond year on the 'Varsity. Is tho heaviest man on tho team. Right Tackle William Zeiglor of Goldfleld, Iowa. Weight, 180 pounds. 'First year on tho 'Varsity. Ho wuh fullback on 1900 freshman team. Right End H. R.. McCarty of Em metsburg, Iowa. Weight, 140 pounds. Second year on 'Vorpity. Fast and clover player. Loft Guard L. G. Pierce, of Grin nell, Iowa. Weight, 180 pounds. Third year on 'Varsity. Old Grlnncll high school star. He was a guard on tho All Stato team of 1906. Left Tackle B. D. Hartson of Ot tumwa, Iowa. Weight, 165 pounds. Third year on 'Varsity. Ho is light, but is very level headed. Left End J. W. Flanagan of Clin ton, Iowa. "Weight, 150 pounds. Third year on 'Varsity. He is on old Clin ton high school player. Exceedingly fast on running down punts and in passing tho ball. Quarter H. L. Brundago of Kala mazoo, Michigan. Weight, 150 pounds. First on 'Varsity. He was quarter back op the 1906 freshman team. Ho Is a good field general. Right Half W. C. Bleamoster of Clinton, Iowa. Weight 165 pounds. Ho Is captain and this is his fourth year on tho 'Varsity. Ho Is tho main stay of tho team. Loft Half C. iV. Balr of Des Moines, Iowa. Weight," 15)3 pounds. This is his second year on tho 'Var sity. An old West Des Moines high school star. Is very fast. Full Back E. S. Tumor of Turner, Iowa. Wolght, 185 pounds. First year on 'Varsity. An old high school star. He was full back on 'tho 1906 freshman team. Tho- substitutes are: Line R. H. Garner, G. A. McBrath and H. W. Rico. Back Field H. A. Marshall and Wil Ham Pike. LYRIC THEATRE " 1 mi 1 " 1 ' 1 1 1 1 1 MATJftKK 8 P.M. HVB. 7i4gfiQP . PRICKS TKN mJ FIFTEEN CENTS Week Commencing Oct. 7. The DietlnQUiehed Player ROBERT WHITTIER And Company In the Eccentric Farcclet "HIb Borrowed Troubles" EVAN8 A EVANS America's Premier Singers and Clog Dancers POTTER & HARRI8 Unequalled Gymnastic Performance 8ALVAIL World's Greatest Card Manipulator MIS8 NELLIE VAUGHN The Renowned Vocalist MR. H. J. WHYMAN In the Latest Illustrated Ballads THE LYROSCOPE New 8erics of Moving Pictures BIJO U ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE MATINEE 2:15 EVENING, 8:16 Evening 15c, 25c, and 50c. Matnco 10c and 20c 700 reserved seats at 25c. HARRY EARLE GODFREY AND , VETA HENDER80N JOHN AND BERTHA GLEA80N THE GREAT POWELL JOHN AND MAE BURKE ZEDA Firey Dragon from "Ginger Bread Co." LORETTA TWIN8 TRIO MR. AND MR8. 8WICKARD. BIOGRAPH (Continued from Pago 1.) , crecy as long as all of thorn fn tho west do the same, But it is about time for all of the coaches to aboliBh this custom. Dr. Hutchins, the Wisconsin coach, stated the other day that tho Badgers hereafter would have open practiso; that spies would not bo employed, and that any who desired could Bee the Wisconsin team nt its daily work. This is fhe opening-wedge, and It is now up to the other leaders. THE t JEWEL ,THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND a BAREST PICTURES IN THE QTY. 1 J430 O STREET MCKSTMH COMPANY EXCLUSIVE TAILORS - ' r .., Llnaol 1320 N NO; Harriet B. Towne, '94, spent tho summer traveling in Europe. ' She re sumes her work in the Lincoln High School with renewed enthusiasm. Miss Grace Bridge, '95, head of tho Latin department of the Lincoln high school, is spending, this semester In Europe on a leave of absence. THE BLAZEK STUDIO A Special rate on photos to' students of, ' pr.-gozen. .. ,.-... ... ... . . $1.00 f EN SUNAY9 1216 0 STREET L,, J, HERZOG THE HiVtUITY MAM' TiULOK Th finest work done and prices right. Gll fti our new store. , 1230 Qt - ' Lincoln J Miss Nellie Athen, '04, was married T....i ,1,11, mi yjy, y ttf.fg v, vr, ' : i??!f"!lWf, I man now stationed at MJ$ie, ebr. w. 1?'" H"-jjij jt j$ , -1 1 ) t ift.-f-"ii'""' " K ' CIV 7 " H