The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1907, Image 2
HKMruk) THg DAlIwV INEBRA6KAN -er ' " THJ3 PROPBRTy OF THE UNIVEItBlTY' OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, Ncbraflku. PNIUSHEI EVERT IAY EXCEPT SNMAT AMB MMIAT BY THE BTUDENT PUB. HOARD. PltllCltlH Unci, 126 K. 14tK St. EdItor-ln-Chlef M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '00 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business QfTlce: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Pottofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 8 Copts Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo charged for at tlio rate of 10 contB por lnncrtion for ovory fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notlccn and Unlvoralty bulletins will gladly bo published frco. Entered at tho postofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under the Act of CongrcsH of March 3, 1870. Jn ltfc place, and not try -to do two things or even niore at one and tho same time. When a speech is being mado due quiet should he maintained for the very obvious reason that other wise it will not bo heard and for the additional reason that other conduct might bo misconstrued by the speaker. We need both the enthusiasm and tho rosults. POLITICAL RALLY. AT THE RALLY. The demonstration In behalf of tho football team at tho chapel yesterday morning was a groat success, both as to tho number presont and enthusiasm manifested. It will tako a Bcries of theso mass meetings to keep the spirit of the school up to tho boiling point which is tho height that we should consider normal during the football season. Evorybody present gave way to a rising wavo of tho old time football fovor and tho result was a confusion such as was attributed to Pondemonium. This gives rise to the question as to whether more could have 'been accomplished had the cheering conformed to tho direction of tho rooting loader rather than to the ideas of the individual enthusiasts. Tho result would perhaps have beon more satisfactory and would not have created tho Improssion that proper re spect was not left for the members of tho faculty, whose little talks on football in genonil contribute so much to tho success of such functions. The object of those meetings Is two fold, first to Instill spirit into those who have it not and, secondly, to revive tho enthusiasm of The Republicans Will Get Busy on October 16. A republican rally -will be held Wed nesday evening, October 16, in Me morial Hall at 7:30. Judge Reese, candidate for Supreme Judge, and Hon. H. T. Clarke, candidate for Rail road Commissioner, will give short talks on topics of vital Interest to the student voters in particular and to all the students in the University in goneral. Tho club will afterwards elect officers for the coming year and It is especially urged that every mem ber shall be out for the meeting. Reso lutions will be presented defining the stand the club will take in the coming campaign. I Mid-Week Games. Tho results of tho football games played Wednesday are as follows: . Yale, 18; Springfield T. S., 0. Prlncoton, 53; Wesleyan, 0. Pennsylvania, 57; P. and M., 0. Cornell, 47, Niagara, 0. Dartmouth, 10; N. H. State, 0. Harvard, 33; Bates, 4. Andover, 15; dishing Academy, 0. Exeter, 34; Lowoll T. S., 0. Williams, 38; Middelbury, 0. Charles H. Compton, 1901, Leta E. Adams and Grace E. Hunter, 1906, are attending tho Now York Stato Library School at Albany. Mr. Comp ton Is a 'senior and finishing his course thero. The other two nre juniors and expect to remain for two years. E. 13. Sherman, '05, has resigned the schools at Columbus to accept an ap- tWk Cross Eyes You Can't nfford to neglect your visual sense. Cross eyes are fre quently tho result of muscular weakness which may bo overcome with proper glasses. If you are thus afflicted (or see objects double, even for a few mo ments at a time) get an opinion. And don't forgot tho earlier the easier in eye care. Halleft, Graduate Optician, 1143 0 Street j thoso who have backslid since last year. With this object as the goal, it certainly can be said that different tactics should be followed in, tho fu ture. Let tho ,j;entlomon who are asked to say a fow words have an opportunity to do so without inter ruption of an unseemly nature. Tho only way to gain the best results is to follow somo systematic plan of ac tion and inasmuch as there are chief rooters chosen, thoy should have cou trol of tho situation and all cheering, singing, etc, should be under their direction and at their suggestion. It is not thought by anyono that the ; resounding yells and cheers of the Mgorning, if somewhat Irregular and lnopportime at times, were tho result of anything but enthusiasm. . ' But that Is not tho point. What we "want is' results and the only reason 'able planfis to have everything come pointment by Governor Sheldon as superintendent of the State Industrial School at Kearney. Miss Rose Collins, '91, has termi nated a sixteen-year period of success ful teaching in Fremont high school to accept a position In the high school at Lemooro, California. John A. Woodward, who several years ago took work In tire depart ment of English Literature, is superin tendent of the city schools at Have-lock. Guns aro being issued to the cadets at drill hours this week. Companies A and B aro already equipped. O. R, Bowman, '94, has been re nominated superintendent of schools of Lancaster county for a third term. t rv vr, fj ! U t w tfir Mr W !T yj Fancy Pillows '!- h .1 Jo sit on, to Jpp'k gt, $r to throw at some one. We have smoker's pil lows, Japanese, U. of N., Indian, Dutch, Oriental, pretty girl, Swashka, em broidered, tapestry, burnt leather pillows, etc. AH are good for the purposes above mentioned. 25c to $8.00 Miller & Paine UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. Friday, October 11. 4:30 to 6:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Reception Room Friday afternoon tea. All University girls Invited. Sunday, October 13. "4:00 p. m. U. 106. Y. W. C. A. vesper service. Musical program Thursday, October 17. 7:15 p. m. Armory. Pershing Rifle drill. Tryout for now momhers. Reserved seats for tho Nebraska Grinneil game Saturday aro now on sale at Harry Porter's. Reserved seats are 75 cents and bleacher tickets are 50 cents. J. I. Wyer, formorly librarian at the University of 'Nebraska, Is vice-director of the Library School of the Now York State Library. LOST Waterman Ideal fountain pen. Finder please return to Nebras kan office. Reward. Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 1130 O St. Auto 1737. For fine watch repairing or jewelry go to E. Fleming, jeweler, 1211 O St. We manufactpro al pf our ' Candies & Ice Cream Wo make tire flneai anfl most delicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUIJ FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" tu)d EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIA OAJIDY CO,, 1131 pst. I f ' Mi , Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr Blk. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old' Heidelberg, 146 Io. Eleventh streeL f 4 Eat at The Windsor Cafe i i ; "i, '' f i . Best and Cheapest Cafe in the city, quality and ser vice considered . . 0000000000000 "S 4i . "mmwmmwmm&?&' .