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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1907)
Tbe 5atl IFlebtaekart j t yoL VII. No. J5. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER U, J907. Price 5 Cents. Get a Megaphone and Root Saturday wiV A i r- h I h SECRET PRACTISE GRINNELL TEAM PLAYING BE- i J hindC closed gates. ' V Report From Grlnnell .Says That the lowans Are Practising Hard and Men 'Are in Good Condition. FACTS ABOUT THE GRIN NELL GAME. Weights of Grlnnell Team. Weight Name. Position: Pounds Sparks, Center ,MQ' Campbell, R. G 190 Zelgler, R. T. 180 McCarty; R. E 140 Pierce, L. G 180 Hartsom L. T. , . . 165 Flanagan, L. E 150 Brundage, Q 150 Bleamas'ter, R. H 165 Balr, L. H 155 Turner, F. B ..185 Total Weight , 1830 Average Weight, 166 lbs. Grlnnell expects a score of 24 to 6. Dr. C. B; Hamilton is the Grlnnell coach. W. C. Bleamaster is captain of the Grlnnell eleven. The' game will begin at 3:30. Reserved seats are 75 cents. Bleacher tickets are 50' cents. THE OFFICIALS. Referee Cornell, Lincoln. Umpire Fuhrer, Crete. FleldJudge iPlnneo, Lincoln. Head Linesman Irwin, Lin coln. cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooo (By W. 'It: Metzi Athletic Editor of GrJnb)l .College Pally.) ITho Grlnnell eleven his year Is one of the .best' ivo have had for years, f but, of course,, we do not expect to " win the gamowlth Nobraska Saturday. 4 The prevailing opinion hbrb seems to too that tho Corhhuskors will' win by a score of 24 to 6. r , "The Grinnbll team Is In. charge of Dr. C. B. -Hamilton, who has coached .'some Ave or ten years In this state ' with splendid success. ' ' Wllford C. Bleamaster Is captain of , , our team. Bleamaster Is a senior and has a vbrIlHant-record as a high school and colleg? athlete. He lives at Clin ton. TwjKof' our-h'oaYlost and most ng- gresslve men In the lino' are eacbaf fectod with a strained tendon In the ) vicinity of the knee which will prob ably keep them out of the game, or ,.at least a part of, It The team will be materially weakened if these men are kept out of the contest. With the 1 oxceptlon of these two men, the en tire team" Is In good physical condi tion ands will be able ,to endure, the ' ' (Continued on Page 3'.) 18 AN EVIL. Eckersall Scores Secret Practice. Cus tom. . Writing In tho Chicago Tribune Walter II.- Eckersall, the famous x Chicago football quarter attacks se cret football practice and makes n call to get colleges to abandon It. He Nays In part: "Of all tho evils which have besot college football and robbed it of Inter est to the, students and warmer enthu siasts secret practice has beon one of tho worst. In former years spies were unknown and the doings of a team were as open as daylight. Now an ctleetamofwytaoihrdlaolhrdlablbrdluoo eleven is hedged about with such se crecy that not even its closest support ers can tell a lineup an hour or two be fore a big 'game. Back in tho '90's, when colleges had at. good teams comparatively as they ever had, secret practice was unknown. Tho men appeared on tho open cam pus each night from four o'clock until dark with all tho energy at their com mand. No attention was paid to the side lines or to the spectators, and tho team became highly proficient in lbs chosen plays. Tho result was that everybody knbw the team, know Its work, knew Its strength and its wenknosBOS, and nat urally great onthuslasm abounded. Whether a college student whs greatly interested in football or not, he could hardly help getting the fovor with the great crowds on the campus each night, and there wan not a man in col lego who could not tell something about the olovon. All this is changed. After the first few days of work tho team goes Into secret practice, and not one word of reliable information can bo gained thereafter. If a man Is hurt deception i.i practiced to conceal IiIb real con dition, and nono of tho arts of men dacity are forgotten In attempts to keop from friends and enemies tho names of tho men who will appear in any game. Football writers are admlted to the secret practise In some Instances, just why nobody can over determine, for they are bo bound by promise of so: crecy that they cannot write one word of Information which they glean nt tho football Hold. No one collego can bo blamed for adoptirig this policy of so (Continued on Pago 3.) CHKD0toOCKCHK0lC FOOTQALL GRINNELL vs. NEBRASKA SATURDAY, OCTOBER TWELVE 3:30 p. m. ' :: r KOCKIKTO0KC TO BE REPRESENTED. Farm. Will Send Students to the Stock Exposition. Nebraska will bo represented this year In tho students' stock Judging contest at the Chicago International Live Stock Exposition to bo held In December. In this contost each state agricultural school may bo represented by Ave students who Judge horse's, and by five who Judge cattle, sheep and swine. Nebraska haJ never been rep resented because the instance ha . made tho expense prohibitory. Tills year the South Omaha Stock Yards company has gonorously donated .$200 to pay the expenses or flvo students to be sent from this school. Students eligible to 'this judging team are those now registered In tho University who have taken ono year's work In stoclc Judging or who are Graduates of the School of Agricul ture. Professor Smith Is giving special training In stock judging to tho stu dents who are eligible to tho team. The class will meet at tho Judging pavllllon on tho State Farn every Saturday morning at nlno o'clock un til about tho middle of November, whon the five mon showing the great est proflcloncy will be chosen for the team. So far only about twelve men have reported for this work. All men who are eligible should report to Professor Smith at once In order that Nebraska may have the host possible representa tion nt Chicago. TO MANKATO. Fifteen Members of Freshman Teom Will Go There. Flftoon members of the Freshman football squad will loave at 3:25 this aftornoon over the Rock Island for Mankato, Kansas, Whore they will play the high school team of the city tomorrow. Tho 'Mankato bunch is strong, -but tho Freshmen are said to ho stronger and expect to take tho Kansans Into cam,p. The line-up of the men who will go follows: Benson '.... Right End Wblcott '. Right Tackle Pearson- .....". Right Guard Elliott Center Sommerhalter Left Guard Temple Left Tackle Magor Left End McCarthy, Haskell ...... Quarterback Frank, George Fullback Smith Left Half Stutzmagor, Votaw Right Half Admission, 50c and 75c ' . O HOLD GOOD RALLY "THERMO PNEUMATIC8" 8TIR UP ENTHU8IA8M. Chapel Is Filled With Students to Hear' Cole and Help Start the Root ing for the Big Gffime. If tho onthuslasm which was ox hlbltod at the football rally yesterday morning is any Indication Nobraska will certainly have a winning football team this year. Thoro was enthusiasm any amount of It, and enthusiasm, according to "King" Colo, Is what makes tho "do or dlo". sontlruont In tho tenm. The band was on hand, and by 'stir-, ring music, patriotic and otherwise did their share to help Nobraska devel op a strong team. Captain Worfkzir was tho "master of cqremonles" and as a starter appointed ten big men to get Captain Weller. The big mon sal lied bravely forth, but thoy never re turned. Captain Worklzor Is much worried and Is organizing a soarchlng party. "King" Cole was enthusiastically called for and after a little strong pep suasion appeared before tho, crowd. The noise was so great that ho could not bo heard for several minutes While tho conch did not talk enthusi astically ho spoko earnestly and' In a manner that showed how determined' ho Is in his effort to -build up -a ttfa? chine that will not bo beaten this, sea son. Ho declared that 'tho students have duties to perform which are Jugt as Important as tho work of tho team Itself. Among these things the most Important Is enthusiasm and cheering at football games. It Is -also impor tant to have such a feeling among tho students that the football players will feel It their duty to keop themselves In training. "King" Colo spoko of th'o schedule of games which tho team will be called upon to play this year,; and emphasized tho point -that It woufd require tho hardest and most consis tent kind of work to bo successful. Dr. Bolton was next called upon and.after a few parses about the, ladles declared that what we needed were thermo pnoumatlcs, "hot. lungs." Dr. Maxey 'then ascended th,o' ros trum. After telling the usually, good Jokes, he declared' that football was still the same old game and, that it always would bo the same old game that deserves the support, of every 'body. Ho entirely, agreed with Dr. Bolton that heated lungs were very Important for ouruture success, Medical Society. ' The Medical, Society will hold a meeting In U. 207 Saturday, October1 12th. ,Dr. 'Word will address. tho$; meeting. Everybody welcome.' ""' w ,1 "'!,' Stock veryf day. No "comd-backi" In anything served at Tli'o Boston " Luncli. ' ' ' ' I ,"B . ri IV ... v i . yg . , . g,, .