THE DAILY NEBRA6KAIS V I Dm't Want Yoir Monty if ThoTglaBBOs fall to bonoQt you, and would rathor return It than have a dissatisfied customer. Come in and have mo examine your eyos free. DR. W. A. MYERS (143 SlrM. IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN LUDW1G Abtut your Clothts, D it NOW. -:- 1036 0 CINCINNATI ii - i i - n .- T r i CUT MICE SME STORE AND ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR FAC TORY SAVES YOU TIME ARD MONEY 1220 O STREET Petry Bakery Co. Baking Ordora Filled Promptly FIHE RICE PDEAD OUR SPECIALTY PHONE US AND YOUR OBDDB WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION THE FIRST TRUST i SAVINQS BAHK Owned by tiio Stockholdora'l of The First National DanldJ INTKBKBT PAID AT OH PER CENT Firtt National Bank Roomi, Tenth and 0 BACKSTROH COMPANY -EXCLUSIVE- TAI 1320 N St., Lincoln, Neb. G. K. AKAGI & BROS. EXCLUSIVE JAPANESE STORE Everybody is cordially in vited to call and Inspect onr store 204 South Twelfth St. g Gat your ahoaa chined by jj O AmtHean hoys t J R COLE & McKENNA'S & 8 PALM GARDEN j3 ii u 41 j i BUSINESS DIRECTORY Fry fcojrI University filmUnt urged to patronlco theie Nbri- 41 kn advertliers, ud to mention fflA VIAMM t.ll4 tAtnM .. . I w- g..g.v ... UUIUH . i i I BAKERIES Dalryinplc; Potry: BANKS First Trust and Savings. BARBER SHOPS Grand Central; Marshall; Mogul; Richards. BATH HOUSE Chris'. BOOK STORES Co-op; Lincoln; University. CAFE Savoy, WlndBor. CIGARS Cole & McKenna; Malt's Place. CLEANERS Wood. CLOTHING Farquhar; - Magoo & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. COAL Gregory; Whitebreast. CONFECTIONERY Dalrymple; Lin coln Candy Kitchen; Olytnpla Candy Co.; Rood. DENTISTS Graham ; Yungblut. DRESSM A KING Soukup. DRUGGISTS Rlggs. DRY GOODS Herpolsheimer; Miller & Paine. FLORISTS Chapin; C. II. Frcy. FURNISHINGS Budd; Magee & Deemer; Mayer Bros.; Sterling. HAIR DRESSER Mrs. Davis; Mine. Ross. HAIR SPECIALIST Rice. JAPANESE GOODS Akagi. JEWELERS E. Fleming; Harris; Myers; Tucker; Hallett. LAUNDRIES Evans; Merchants; Yule LUNCHEONETTES Tommy, Folsom. MILLINERY Famous: Nichols. OPTICIANS Hallett; Myers: Shean. PHOTOGRAPHS Blazek, Haydcn, Townsend . PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller. PRINTERS George Bros.; Simmons. REAL ESTATE Humphrey. RESTAURANTS Boston Lunch; Muds; Camerons; Church; Climax; Dons; Dickinsons; Francis Bros.; Sams; Windsor. SHINING PARLOR Cole & Mc Kenna. PIIOES Rockmari Broa; Cincinnati Hereford & Petty; Rogers Per kins; Sanderson. SKIRTS Lincoln Skirt Co. STATIONERY Porter; Rood. TAILORS Backstrom; Dreyhor; El liott; Hcfiloy; Herzog; Ludwig; Scotch Woolen Mills. '1 1 1 EATERS Jewell ; Joy-o ; Oliver ; Lyric, Bijou. TYPEWRITERS Underwood. KEYS Thorp. TROUSERS Baker Pants Co. Top Corduroy. Pants CLIAS BAKER PANTS CO. 8 So. ELEVENTH St COOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXJ THE GRAND CENTRAL m ii - .,., I, BARBER SHOP and CIGAR STORE W. H. BARTHELMAN, Proprietor 134 South Eleventh St. East Side Reerved seats for tho Nonraskn Grlnuell game Saturday are now on .sale at Harry Porter's. Reserved seats are 7 cents and bleacher tickets are CO cents. Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention' given to ' students. 113G O St. Auto 1737. LOST Waterman Ideal fountain pen. Finder please return to Nebras knn otllco. Reward. Tho best place to eat In town la at Dons Cafe 114 So. Eleventh street. CAMPUSNOTES Earl White, 1908, spent Sunday at Geneva. Elton Mead, 1005, is visiting ut tho Phi Psi houao. Miss Katharino M. Lumry, '05, is teaching at Fargo, N. D: Miss Alice A. Qwanson, 0G, Is tench Ing In tho Hebron high school. MUs .Teanotto Burllngamc, '04, Ih teaching In tho Fairmont high school. Miss Edith Field, 'OG, Is teaching history In tho Falls City high school. Gay Hardy, E. E. '08, has returned to school and will carry Senior work. Miss Maud E. Emerson, '00, has tho aclonco worjt in the Tccumseh high school. Miss Paulino Reith, '07, is teaching German in the Council Bluffs high school. Miss Lulella Agoe, 07, ami Newell J. Elliott, '04, were married during tho vacation. Misses Beatrice Clark, Vintla Hud son, and Bessie Smith, 07, are in tho Ponca schools. William A. Holman. '01. A. i 'rt j i a student In tho University of Goct- tlngen, Germany. Charles R. Sargent, Law '04, Is Chief Clerk, Division of ' Public Works at A neon, Canal Zone. Miss Ethel E. Pope, '00, and Miss Ruble .lessen, '07, are teaching In tho Rushvllle high bcIiooI. Misses Mary C. Young aud Graco and Mabclle Roper of the class oi' 11)07, arc at Brooking, S. D. Ma; Field Douglas, '00, is in the Na tional Bank of Commerce, Los Angles, California. Her address Is Hotel lVr ginla. ""Grace L. Coppock, '05, Is General Secretary of the Young Women's Christian Association of Shangal, Chinn. W. J. Seuley, '04, who was princi pal at Emerson last year, has gone to Dunlap, In., as superintendent of schools. V. L. Strickland, '00, who was prin cipal of the Plattsmouth high Bchool last year, Is superintendent of schools at Bloom ington. Misses" Flossie Erford, 11)07, and Edna Hunter, ox-1909, who are teach' lug in the Fairmont schools. spent Sunday in tho city. I . T1 . ! 1 1MB. i iu noy vj. vjoenranc, uo. wiio was teaching In the State Industrial School at Kearney, has returned to the Uni versity for graduate work. F. A. Peterson, '05, who was prlncl pal of schools at Crelghton last year, is studying law In tho University and toachlng in the Lincoln nigh schoo c Miss Minnie Farnsworth, '04, is an assistant in the office of-Dr. Summers, Omaha. Miss Jessie Farnsworth, '0G, Is in tho high school at Wakefield. Miss Salina F. Farnsworth Is teaching science at Madison. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. LYRIC THEATRE MA1TOHK 3 P. H, BVB. 7i4 ft00 PRICES TEN Mf FlFTHBrl CBNT3 Week .Commencing -Oct. 7. ThetOistlnouished Player ROBERT WHITTIER And Company in the Eccentric Farccet "His Borrowed Troubles" EVANS & EVANS America's Premier Singers and Cko Dancer's POTTER & HARRIS Unequalled Gymnastic Performance SALVAIL World's Greatest Card Manipulator MI88 NELLIE VAUGHN The Renowned Vocalist MR. R. J. WHYMAN In tho. Latest Illustrated" tiallade THE LYR08COPE New Series 6f Moving" Pictures BIJOU ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE ', MATINEE 2:15 EVENING 8:15 Evening 15c, 25c, and 50c. Matnce 10c and 20c 700 reserved seats at 25c. HARRY EARLE GODRREY AND VETA HENDER80N JOHN AND BERTHAGLEA80N THE GREAT POWELL JOHN AND MAE BURKE ZEDA ! Firey Dragon from "Glnfler Bread CoJ LORETTA TWIN A TPin I MR. AND MRS. 8WICKARD. BIOGRAPH THE : JEWEL' mill III, I BBBMBS3P THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND Q BAREST PICTURES IN THE CITY. i H30 O STREET JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVING PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS 1330 O STHEET- THE BLAZEK STUDIO A Special rate on photos to students of, per dozen $1.00 OPEN SUNDAYS 12IG 0 STREET L. J, HERZOC THE UNIVERSITY MAI'S' TAILOR TJb finest work dono and prlcoa right. Call at onr now store 1230 O St. Lincoln