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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1907)
Ibe Bails IRebtaekan - Vol. VII. No, 44. IS MAKING A HIT "KING" COLE'3 WORK WITH TEAM LOOKS LIKE SUCCESS. Practice Shows That Coach Is Putting Nebraska Where She 'Has not Been Since Days of Booth. Football practice has been in pro gress at Nebraska University for near ly four weeks now and judging from the games played so far this season Nobraska is going to bavo a winning team. This is too limited a tcHt to just ify a reliable prediction as to the suc cess the Cornhuskers should achieve during the remainder of the scasou, but ono thing is certain that Nebraska is in possession of a storllng coach. "King" Cole has convinced his pupils and the supporters of the toam that ho is a most, able man nd knows his profession. Not since, the days when Booth first came to Nebraska and made it possible for tho Cornhuskers to win recognition in western college .athletics has Cole's work boen dupli cated on Nebraska Field. The former Michigan player is di recting tho daily practice in suoh a manner as to convince every onlooker that he locks nothing in zeal or ability. His daily workouts with tho squad have demonstrated that ho is is fully capable, both in developing team as well as individual pluy. Cole's methods in handling his men arc of tho best, and tho measure of success tho team Is to achieve this fall depends largely upon tho quality of material at hand and the effort and earnest work put forth by the players. Secret practice was commenced Mon day night Tho team Is being drilled In various trick plays and forward passes to bo used in tho larger games. So far this season nothing but straight football has been tried, but it is ru mored thnt some of tho trick plays will bo used against Grlnnell Satur day. Coach "King" Colo has been making a fow changes in tho back field. Bur nett has been shifted to left end and Jnrry Minor Is playing right half, while "Pip" Cooko is playing In hlo eld position at quarter. Bill Johnson, who was tho 'Star end or. tho 'Varsity last year, was out watching practise Monday night. Official Notice. Air students occupying gymnasium lockers aro requested to call at the as sistant's ofllco G. 28G, Immediately, and sign for same. Lockors occupied and not signed for will have locks cut olf and clothing removed Friday a. m. r. o. clapp: UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER COLE at FOOTBALL RALLY TODAY BASKET-BALL. Men Chosen for Positions on Different Teams.. Tho mooting of candidates for tho cross country toam, Tuesday, was well attended, over twenty-flvo mon being present to talk over tho situation and nrrango an hour for practice. Best res the men present at the meeting, there aro several moro candidates who will report for practice within a few days and swell the total number of track mon to forty. From four to five Tuesday afternoon tho registration of candidates for tho University 'basket-ball team was hold. Enough players to make six full teams wore out, each on his mettle. Thru Dr. Clapp's new system detailed 'in Saturday's Nobraskan the best play ers will bo advanced as rapidly as tluir merit allows, so that 'the first toam will always contain the boat and fastest players in the Univorslty. The positions of the men as assign ed Tuesday ixio as follows: First team r. f., Hagensick; 1. f., Walsh; C. An thes; r. g., Paul Bell; 1. g., Dwight Bell. Second team 1. g., II. G. Schmidt; r. g., Polleys; fo,Blenkiron; 1. f. A. C. Schmidt. ThirdWcani t. f. Jones; 1. f. Flower; c, ParrWt; r. g., Pony; 1. g. Yates. Fourth toam 1 g. Ciites; r. g. Dunlap; c, Unland; 1. f. Coulter; r. f., Plasters. Fifth team r. f., Wood; 1. f., Nicholson; c, Car oy; r. g., Waters; 1. g., Norborg. Sixth team 1 g., Ankeng; r. g Arm strong; c, Long; 1. f., DoWald: r. f., Petrashek. The regular gymnasium classes have all startod work now. The fine new steel lockors. wore finished in time to allow classes to 'begin Work Monday. Latin Club. The Latin Club held a niociing at Hay's Hall .Tuosday evening and elect ed the following officers: Mary "Sure horn, president; Lois Fosslor, vice president; Daisy Simmons, secretary treasurer; Otto Ketone, Jobbo Thomp son, exocutlvo commute. Baked beans, baked on the prem ises and served hot with delicious brown breYul, 10c, at The Boston Lunch. FO O T JB AJLJL GRINNELL vs. NEBRASKA SATURDAY, OCTOBER TWELVE 3:30 p. m. :: HO00CmKKM0CH0 MANY NEW MEMBERS. The Engineering Society Starts Out Well. Tho Engineering Society held its first meeting for the present school jenr last evening in M. 211. Thero was a largo turnout, over fifty belug present. C. G. Hrubesky, last year's secretary, noted as temporary chair man. The following officers were elected for tho ensuing yenr: President, John C. Page, C. 13., '08; vice-president, Robert Guihorio, M. E. '08; recording secretary, W. S. Houho worth, .E. E. '0!; corresponding sec retary, E. F. Guldingcr, '0l; treasurer, E. Louis Turner, E. E. '08. The new president appointed a com mittee to arrange a smoker an fol lows: J. B. Johnson, IC. E. White, L. Streeter. Names of a large number of appli cants for membership in the Society were presented and Will be voted on at the noxt meeting. They Include: Electrical T. F. Mueller, C. Do Wald, C. E. Casebeer, R. A. Gantt, C. A. Thompson, JIagey Ilea, R. N. Allon, 11. L. White, Arbor Bnith, II. Schoibol, E. L. Harrison, J. D. Nothcry, A. E. Ingersoll, A. P. Stewart, A. D. Smith, E. B. Bozarth. Civil B. M. Howard, II. L. Fisko, W. II! Dobbon, E. D. Drake, C. A. el mers, G. A. Crook, F. N. Wlldlsh, L. Flowers. Mechanical B. K. Eaton FOR NEW MEMBER8. Y. W. C. A. Recognition Service Next Sunday. The V. W. C. A will hold a Recogni tion' Service Snuday afternoon at four o'clock in U. 10C for about fifty new members of the association. All old members are especially rcqucstod to bo at this service to meet those newly onrolled. Tho program, which will be particularly onjoyable, Is as follows. Presbyterian Quartette, selections Miss Dean, soprano; Mrs. Enslow, con tralto; Mr. Parka, bass; Mr. Enyart, tenor. Solo Mrs Enslow. Solo Miss Doan. Admission, 50c and 75c 2 00 - O5KOCW(OO0000Og JO, 1907. Pi ice 5 Cents. THE REGENTS MEET TRANSACT BU3INE88 AT A SPE CIAL SESSION. Regulation of Sororities Was Passed Over No More Phone Feeding At the University Crib. Tile University Board or Regents met in spoclal session yesterday morn ing. The subject of regulating sororl ty rushing was not touched upon by the board. The following business was transacted: The sale of a quarter boctioa of land la Rod Willow county, which was donated to the University recently, was authorized at $3,100. Professors Burnett and Keyset- or the State Farm were granted a leave of absence to represent th.o University at tho convention of tho American As socintion of Farmers at Washington, D. C, and Iholr expenses for the trip wore guarantood. Tho holding of Joint sessions of tho summer school with the denomination al schools of tho state was ordored dlu continued. This order citmo as a re sult of a complaint which stated that tho work of tho summor school as con ducted this year was the same as that of the State Normal schools and thnt it was causing a sharp competition to grow up betweon the Univorslty and Normal institutions. It was decidod that the custom of al lowing certain people connected with tho University to draw upon tho state purse for paymont of rontal on their prlvato telephones would be abolished. The Stato Farm profossors wore au thorized to sond a bunch of cattle to tho live stock show at Kansas City. It Is oxpectod that the prizos won there will pay the oxponso of sondlng tho cattle. . The construction of a central jKiwer plant on tho campus was ordered. This plant will supply oleotrlc power to the State Farm and tho University. The purchase of forty full blooded stud colts and a bunch of steors was authorized. Freshman Politics. Politics aro growing warm in the Freshman class. In addition to Weav erllng and Russell, who wore an nounced as candidates for tho presi dency of the class hijt week, there is now a third candidate Mr. V. C. HaB sail of North Platte. Mr. Hassall claims to stand for a "square deal." Thero Is a rumor that two more men will soon enter the race. . Fred B. Humphrey sells Real Estate and Insurance. W) No. Eleventh St