mmwAmumi tumm, i ujgf5SJMgjBK THE DAILY INEBRASKAIN SAM'S CAFE S.F.Westerfleld Proprietor Special Service to PARTUS Soil Phone . 355 Auto . . 3355 A Specialty in Oysters in Season 117-19 21 NorlH 13th SI. I. J. THORP & CO. Rubber Stamps, Stencils. Soala, Trade Chocks, Koys Lockamlthlng. General Machine Works. Model Makors, Etc. aoft n. mil, i.iu'oiii HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronaflo Solicited HEFFLEYS in UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS I 1337 O STREET 200 REGISTERED. (Continued from page J i is home on September 2.Slh was at tended by :!()( .oung women of tb( 1 ntvcrsit.t, who unnuImoiMly agreed lluil they bad bad "a royal good time." The Hun. lay meetings held In I', lot'., alibo not largelx attended, have piocl teal Kpiritual uplifts. Noon meetings are held e.ieh day In the association room. TIioho on iMondav. Wednesday and Fridu come a I Un'.li iind those on Tuesday and Thursday at llil'.O. The praise service w'hich comes l-egulnrly on Wednesday of each week is the .special feature of the noon meetings and is alwavs well lit t ii. led. The association is nhvajs Kind to welcome anyono to these meet ings and It extendi an imitation to ill nnhorsllj girls to attend iu er ices. Salurda night Miss Vibbard enter lained ibe small cabinet at a dinner, wiiieb was followed by Inc fit St cnbi net uncling of the your. I'laus were made for I'm ure work by sixteen ghl.- mil IiiimIiimi lc for the. bent good of the Cnhi'isiiN and its Indent ununbeis. The lis. of cabinet members has been somewhat extended to include the chairmanship of several new commit Ues. vacancies have not bi-Oii permanently (llled as yet, but wilh tin so exceptions the cabinet is. as fol lows: President, Carrie Sehultz: vice-president. Viola Tbirnes: secrc ti'iy. Carrie Strong; treasurer, lilsle Alums; general secretory, Ida II. Vib bard; assistant secretary, Maude Cauger. Chairmen Bible' study, Vir ginia Zlinmers; missionary, Eva Ar nold; social, . finance, Nellie IiUddeu; practical service, Kvangeline Strickland; Intercollegiate, lteulah KauVr; rooms, Iteth Huston; college sctlleiiieni. Mabel Snyder; (leotiouil, Mlliun Ilrubesky; visiting, .lean Sulli van; bullciin, ltiuh Knsterday; on vvution, . A number of l.i.l year's Y. W. C. . Ulrls are located as follow : Mai Hilling. Moody Bible Institute. Chi cago; Florence I'arnu'lee (Student Volunteer), in Y. V. C. A. work at L'tlen, N. Y.: Myrtle Kaiiffman. lunch secretary. City Y. W. C. A.; Pt-arl rcitlbald, state seciotary for New York and New Jersey; Anna Van ,andr and Helen Redington. both .it Dr. White's Training School. N.-w York City; Grace Coppock, Y. W. C. A.. China; Lena Nelson. India ( mis sionary); Fannie Drake, Rochester, N. Y. (Y. W. C. A.). The Y. W. C. A. has been presented with a handsome reading table by Mr. W. .1. Bryan. This table corresponds to the one now in the association's loom given by Miss Anne Rogers. 0000Oi0000,'i'0!00000000OAOOJK)00'.SO O O FOOTEA1L1L RALLI For Gs'iir&EraeM QaaTiaCo Tlhmflasclsp October Teia, HflsSO s&. fiH&.0 iBa Meinrttoa'ial ffellL Evairylboidy out OvCKO KO00O.H0Ov.OO sO O 0OQKOOOOO0000 I UNION COLLEGE I TAILORS Main College Building For First Class Tailoring AT LOW PRICES AUTO 48 COLLEGE VIEW - Frats Ifamcmber the Name "VNr Smoke House q The "Uni" Smoke House ex tends to you gratis, the home-like comforts of its Smoking, Reading, and Lounging Room. J We carry in stock a complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers' Articles. It is a pleas ure to please you. COLE-McKENNA CO., 1132 O ST. GmU-nCARDS 817 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. Tr Savov Hotel and cafe. .1. M. Rice, hair and scalp sieclnlisl, 1210 O St., upstairs. Auto phone IJSSS. at Climax restaurant. Meals ir cents and up, Tom Draper, Prop. Frats and Sororities When in Need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. flajdin, photographer, special rales to students. 1127 O street; Fred 11. Humphrey sells real estate. 1;:0 North Eleventh. Students' barber since 18!7. Corner Thirteenth and O. Gregory's Semi -Anthracite FOR FURNACES $7.50 NO CLINKER IR SLATE GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAYINGS BANK BLDG, I32 N, llth STREET MME. F. F. ROSS Scimtifio Chiropodist Manicurist HMRIIESSHI9 iW Uklim PARLORS 1339 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB. !" I" UNtofU. Mich., Vigtltbli Silk Hosiery Palace Dining Hall, counter. No lunch Green's shops are the best In the West. Juki a ilot evening iru-nl at Hulrym-1 pic s. HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. Tht Drug Cutter, H St. Dr. .1. H. Graham, dentist. l"ofl O Try Francis Bros.' roBtnurant. 1020 P Cameron's lunch counter 12". So. 12. Subscribe for the Daily Nebrasknn. Heehmnn Itros. Fine shoes, J 107 O. st. C. H. Frey, florist, 113P. O St. We're now located in the most beautiful store tn the Weat CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATER Lincoln Candy Kiichtn 14tk muil O StraeU DonarA A.RJPLOW Clupbco Shrunk Quarter Sizes IS CENTS EACHI2 FOR 28 CENTS Cluett, VtAo&y & Co., Mttera of Clnett iwl nvurea oairw Subscribe now, $2 per yr. Hereford & Petty Shoe Fitters to Men 143 So. 13th I I tiwtmtr. -tistif.-. 4 7J6i: 'rZZi&nK338LJ& WTTT uMMMHaamimtwiM ' " fr ! L.