w Xlbe S)atlp IFlebtaekan Vol. VII. No. J 3. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9, J907. Price 5 Cents. -V 200 REGISTERED MANY GIRLS HAVE ENROLLED FOR BIBLE STUDY. -v Y. W. C. A. Campaign Going Nicely Names of Cabinet Members Arc Announced Other Notes. The work of the Young Woman's Christian. Association bus started oin in full swing with pleasing prospects for the coming year. A full corps of workers. Including many of tlu- older mem burs, and several new ones, is busy at the present time gelling the Bible and mission study classes into working order and making a cauvn.fs for new members. Already two nun- rcWfWHBHfftift A TRIO already have dred girls havo registered for these clnsser whlqh aro held at the Univer sity, the 'Conservatory of Music, the Dormitory, and at a number of the wo- ' rorlty houses, under tho direction of Miss Vlbbard, Mrs. T. F. A. Williams, ' Miss Laura Dickey, extension secre ' tary of the City V. W. C. A., and sev eral of the mombors of tho association. Tho meetings hold by tho Y. W. C ?A aq far have been unusually good. The recoptlon hold at Mrs. A. J. 8nw: (Continued on page -U 3 13 Ss B MSf&f JinlNiHaiKVBH Mv1j;kP? 1 $ ti.v,iiR.'WfcM :. c ALDEN .WIN8. Ik Elected President of the Class of 1908. Claude L Alden of Grand island .i- elected lo (be presidency of I lie Senior cla-ss yesterday morning at a. meeting Claude L. Alden held in Memorial Hall durlug chapel period. He was the only nominee and THAT IS Captain John Weller These three men are working overtime in a great effort to build up a football machine at Ne braska that will defeat Minnesota, October 19, and that will carry sorrow into the camp of the Jayhawk ers at Lawrence later in the seaeon. The big victories over Peru and South Dakota show what they accomplished. recolvod the full voto of the meeting. Mr. Alden is a mombor of tho In nocents Society and of tho Y. M. C. A. lie ran on the track and cross-country teams last year. The otlior oHlcors elected were as totiows: i C. L.'Hall, treasurer; Nellie j. Lud den, vlco-presldent; Mary Brown, sec rotary, and O.- J. Shaw, sorgoant-at rrnis. Mabel A. Dayton. '04, Is principal of tlio David City high school. FOOTBALL RALLY. Fust One of the Year to Bo Held at 11:30 Tomorrow. Tne llt-Hi lootball rall ol the year will be held in Memorial Hall at It: ::" K morrow moiniug to stir up cnthusl hmu for I lie Cirinueil game, which will ' be p!a( d next' Hal urda . Tliohe In charge of the preparations foi the meeting have made big plans and expect the 1 ally to be a"greal" success The have m ranged to liae the band pla and tlie following men spealc: Professors Itolton. Maxey, lees, Caldwell. Fosvler, Conani, Cap u. in Workizi r, Coach Cole, Manager Kaer ami Captain Weller. It is ex pected that the.se men will furnish enough spirit to nold the students un HI after the Orinnell game r'verybodj Is recpuslel to tiun out HARD TO BEAT Manager "Dog" Eager Coadh "King" Cole c morrow and learn both the old and new dongs do that tho rooting section will be able to do good work in the coming games. w, Pies like mother used to make. Halted fresh twice a day by an exnort woman pie baker, at The Ronton Lunch. The Phi Rho Sigma fraternity at Omaha has moved from G2f South Twenty-fifth avenue to 1314 South Twenty-aixth street. THE LAW COLLEGE DEAN COSTIGAN TELLS OF ITS PROGRESS AND WORK. He Speaks of the Loss of Dean Pound and Describes the Source Method of Studying Law in the College. Willing In the curteni Issue ol the I ulverslij Journal, under the caption 'The College of Law," Ceorge I Cos tigan tells how the loss of Dr. Pound affected the school and explains the work of the college The article Is as follows. The College of Law of the Unhersl t begins the year fai mori hopefully than seemed possible In the sprlhg "i The Iobh of Dr. Pound, felt keenly by Ktudents and faculty alike, ban tested the loyalty of our stttdonts in a way that wo hope may novor again bo nee sssary. Tho spirit displayed by tho different classes lias boon all that could bo asked, however, and while there appears to bo a slight recreaao in attendance this fall the most of it would havo oqcurred had there been no change In tlvo porsonnal of the fac ulty Tho Collego of Law is to be con (Continued on Page !.).