IwismfKWtHmtMAuiwKnmavkiivum THE DAILY INEBRASKAN r i i m h L SAM'S CAFE 1-12: $S& S.F.Westerfield Proprietor Special Service to PAHTIES Bell Phone . 355 Auto 338! A Specialty in Oysters in Season 117-19-21 North 1 3 Hi St. Lincoln Dancing Acadamy - i Socinl Nights Wort, and Snturday. 8:30 BoglrineVs Night. Monday University Trade Solicited. 1126 N St, HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C- A- Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET, YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicilucl PILE UP BIG SCORE. (Continued ttfim paj-'f 1 i end Collins lell on rhe hull nehinil ho M'lil 1 lilt-. Wcliei KieKed :onl X btnsUa 2:, South Dakota . Second halt opened with CooKc ai ((iiaiKM ami .Minor at rlfjlil half. hn llIK ICpllKCll HlM'IIClt IJellet ic turned McU-off I'd nrds. Minor mmlc Hi mi (Is and Weller :'.u ards through left luclcle Here DaUoia braced and Wi'llci esecuioil a pioM.v diop McK humIIiik the hall sctiaiel between i the i;o;jl posts Nebraska L'T. South! Dakota South Dakota secured hall on nniii h Wclh r. Ilaie made S jurds. Slmp-j son h!, llaie tout Simpson made1 twele iIiioukIi the line. ChuloupUa i leplaced b Mlllei, Hwinj: went In foil H:me. and Harte took Kruin's pl.ice at Kitiifd Cooke made thirl.-lle .uds uioiind lei t around left end. Weller made ten aids through center and Krouci was sent over, ..coring llfth touchdown Weller kicked ynnl Ne braska ''''. South Dakota d W'ellei loplaceii b. Cooke and I'.eut leji went in at quarter. At'tei Nebiun lui had lorced the hall to :W vaul line bj sieadj yils Miuoi lan "t j.uth for touchdown, afterwaids kicking Soul. Nebraska M. South Dukoia . Beekley went in lor Kroner. " Nebraska South Dakota Johnson. Rtown, Pattou li. K Thompson Delicious' Hot Chocolate Tea and Coffee &L u St&. Olh 7k 1307 O Street. Sandwiches of all kinds. Noon hour lunches a specialty. Suits and O'coats Made to Order, $15 No More: No Less THE, World's Greatest Tailors J. F. GREGORY, Manager and Cuttci U.,('Or,N IIItANCIl 145 So. Thirteenth Street m V W m -r m w - r co HEFFLEY S UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS i 1337 O STREET Miiiti'i-H.. A.. T.. I.atten, (Cap.) llarvei , ICwliifi . I. (' . .lohnson Co.llns. Pel rin C .. Kolk Kriini. Hart .R C . Uiisbin- Chalpouka Slillei . . .11. T . .11. Hi own Milt.c . .11. K. . Olsmn Minoi . (' uik Hi ntle .. . Q ' Coli'e Welh r. (('apt. i. Cooke . I II Simpson Huinell. Minor . K 11 . OU-r Kinf;ei. Heeklev . .V. II Il.i'.o Touchdowns Kroner . Collins. Har ve.. Ml not. Coal from Held W'eller. Coal tiom touclplow n- Weller I. Mi nor 1. KelVree !'. W. Stevens of Lincoln I'm pi re -V It. Cornell of Lincoln. I''ild jii(lfie--C W. IOrvin of Lincoln. Wm linesman C. M. IMnneo of Lin coln. Time nl liaises Teiit the and w i at minute1- Frats J The "Uni" Smoke House ex tends to you gratiB, the home-like comforts of its Smoking, Reading, and Lounging Room. 9 We carry in stock a complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos and member the Nm- Smokers' Articles. It is a pleas- "MW" Smoke House ure to please you. COLE-McKENNA CO., 1132 O ST. o OtO-o.o 0000000 o o aosKtOtfOooaKooo U I 9 FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOR 1907 s ? o o October 12 Grinnell College, at Lincoln. October 19 University of Minnesota, at Minneapolis. October 26 University of Colorado, at Lincoln. November 2 Ames College, at Lincoln. November 9 University of Kansas, at Lawrence. November 16 University of Denver, at Lincoln. November 23 Doanc College, at Lincoln. November 28 University of St. Louis, at St. Louis. xO fO '0OAO .00&0"00.CHO 00-OOvO.COif:0OOXQ0 T. inTOMMUIHHUM CUJjJJGCARDS SIMMONS, THE PRINTER 317 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. .1 M. Ui(f, luir and scalp specialist. I'JH". ( Si . upsiuilK Auto phone :iSSs. l-'at a' Climax restaurant. Meals l." eenis and up. Tom Diaper. Piop. ll.wd( n photor.ipliei special ran lo sludenis. I I'JT f) slieel Sludeni' barber since I.V.)7. Cornel Thlrteenlli and () f) O'OKOOOrOO'OO 0"0 O OAQmOOOOOxO05(xO0OKD 1 SEASON - TICKETS ? FOOTBALL SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE 0 o ft 6 AT HARRY FOR 1 fcRS AND I HE CO-OP s Sf.."0 M-iiMiii t i (. k I - ( iii';iiiUl:inl ) Tor.. Sl.'J." M-jioit I i k t - ( lilr.-icliri's ) for . . . .$1.00 $:;.oo A large picture'of Capt. Weller and a vote for athletic board free with reserved seat tickets. 9 O 3 o kHO .0 i000:fOO0-000- O , O 00CMOyOfOC)0.0 1 01.00 MME. F. F. ROSS Scientific Chiropodist Manicurist HAIR ORESSIHO AND MASSAGE PARLORS 1339 0 St., LINCOLN. NE. Atent (or Uutkepn, Mich.. Vegetable Silk Hosier) I'alace Uiniu Hall countei No lunch HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Sons. The Drutfi Cutlr. " The Drug' Cutltr. ('ic en's shoi s ate the liest in the es llll I llW I lllltlM lit I It J'll'Nll pl 's I)-. .1. II Cwthaip. dentist. 1 :::0 O St. ' l-'i.mci liios' restaiii.iut ld'JO I Cauiei(i''s lunch countei 11' J 5 So. 1- Siihs(ill) loi the Dallj NebiasUnn I UecMuan I5io-n I'ine shoes, 1 107 (). si I V- - - Id I 1 1 ' in ii i. I ( ttisi I IT i M I c n. Kie. tioiist. ii.'!:; o at Wc'tc now located in the most beautiful stote in the West CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATR Lincoln Candy Kitchen llth nnit O Stretita CINCINNATI CUT PRICE SHOE STORE AND ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIR FAC TORY SAVES YOU TIME AND money 1220 O STREET SUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAILY NEBRASKA!!." $2.00 A YEAR Hereford & Petty Shoe Fitters to Men f oMiWrfeaHft W'"'"" w v4i(ftwt.iF;Tvw iijLwmwmwflii'wwiii9WttwjBw ,.,,,.,..., irr w ,yHiW ' ,' , " i uipummwiiJi