I V&Ua&mKuutfwMMMWteMMmiiiawwitMjsuir MMSWIMlmwHHM hmbbamv THE DAILY NEBRA8KAN i I ftbc Bail Iflcbraeftan TH 10 rUOl'IOKTY OK TIIIO 1'NIVIOUHITY )K NI5IWSASKA. Lincoln, NrbniHk i PUBLISHED EVERT DAY EXCEPT SUMOAT AND MONDAT MY TIIIO STUDENT I'l'lt, IJOAUD. Publication fltllce, 126 No. 14th St. Editor-in-Chief. Mnnnolnn Editor Business Mnn.ioer. M. A. Mills. 08 Clyde E. Elliott, '09 H. C. Robertson. '09 Editorial and Duslneso Office: DASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Postofficc, Station A, Lincoln. Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advpnce Slnnle Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICIOH Will In- -li!ii-gpl fOI !lt tllil mil! Ol' 1 CCIltH Hr lllHi'l'tlOtl fori'fry ili'li-on words or fnu'llon thiot. Kiiciilty lmtlt'cH mill University bulletins will gladly be pulillnlw il freo. lOiiturcil ut tin- poalonii-i .il Llii'-oln. Nebraska, us sticOrul-iiliiRs mull mutter under the Vft of i'iiii(,'n-HH of .March :. 187'J. Doti'l spend jour Hrst two yours In being convinced of tho Importnnce or Convocation and the lust two in re gretting Hmt tho mutter wuh not made clour to yon from tho first. (Jet I ho habit. You will he amply repaid for your trouble With Pen In Hand. Waller II. Kokersull, the ruinous University of Chicago quurterhnck and now fjotbull editor of the Chica go Tribune, Is mulling a brief tour of worflorn colleges, getting a line on the foot hull outlook. This week the "editor" will isit Michigan. Wiscon sin and .Minnesota, and his observa tions while on the trip will be om bodled in football art teles to be pub lished In his pupor during the coming week. FROM OTHER COLLEGES. A8 TO CONVOCATION. There is not the least question that the importance of attending Convoca tion U not properly appreciated by many of the students in tills Univer sity. It is not strange that such ih the case on the par! of the new stu dents, for wore the matter not im pressed upon them there is nothing left for them to d. but learn by o perience. It Is to avoid this unneces sur. loss, that mention is made of tho subject at this lime. v There Is perhaps no one practice ol a wholly v.iluntaiy nature that will result In an equal amount of bonelll to the person concerned as tha' ol a regular and systematic attendance at convocation. The Importance ol this fnnotl.ui is recognized by the I'ni ve.rslty Senate and they have accord ingly stipulated that nothing shall dis place or take the place of a feature at Convocation, nor cm the chapel he used for any other purpose at the time usually assigned for it. Tlfls at titude on the part of tho Semite is (ho resul: ol' a conviction that the time spent h students at chapel ex orcise could not Ik better employed. It Is also the experience of students Sixt candidates tv the football team have reported at Kansas I'niver-i sity. Fall baseball practice lias been started at Illinois, but tho candidates! are slow in reporting. Dan Kelly, the world's champion 100 yard sprinter, has entered Michi gan University, where hi' Is taking law. tf Indications point to tin enrollment of ri.Ortu this year at Michigan Uni versity. According' to the Michigan Daily, the olllclal Ann Arbor student publication. Iowa State College at, Ames lias inrollod more students this fall than ever before in Its history. At present tin enrollment Is I 1(1 in advance of last u'lii'. L Two weeks of secret pi act lee Is to -be the fate of the Minnesota eleven prior to its game with Ames. Coach Williams Intends t: keep Ids material , 1 and prospects to himself until the two. tennis meet. Many improvements Have been ' 1 made during the past summer on For-, r Field, Michigan University's ath-i, UtIo grounds. Now bleachers have1' Ik en erected, the track, gridiron audi diamonds improved, and by another 7 G jr. P SWELL SNAPPY SHOES, $3.50 and $4.00 All the New Styles See Our Windows ANDEHgoNs ' 4.' cJ'' '" T 00T F(HtM &2S0 STREET. & UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. Tuesday, October 8. I. (Mi a. m. Memorial Hall. Convocation. Dr. W. K. .liwe.t on "How to Use the Library." 'l:::o a. m. Memorial Hall. Senior Class meets. Thursday, October 10. I.", p. m. Armory. IVrshlng Rltlo drill. Thursday, October 17. l." p. in. Armory. Persuing Hlflo drill. Tryout for new members. f R ED S U L TS TELL! We claim to be tho best CLEAN1CHS and DY10RS in Lincoln and are here to prove it. Our methods aiM the VICHY LATEST and our work mon tho best that money can secure. We clean tho finest dresses and robes without, danger of fading or shrinking in any way. We also clean genllomen's clothing of all kinds. Goods culled for and delivered. All goods thoroughly sterilized. .We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C. WOOD Sc CO. Phone Bell 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 l.o-,i Thota Sigma fraternity pin, diamond selling. Finder please return to Daily Xobraskan. Receive reward. ' We have a lot of second hnn.l draw- I ing boards we will sell cheap. I'.IO lCle ven (li SI. , Miss A. lC. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. li:'.i; O St. Auto 17:57. . iii 'J.VTy'vw' ()lie Crillllh, ().", is a missionary at Daman C. I'.. India. Fred it. Humphrey sells real estate. Kiii North Eleventh. of several years standing, that a man jear the on tire completion of the Hold Is fortunate Indeed, who, early In his Is assured. col logo course appreciated these facts. Illinois freshmen have broken all The exercises given at Convocation Miles and desecrated the sanctity of during the four years of a student's the University campus by evading tile course outrlbuto no small amount 1 night watchman and painting- their to the sum total of a liberal oduca- class numerals on the camnus walks, tlon. Every person, who speaks ai a j 'ibis prank is living 'absented by the chapel exercise Is selected by tho fac-1 older Illinois 'students. Try Church's 20 cent meals. Twelfth and P streets. We manufacture al) ol our Candies & Ice Cream W.i muko the finest ami most delicious drinks in tho oity. TKV OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" it nil EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE !J OLYMPIA CANDY CO., 1131 OSt. Dr. Chas. Iturr lilk. Yonngblut, dentist, 202 Try Savoy Hotel and cafe. Send in your now. Daily Nobraskan. reins to the Chapin Uros., florists, 127 So. 12th. 030SK5CfflOOgO0I03KPO0030a Law Officers. The Senior Law officers for this so inesier are: AAvin C. H dent: Luther M. Frerlch den; Jesse H. Caley. treasurer; Rob eri A. Spruits, secretary. laugh, prosl-' 6 s." ico-presi-1 & . fii 8 ulty committee Inning this matter in charge, because of ability or peculiar fitness to discuss tlu subject In ques tion. These facts should-bo remem beied. A student who misses an op poitunlt to hear a masterly address or a thorough discussion of xome Im portant question Is willfully denying 1(Mldont Main, or Orlnnell collego himself benefits that are within hIshaK lsKU(?(I n s:ltoim.nt giving the of reach. lit? is not, on the other hand. m.,Hl rof;straiIon llgures for this year, doing, the University any especial fa-nnd the enrollment passes all previous vor by staying awayfwyaootaolshrdl 1 marks as (552 students aro attending vor by appearing regularly at Chnpol, I Iowa college, which is -19 more than except in-so-rur as such action may were enrolled nt tho same time last contribute toward general scholarship, j J -'ar. i 8 :ri 2 9 ! s F003OO&0OSOS0S04OO O O K!090SOCHC0KK)GGC300 Eat at The Windsor Cafe MvA iind CHiojipest llafp in the oity. usility ;ind ser vice eousitlered . ... ' zr - x-. k iKAHHIIHHBBBH -'ly.iw A Wind - ni