The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1907, Image 1
Ibe Bath) IRebtaekan Vol. VII. No. i2. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, J907. Price 5 Cents. "k PILE UP BIG SCORE CORNHUSKERS SCORE 39 POINTS . ' AGA'INST COYOTES. Nebraska .Use3 No Trick Plays and WlhB on Straight Football that Paralyzes Opponents. N;Ui.ial;u overwhelming! di-iVmed South Dakota Saturday, wiping out the memories of the humilinliim .score of hist your when the CoyoU'.s held the Co-nh jokers to a single drop Kick. Straight, liurcl football was played thiouhout, no trick plays, forward pusses or fancy plays belli; used by tlio Nebraska team. The Corn busker backs plunged through tackles, guards and centor successively ' with a wont many sprints nronnd the ends. The brilliant work of Captain Weller was a feature of the game, whose nuig nlucien punting and all-around offen sive and delenslve work tormed a chief factor in Nebraska's victors. The team showed a marked improve ment, over that of the Peru game, each man working in co-operation with his mates, and all working together. For the first few minutes the visit ers put up si strong defense, which waa quite unexpected, and threatened to hold the Cornhuskers to a low score. The constant hammering attack of Colo's men soon wore the Dakotaus out and the Cornhuskers scored rapid ly. However, the Coyotes placd hard and In the second half took a brace, carrying the ball by successive line plunges and end runs within' the shad ow of Nebraska's goal, where they lost the ball on a forward psiss, on the twenty-live yard line, thus losing their only opportunity to score. The first touchdown was made by Mnrwy on a fluke, Weller having punt ed to Simpson, who dropped the ball which was knocked across the goal lino by Matters. Latten kicked oft' to Heltzer who re turned the ball 15 yards. A short'punt by Weller and a fumble by Coffey gave Nebraska !!5 yards. ChaloupUa tore off two .yards through tackle followed, by a similar advance by Matters. Kro ger imeked .center for five yards, scor ing the second touchdown. Weller kicked goal. Score Nebraska 1 1 , South Dakota (i. Lai ton kicked to .Matter., who re turned the ball to 15 yard .line. A pen alty forced Weller to punt. A forward pass to Olston was secured by Harnett who van thirty yards before being downed. A bad fumble cost Nebras . ka 10 yards, Wpller punted to Simp son on Dakota's goal line who returned Kt yards. I lure made fen yard. on a v delayed pass and OH vera failed to gain aroiui'j Hell'er's end. Lai ten pun'ted to Johnson, Krogir, with good in terference, ran twenty yards for his second touchdown. Weller kicked goal. Score Nebraska 17, South Dakota 0. .Minor got kick-off. returning ball twenty yards. A. 15 yard penalty forced Weller to punt. The kick wad a feuturoof the game, sailing 75 yards. The punt was fumbled by Simpson (Continued on page 1.1 00OOO0O00'l'O:'0 0 O O 8 Basket Ball Practice Be$iittss TniKusdcayp October J ARMOM Four p m, Masatal Five p, m. OO00O:ro0.SK0 i HEWETT HERE. Eminent Archaeologist of Washington Kansas and Colorado Win By Good Visits University. Margins. I'roessor Edgar L. Howell, direc-j Thai Nebraska's two rivals Kan tor of the Archaeological Institute of sas and Colorado are still in the America, with headquarters ul Wash- j game and looking round was demon inglou, D, C, spent Saturday and Sun- stinted Snturdu. when the .layhawk duj in Lincoln as a guest at the home! eis walked over William .1 well Col- of Dr. and Mrs. Charles William Wal- luce'of the department of English Lit-, erafure. Professor Hi wet' and Dr. Wallace have been life-long friends since me ins wnen as neiguuor miih , i ne nenvt r .cs lias uie toilowing ' rial thousand specimens were oh they supped from the farm into the' to say about the Colorado-Denver mined. These were boxed and ship high school. game. l(l( , ij,,,.,,;,, n ,()1. During his brier stay here, Profes-. Yesterday's contest at Denver llnl-' order :o secure these tilings it soi llewett spent a short time Incrsily Park between the University was ueccssur. to spend from three to conference with Dr. Harbour and Dean j ol Colorado and the Cnherslty of Den-1 five hours dally In the water often Ward concerning the recent discover v, r u;,s chiefly inn resting to tne crlt- waist deep. A dip net and other of the remains of primitive man neai j(.;,i outsider as a study in the new tools for cutting off ami securing Omaha known generally in scientilic j ...)lm. ,, ;,s' nftoiding a line on the sp.-clmens were used. in wading circles as "the Loess man of Nebras- ( comparative strength of two of the! about. II was necessary :o use a water Ua." or slmpiy "the Nebraska man." j,u. lonmH competing for hie itocky glnss to see below the sinrace. Tlu announcement of this discover , ,nminUl intercollegiate championship. The water about the Hormudn Isl about a year ago by Drs. Hai hour and j Mh( sct)iv ()f ij( u, , ia,.v ,.u)J1.(.Hl.iH imds Is exceedingly mild and clear. Ward has aroused the interest ot sci- j entlsis throughout the world. While ery reserved In his opinion, this emi nent archaeologist gave the Nebraska scientists great cncourugnient, and felt that there were undlscovored pos sibilities here that might lead to the settling of large questions concern ing primitive man on this continent. Should Nebraska see her way to or gniiize for aichacologlcal research, nssuranc. given by the director i hai rhe Archaeological institute of me.rica stands read to co-operate in the work at an time when needed. Professor Ikwett will later In the year return for the purj iwc of ex amining the mound itself in company with ' Professors Ward. Harbour and others. ASSISTANT COACH. H. M. Peck Will Help Cole Train Cornhuskers. Herbert M. Peck of Charlottesville, Virginia, has been secured to assist "King" Cole in coaching the Ne braska football eleven. Mr. Peck was assistant to Cole at th. University of Virginia last- fall and the year before coached at one of the colleges of Mis souri. He played football four yejfrs while at I ndlng Lawrence college at Apple- ton, Wisconsin. Mr. Peck will not come to Lincoln until Sunday. All cross-country runners are 1 1--1 iiuest -1 to meet in Dr. Claim's ofllce at 11:0(1 o'clock this morning. Practice hours will be arranged at this tiifie. The best coffee 1 ever drank that served In The Hoston Lunch. Try it.! OCWOO Of 00COAO OX'O g1 X- i WHAT THEY DID. lege lo the tune of lis to 0, and when the Hould. 'rites trounced, Koehkr's Denver unierM chappies" by the score of -! to 1. r,Wi ,1111I11.,lM..I. t,.n.,tu ,.. m... ...... elevens In yesterday's early season form, ruder the old rules the state i-niverslty would probably have rolled in. mi f.r.m lni-ir,.,. ,..-,. ll..l,l....'u ..(r .... ...X.. ... . f,. , uwi iiwiiiiii .? s"' yisifi nay was a won.ienui reve-i Ititlon or early season individual and team play, ami should furnish food for thought for the colleges on Colorado's!', , , . . . Harbor .iiiienuie. un yesterday s snowing It Is an entirely safe prediction that the Folsom-Castlemau eleven could have ,l..i',... i ...i ......' ..r l i. . ..,-,.-..,. ..,.. ... .. .cu,..s on ii;,wIvi. ,-,,,., JMK M-nedule with the possible exception, T,R. 1JmulI(lll ,8llin(,H l.(,lllv (:omshI of Nebraska. Till.-, machine Is Just ,,,.. ,, lH,tt Hl)al)f.(, , t)0 ,0. getting started, and when In lull mo- , ll!P c an(l mnlly HmnUur opes. The nientum it will behoove Couches KHa- I large ishind is about one mile wide worth, Cilkc, UothgMb and Cole to j ami nineteen miles long, and Is sur leware. for at present Houlder Is the j rounded '! two or three hundrpd bisl piQspeci in sight. smaller islands, it Is bordered on the The following article- regarding th.o Kausas-WIlliam .Jewel game is taken fiom the Kansas Clly Journal: The game demonstrated' that the j large hunts to puss and Is an Ideal Kansas team this .war will not be a ' fishing ground." .lust beyond are world beater. However, the men j soundings up lo ",,'oof) feet. Tlio semi promise to play football that will lie tropical the climate Is exceedingly good enough to beat more than half I equable, never freezing and never go of the teams Kansas meets. TIk re i Ing about S5 degrees. This attracts were no particular stars. The Kansas j great numbers of tourists during the line was steady and had no troublo winter season. in holding the .lewell men. Rouse and , Agar Island, witii all Its buildings Sie h nson did good work at guard ' was recently turned over to the Uer and Crowell and Caldwell look miglity nitida Hlologlcal Station by the llrlt- ; K(U,(( , tlu. lae.u, positions. Heed's bad passes were responsible for much jf the fumbling on the nan of the , I.'..,,,,..l. 1,.,nl.-u ; """"" -- This is his first year c.uier. tie pineu a goon ueionsivo: and intensive game. White and Mil ton did well at ends. Their work on receiving forward passes was partici- (Continued on Page ''.) IN BERMUDA ISLES MORILL EXPEDITION COLLECTS CORALS AN FISHES. Party Under the Direction of Prof. Bar- bour Spend Weeks In Adding Splclmen8 to the Collection. During the past summer an criiedl of the Hon. Chas. II. Morlll. un- dor the direction of Professor liar hour, secured a er interesting and remarkable collection of corals and fishes in the licrmuila Islands. The The parl.. consisting of a number ;f pest gradual es from Harvard. Mpeirt si weeks in the Hormudn Biological station, collect itig living marine forms and fossils. The region Is oxcecdlnuh rich In ; corals, sponges, lish and shell lire. A , large collection of corals was secured some coral heads measuring as much as l wo feel in diameter. In all, hc ' It Itf llterallv tcemlmr with nKh nf M ' 1"OHl "'enuirknble beauty of color. Pro J r('SH01' Ibirbour declared that fish of ' ''vt'ry Hlz(' a"(l varloly crowded about i lllm. Il fUrlOUH Ulld as 'lUHO IIS ()- ' mestlc pets. The waior is full of sharks, but. as yet no fa lull ties from this cause have been reported. ()n, found Us way Into Hamilton where the station Is located and all were warned, but the lish was ' killed In three days. When measured ill was found to be slightly more ilian west by submerged laud equal in area to the state of Ohio. In this place the ocean is not .deep enough to permit Ish government. A year ugo the same island was an Immense arsenal stored with munitions of war. It Is said that there is an understanding between the I'nltcd States and Great Hritian - 1 whereby-the islands are to be turned over to the united states m the near future. As a result the weapons of (Continued on Page ;i.