lyyMimmiMuwMto'i4itwiw THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i i Gbe JDall$ IRebrashan THIS PROPERTY OF TIIK UNIVIOHBITY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NchraHka. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY BY TIIK 8TUDI0NT I'UIl. HOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. ZOOLOGY CLUB. EdItor-ln-Chlef M. A. Mills, '08 Managing Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 m . ii ir f nAk.ft.An 'AQ I UUBinCBB lYiailUUCr . . . n. s. nuuvimvii, w- Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDO. Poatofflco, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo churned for at th rata of 10 ccntH per Insertion for overy llftoen wohIh or fraction thereof. Faculty notlci'H and University bulletins wiy gladly be published free. Entered at tho pofltofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. THE GAME. Do not rorg?t tho football game this afternoon and be sure that you are there. The game will be Interesting and no one can afford to mlsB It. If tho Inclination to go Is present you surely can llnd the time, especially If an effort Is made. It Is tho duty of all students of this University to support athletics, and this support should be manifested by going to the game and cheering the team. It Is not to be asked that the team alone and un aided by the rooters keep the oppo nents from scoring against us. It is up to the students to get busy and when the time comes to root, do It creditably, but above all, don't fall, to be there. Tho Inspiration of crowded bleachers and grandstand has won games when tlv? chances were against us. Remember this. The season Is just commencing, now Is the time to resolve to see every ganve playod on tho homo field and as many others as Is possible. Thero are comparatively few students who absolutely can not llnd time to attend the games. They only last a couple of hours and come lato In tho afternoon. If your work Is crowding you, tho mistake Is In First Meeting of Year Held In Ne braska Hall. Tho first meeting of the Zoology Club was held Thursday evening In Nebraska Flail. The meeting was a summary of the work done during the paBt year, and was very Interesting. Professor Barker gave a short account of the South Harpswell Laboratory In Maine, and of his work there this sum mer. Dr. Powers, who spent part of the summer In western Nebraska, told of his experiments with salamanders. Miss Marshall gave a few of the re sults of her Investigations on water mites, and Dr. Ward told a number of very Interesting facts concerning the Seventh International Zoological Congress, held in Boston this summer. The next meeting of th club will be on Tuesday, OctobeF 8 at 8 p. m. SEM. BOT. Names of Candidates for Degrees An notneed. The Sem. oBt. will hold tho first Initiation or the ear Friday evening, October 11. Th examinations will bo held during 'he week. Tho candidates for tho degree of Ordlnarius are: eVra Darling, Ethel Field, N. F. Peterson, Nolle Stevenson, Leva Walker, Leslie Zook. Candidates for tho degree of No vltlus: Alvln Keyser, E. G. Montgom ery, L. It. Swingle, Iva Beck, Anna Lute, M. II. Gilmore, V. V. Westgate, J. L. Stahl, Edwin Hopt, G. Pagaduan, F A. Wolf, J. C. Elder, Grace Ernst, Ruth Marshall. Candidates for the degree of Candl datus: T. R. Cooper, Bertha Hollister, J. W. Roberts, R. G. Steele, C. R. Til lotson, C. E. Temple, T. A. Klessel bach, Venus Pool, Martin Nelson. Y. W. C. A. Service. Sunday' afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, In U. 106, will occur tho third Sunday service of the Y. W. C. A. Tho meet ing is to be an "Echo Meeting," with reports from tho delegates who at tended the Western Conference at RESULTS TELL! We claim to bo tho best CLEANERS and DYERS In Lincoln and are here to provo it. Our methods are the VERY LATEST and our work men the best that monoy can secure. We clean tho finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking in any way. We also clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. Ali goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD Sc CO. Phone- Bell 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 BOYS Beat Beat South Our Dakota Clothing If you If you Can. Can. You CAN You CAN'T I UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. Sunday, October 6. 4:00 p. m. U. 100. Echo meeting of Cascade Summer Conference. All girls Invited. Thursday, October 10. :15 p. m. Armory. Pershing Rifle drill. Thursday, October 17. 7:15 p. m. Armory. Pershing Rifle drill. Tryout for new members. Debating Club. The Students Debating Club will meet in U. Ill at 8:00 p. m. this even ing. After the parliamentary drill there will be a debate on the following question: "Resolved, That Congress In the next session should make an appro priation for more than one first-class battleship." Speakers on the affirmative: R. A. Spalt8 and O. C. Wisdom; on nega tive, A. Colo and .1. G. Mothersead. Visitors are welcome. AS. A--1. "V putting it off until the end of tho week. Chaugo your tactics, do not put off your work until it becomes necessary to be In tho Library while a game Is going on. It Is safe to say that every student during tho week wastes much more time than would bo taken up by attending the games on Saturday afternoon. If this fall ing wore remedied it would bo found that time was no longer a considera tion. Como out to the game this af ternoon and bring your megaphone and pennant, for South Dakota must bo sent back to the Bad Lands a sad der and wiser bunch. Cascade, Colorado, August 23-Septem-bor 3. Miss IVbbard will lead. All girls who wish to know horo of what such a conference means are urged to attend this service. The following is tho program as arranged: Reports from Carrie Schulz, Elsie Adams, IVrginia Zimmerer, Lillian Hruhesky, Eva Arnold. Quartet, 'The Shepherd True." Duet, "Oh, It Is Wonderful." Lost Theta Sigma fraternity pin, diamond setting. Finder please return to Daily Nebraskan. Receive reward. We have a lot of second Ivan J draw ing boards wo will sell cheap. 340 N. Eleventh St. The latest and best novelties at the University Book Store. That Bronzo Seal. Wo manufacture all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo make tho finost and. most dolicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" and EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIACANDY CO., 1131 0 St. Send in your -news items to tho Dally Nebraskan. J. M. Rice, hair and scalp specialist, 1216 O St., upstairs. Auto phone 3888. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Miss Wllla S. Cather, n graduate of the University and now an associate, ovjltor of McCluro's Magazine, is visit ing in tho city. Students barber since 1897. Corner Thirteenth and 6, L. J. Pepporberg, 190G, is in the city, being en route to Washington, D. C. Clark Bell, 1904, Beta Theta PI, is visiting his fraternity brothers. Lost A Phi Gamma Delta fratern ity plh. Finder return to Nebraskan office and receive reward. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. 0000000000Q0 O 000000000000p This ad and $4,00 in cash will buy a $5,00 meal ticket at the Windsor Cafe, Good for this week only 000000OffiO000000000000000000 MmmmtiaaiBtasqni imjnmmTujiwr'"' mTsi8S8temxt U 'Si. ! -WaMctM iU W