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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1907)
r.t Tiwwwi'MiiwwwuaiwxiLOiiimiBinimriiwiriMmimiiaiia,!,,, " "iMI!AWl.llHWrimHw THE DAILY INEBRASKAN ""' ' in f T I i J . ZTbc Dating ffietirasftan Til 13 PROPERTY OF TIIIO UNIVIORHITY OK NHHRASKA. Lincoln, Nebranka. PUBLISHEO EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY Y 'I'll 10 HTI'mONT IMJH. HOARD. Publication 6lflc, 126 No. 14th St. Editor-in-Chief M. A. Mills, '08 Manaolno Editor plyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDG. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICIOS will bo charged foi at tins rate of 10 cunts per Insertion for eyery fifteen words or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will Kindly be published free. Entered at the postofflce at Lincoln, Nebraska, as second-class mall matter undor the Act of Congress of March 3, 1 879. The Nebrasknn needs additional members for Its staff in fact, there l.s .always room for one mora Rood mifh or woman who has talent In this work. Do not hesitate because you are Inexperienced, for experience can be acquired. All that, Is necessary, however, is a desire to work. The time to begin Is now, not tomorrow or next day. The only way to make the Nebruskun the best college .luily in the country Is for every student who Js interested In journalism to manifest that Interest by doing dome work on the paper. Remember that this Isii student publication and that you have as good a chance as an other to secure a place provided that yon can "deliver the goods." There Is no red tape connected with these positions. The Nebraskan should voice the sentiments and opinions of the stu dent body of this University Insofar as they can be determined, so do not fear that there will not be room for a good contribution from you. One point further. College credit Is given for work done satisfactorily. This, however, Is not the most impor- RU8H RULES. How Annual Michigan Affair Ie Gov erned. ! The following rules will govern the the University of Michigan, Friday. i 1. A committee Is to he appointed by i the Student Council to regulate minor , details of the nmh with co-operation I of the classes concerned. 2. The rush shall be hehj on Medic Green at 8 o'clock, on the second Frl- I day of the first semester, with a lime limit of thirty minutes. 3. The scophomore class shall de- i fend Its class banner, which shall bo placed on a pole such as used In 190G j niBh. I 4. There shall be one full day free I from all intcrclass hostilities, to en- ) able the freshman class to perfect its I organization. 5. The freshman class shall do no ! posting until the sophomora class has i issued Its challenge. The sophomores rush the freshmen lather prematurely this year and the upper classmen have stepped in and ordered all hazing to cease until the l class rush. ' A CHINESE STUDENT. Chenting Wang of Tientsin Enters Michigan. ' Driven from Chinese university, ' located at Tientsin, In 1900 by the Hoxer uprisings, Chenting Thomas Wang, of Nlngpo, China, has by the success of his own efforts, entered his , llrst year in the literary department of the University at the age of twenty- live. The turbulent Boxers obliged Mr. Wang to leave the Chinese insti- , tut Ion In his second year and since . that time he has been earning funds , All general University bulletins and for an American education by teach- notices of faculty, committee and class ing and acting as secretary for the Y. ' meetings will be published free In me uany ju such nonces Decorate Your Room With Artistic Pennants And- Uni Pillows m We have always sold more of these goods than any other house in the city This year we've Newer Designs, Larger Lines, Better values than ever THE CO-OP UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. M. C. A. in Tokyo, Japan, 1.1,000 students are In school. where From Other Colleges. A chapter of Phi Heta Kappa was voted for the University of Illinois should be handed in to the Registrar's Office before live o'clock each day. k Thursday, October 3. 1907 11:00 a. m. Convocation. Music. RESULTS TELL! We claim to be the best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are hero to prove it. Our methods arc the VERY LATEST and our work men the best that money can secure. We clean the finest dresses and robes without danger of fading or shrinking in any way. We also clean gentlemen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and delivered. Ali goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. J. C WOOD 8c CO. Phono Bell 147 1320 N 8TREEX LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 Try Bud's Cnfe, 1435 O St. C. II. Frey, florist, 1133 O St. Dr. .1. II. Graham, Dentist. 13117 I) St. We Save You Money on Your Laundry Work Shirts...,. 5c to 10c Collars.... 2 l-2c Cuffs (pair) 5c Merchants Laundry Cor. Ilth & M Sis. Subscribe for the Dally Nebraskan. Beckman Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 P Boaid, $3.00 per week, 127. No. 14th. Pure candles, A. Rood, 139 No. 14th. DANCE PRO G R AM S--:B AN QU ET M EN US CAUJNGCARDS SIMMjHTHERBTOB 317 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. I Green's shops are the best In the ! West. Palace Dining Hall. No lunch i ' counter. Try Church's 20 cent meals, Twelfth and P streets. taut feature, but the opportunity for at the same time that a chapter was developing yourself along journalistic recommended for Iowa College. The lines should be tlie greatest Induce- act was taken at the recent conven- ment. If you are Interested call at the lion held at Williams and Mary's Col-J Cheapest place for students, 127 No. Nebraslmn office today between the lege that President MncLean attend- ' Fourteenth street. hours of 1 and 5 p. in. ed. : The University of Michigan Is look Journalism received a set hack by lug forward to the struggle against the Board of Regents of the Unlver-I the University of Pennsylvania in foot slty of Minnesota this year when ree- ' ball as the big game of the year. East omniendatlons of the faculty to add and west will again clash whim the a journalistic' course to the curricu- J Carlisle In.lians meet both Min'neso lum were turnel down.- A leading , ta and Chicago. journalist of Minneapolis was to be ' The motor service at Ames between hired to lecture once a week for a sal-1 the college and the down town districts ary of $500. The Minnesota Dally , i.- causing the students much trouble takes exception to the action and edl-1 and Inconvenience owing to Irregular torlally says that If Wisconsin and schedule especially at the noon hour. Chicago can support such a Is said the trouble is due to the in mnni Miimoantn utimiiii difference of the Newton and North- . .., .WW.. ...U...... Just a quiet evening meal at D.ilrym-plc's. THE FIRST TRUST t SAVINGS BANK Owned by tho Stockholders"! of Tho FIrot National BankJ INTEREST PAID AT 8H PER CENT Flrat National Bank Rooms, Tenth nr.d 0 J. M. Rice, hair and scalp specialist, 1216 O St., upstairs. Auto phono 3888. 0OffiO0000000050 O 0000Q0QQ$00009 9 B. F. Butler, Law 1907, Is working In a railroad office in Wyoming. western railroad. 3 C. K. Smith, 1907, and Chester Bel den, 1907, are working In Panama. This ad and $4.00 in cash will buy a $5,00 meal ticket, at the Windsor ... .ir-.." . i i ..." -- izr Cafe Good for this week only 1 9 9 i 003000OfflO0OSOOB O O 0000OC500005000 'ttw-iw. fiiS5J-swrTLkfl-a ov i V' (Pis. m& ijK&ZLZry' ' mMnMUMMfeiamMMuCfiffMbsmmaMa.