The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 02, 1907, Image 1

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Uhe S)ail$ IRebraeftan
Vol. VII. No. 8.
Price 5 Cents.
Says She Retains Her Ancient Intel-
lectual Superiority In Spite
of Many Difficulties.
The Chancellor was most enthusias
tically received by a large crowd of
students at Convocation yesterday.
Three lusty cheers were given, when
he arose to speak, and It was several
minutes before he could be heard.
The Chancellor first spoke of the
high standard of Intellectual life In
Italy today. In spite of the great dif
ficulties through which Italy has pass
ed, she still retains her ancient In
tellectual superiority, so that today
Italy ranks as high as any country In
the world, In this line. In many' ways
Italian universities are quite as suc
cessful as those of Germany and
France. In literature and science they
ore equal to any others, and in art
they are pre-eminent. The finest mod
ern work In art which Is being .pro
duced today, comes from Italy.
The political -solidity of Italy today,
Is remarkable, In the face of the lack
of such unity for centuries In the past.
All Italy, from the north to the south
seems to feel alike. The Italians al
most worship Victor Emanuel, Cavour
and Garibaldi. The cause of this unity
can hardly be unity of race or unity of
religion. It is probably In part caused
'by the. love of Italians for their lan
guage and their art.
It is certain that separation of
church and state In Italy will come In
the near future. .Most people In Italy
feel the sama toward the union .of
church and state that they do In
France. The 'people are wonderfully
well satisfied with their government.
Even the most religious people rather
favor the growth of political power.
The tension between Austria and
Italy over a small piece of territory in
the north Is very great. War would
have occurred long ago except for the
character of the Austrian emperor. His
personality Is remarkable. The people
in the disputed territory are strongly
Italian, but their love for the Austrian
emperor makes them willing to 'live
under IiIb rule. The Italians, to use a
little slang, seem to "have it In" for
the AustrianB, and there seems to be
a gerjpral feeling, that on the death of
the present emperor Italy will get this
territory by some means..
The Zoological Club will meet at 8
3, 1907, In the Zoologlcalslecture room.
The program Is as follows: Report of
work of last year and during the sum
mer. The South Harpswell Labratory,
Professor. Barker; Amblystoma In
"Western Nebraska, Professor Powers;
Studies on Water Mites, Dr. Ruth Mar
shall; The Seventh International Zoo
logical Congress, Professor Ward.
Vistors cordially welcome to the meet
ing. "Art" Fenlon, 1907, is located on a
homestead at Texallne, Texas.
South Dakota, vs. Nebraska
3:30 p. m. ::
Strong Interest Expressed By C. C. '
McWilliams. i
The following letter written to the J
Dally Nebraskan by C. C. McWilliams,
1007, who Is ,now located at Wllklns
burg. Pa., shows how the old "Uni."
spirit lives with some of Nebraska's
valuable "grads." The letter
yilklnsburg, Pa., Sept. 28, 1907.
Dally Nebraskan:
The first "Rag" camo yesterday and
It certainly Is good to read Unl news
again, for, although a long way from
the cherished nooks, 'the golden haze
of .student days Is 'round about us
yet." There are about two hundred
college men here with the Westing
house company and we are constantly
mingling with men from Yale, Har
vard, Columbia, Cornell, etc., but none
seem to have nearly so much loyalty
and love for their old Alma Mater as
our little colony of twenty-one Ne
braskans. The editorial on "organized rooting"
in the Issue of the twenty-fifth appeals
to me very strongly and I hope that
this afternoon, at the first game of the
season, a large number of "rooters"
will turn out to show their apprecia
tion and lung capacity. True, this Is
only a practice game and perhaps wo
don't need to "root," but we must
have practice games to make a win
ning team In fact any team at all
and If the team needs practice how
about the "rooters?". Get out to prac
tice games and practice with the
team, and If you cannot get thorough
ly organized In this way get out and
practice with the team every even
ing. As was suggested, it is not so much
In the volume of "noise" as It is In
even, clear, distinct yells. Give the
right yell at the right time and get
together so that the team can tell
whdt you are saying and it will help
(Continued on page 4.)
Memorial HalL
Admission, any place 50c
Present Convocation Plan to" Be Aban
doned. At a meeting of the Convocation
committee Tuesday, October 1, it was
decided to return to the former plan
of holding Convocations from 11:00 t
11:30 on Monday, Wednesday and FrI
Jay, instead of Tuesday, Thursday and
The old plan was abandoned at the
beginning of the second semester of
100G-1907 at the request of faculty
members in the hope of affording to
all students the full noon hour for
So many difllcultiesj, however, are In
the way of a complete execution of
this plan that all Interests concerned
ore best served by return to the tra
ditional program. The change will he
effected Monday, October 7.
Practice Held At State Farm Yes
terday. The Cornhusker eleven was taken
out to the State Farm yesterday after
noon, where they were run thru a
hard practice by "King" Cole. Prac
tice on the gridiron at the University
v,as prevented by the muddy condition
of the field.
A. F. Beekley, sub full-back on the
1905 team returned to school and was
out yesterday. Heekley is a husky
looking fellow and Coach Cole expects
him to "do some things."
The following men were Bent to
the training table this morning: Col
lins, Minor, Kroger, Burnett, and
Helen Huse, 1907 and member of
Alpha Phi sorority is' teaching physi
cal education In the Pullman, Wash
ington Agriculture School.
Professor Aylsworth will not meet
his classes today.
- Tickets 50 Cetns
Gophers Are Holding Secret Practice
and Jayhawkers Are Getting
Old Men Into Game.
While "King" Cole is doing "great"
work with the Cornhusker squad, Ne
braska's chief opponents of the season
Minnesota and Kansas are busy
rounding Into shape for the big games
on their schedule. The following re
ports from the two schools show what
they are doing:
University of Mlnnosota, Minneapo
lis, Sept. 30. The big Iron gates on
Northrop field swung shut with a clash
one day last week, canvas wuh stretch
ed acrdsB the openings, and the bunch
of huskies who are to represent Min
nesota on the gridiron this fall, went
Into retirement even from the , eyos
of their most devoted admirers. They
will not emerge until the game with
Ames, two weeks hence. Dr. Williams
will at once begin Instructing his men
hi the little fancy stunts which will
not be brought out until the big gumes
ol the Heason.
"I can't say very much about the
team as yet," said "Doc" the other
day. The men are all green and Inex
perienced. It will be lighter, probab
ly, than last year. Wo will know ab
solutely nothing about the line-up un
til about two weeks from now."
From no'w on only the barest ru
mors will be obtainable as to the
work of the bunch and until the try
out with Ames the loyal Minnesota
supporters will have no chance to see
their favorites at work.
Woodrlck has been kept on left end
steadily since, work began and it be
gins to look as If his chances for
holding down Bobby Marshall's berth
were very good. In the backfleld Chest
nut Is passing with a coolness and
speed which has won him consider
ate praise. It will probably bo Cap
ron and Schuknect at the halves.
Whether Rademacher can Btay In the
fullback position with only 100 pounds
to back him up looks rather problem
atical. University of Kansas, Lawrence,
Sept. 30. Slxty men have been report
ing for practice every evening and by
the last of the week when the class
teams have become fully organized
the squad will probably approach the"
100 mark. Practically all the veter
ans who will play this fall have al
ready donned the moleskins, "Tub"
Reed, Julius Cohn, Billy Rice and
"Red" Coulter being the only" old
heads" missing. Tub is having trouble
with the eligibility committee again
and may not Join (he team this sea
son, although there is still hope of his
massive 225 pounds filling the left
guard berth again. Billy Rice has
been suffering from an attack of ma
laria and will not get into the game
until next week.
"Billy" Miller, the veteran half-b'ack,
(Continued on page 4.)