'TW?Wr,HyTrwf'W7W'r": -' - "' irv an iuimiwiiijwiibi MwWHwqjim,, uvtwmvXHtttxitmii!JJ&iwf 1 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN V - 0,-0,- Jy Jy-vOJ-iy-SayVay-a-vL. -I 44. - J, A 0,i-Ai " a. i- J-NO.-VJ-VUiriKVjlkrVfcUt ', Lm-nKmrrmniiu-rxmijmjmsmvvvjijmiiSns J. SAM'S CAFE AjkiC'' villi S.F.Westerfleld Proprietor Special Sorvlco to PARTIES Boll Phono . 355 Auto . . 3355 A 'Specialty in Oysters in Season 117-19-21 North 13th St. L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY MAKS' TAILOR The finest work dono and prices right Call at our now storo. 1230 O St. - Lincoln MME. F. F. ROSS Scientific Chiropodist Manicurist HAIR DRESSING AND MASSAGE PARLORS 1830 0 St., LINCOLN, NEB. Agent for Maskigon, Ulch., Vegetable Silk Hosiery HAVE THE EVANS Do Your Washing We're now located in the most beautiful store in the West CANDY ICE CREAM SODA WATER Lincoln Candy Kitchen 14th and O Streets UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN 1123 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Your Patronage Solicited HEFFLEY S UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET 18 HERE AT LA8T. (Continued from page 1.) No definite line-up of the Nebraska team has been given out, and Coach Cole will probably uso old players In the first half, substituting other mem bers of the squad for them the sec ond. The 'Varsity squad was consider ably weakened yesterday by the loss of "Mike" Denlow who wa called home by the serious Illness of his mother. Dale Perrln, a member of last year's squad was out for practice last night. Dale Is husky and Coach Cole expects him to be a strong addition to the squad. C. F. McLaughlin and F. M. Menefee will lead the rooting squad this year and will be present this afternoon tori start things out. FOOTBALL SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT HARRY PORTERS AND THE CO-OP $5.50 season tickets (grandstand) for $4.00 $4.25 season tickets (bleachers) for $3.00 A largo picture of Capt. Wcllor and a voto for athlotic board freo with reserved seat tickets. OHfOCHpOSfcOifcOOOvOftOOsfcO t O 3fc O KOKOOOrOOOOOOO'pO C. II. Froy, florist, 1133 O St. Pure candles, A. Itood, 139 No. 14th. Try Francis Bros.' restaurant, 1020 T Hccknmn Bros. Fine shoes, 1107 O. st. Subscribe for the Dally Nobraskan. Patronize Capital Hotel Barber shop. Chapin Bros., florists, 127 So. 12th. Cameron's lunch counter 123 So. 12. Green's shops are the best in the West. Dr. Chas. Youngblut, dentist, 202 Burr Blk. : ; r Frats and Sororities When in Need of COAL call and see the WHITEBREAST CO. We will treat you right Phones: Bell 234; Auto 1610. Office 1106 O. See those University seals at 340 North Eleventh. Stationery, and Periodicals. Arthur Hood, 137 N. 14th. For Spaulding goods go to the Uni versity Book Store. Three football tickets freo If you buy a season ticket. Who said our pen? wllL write. The University Book Store. New lines In fall millinery. The Fa mous, Thirteenth and O streets. Tho best place to oat In town Is at Dons Cafe 111 So. Eleventh street. Now line of fall hats. Spoclal atton tion to studonts. Nichols, 116 No. 13th. Eat at Climax restaurant. MealB 15 cents and up, Tom Draper, Prop. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 14G No. Eleventh street. Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 113G O St. Auto 1737. Out of Job. "Willie" Heston, Michigan's former starhalfback, is in Ann Arbor and has been negotiating for .the Job of assist ant to Coach 'Yost. On account of the reduction of the Athlotic Asso ciation funds, it Is said that Mr. Balrd is unwilling to provide tho ne cessary salary and Heston will re turn to Detroit. Wt Save You Money on Your Laundry Work Shirts 6c to 10c Collars 2 l-2c Cuffs (pair) 5c Merchants Laundry Ctr. Ilth ft M Sts. PCTTIflflATQ 'iffA 'Moasuromon $1.50 to $3.60 In Satoons, Honthorbloom and Ltnon Moreon. (0.5 1 to $10.00 in a very good quality of Silk. Wo guar an too a porfoct fit and workman ship. Orders flillod in one-half to two days' HOtlcO. QUALITY and QUANTITY 18 OUR MOTTO Lincoln Shirt Company ETHEL E. ANDEBbON, Prop. 1235 N STREET We know how to measure FOR YOUR- FALL SUIT 4 and give you style and quality. See LUDWIG about your clothes. 1036 O. Gregory's Semi-Anthracite FOR FURNACES $7.50 NO CLINKER OR SLATE GREGORY THE COAL MAN AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK BLDG. 132 N. Ilth STREET UNIVERSITY STUDENTS ' " EAT at the NEW WINDSOR CAFE First Class Prices Reasonable Hereford & Petty Shoe Fitters to Men 143 So. 13ft aj(9jaB5HiHP mwynymiminHin ' "m'ii imii, $ V iV ' .a n 1 m