' " Vfl" Wl '"""--MPT" w-ir -ssS5555S5 " ' l;;,riiiYirtHlifrrimrrfnTTi l mi r- nf i " ' ' i"niii'" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Gbe Balls IRebraeltan THIS PrtOPHKTY OF THIS ITNIVI3U81TY OF NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NobriiHku. PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY nv Tine HTimioNT pun. noAttD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. Editor-in-Chief M. A. Mills, 08 Mnnaolno Editor Clydo E. Elliott, '00 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BASEMENT, ADMINISTRATION DLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will ho chiirKC-d for at tho ruto of 10 contH per ItiHcrtfon for ovory flftwti wordH or fraction thereof. Faculty notlcca and Unlvcralty bulletins will Kindly ho puhllHhcd frco. ISntcrcd at tho poatofllco at Lincoln, Nebraska, uh hccoihI-cIuhh mall matter under tho Act of CoiiRreHH of March 3, 1879. THE CHANCELLOR. Chancellor Andrews Is expected homo from Europe the early part of noxt week to resume bis work in th$TJech's "Jestrab kontra Hrdllcka," and University. We, as students, have every reason to bo proud of tho fact that "Nebraska" has such a man at the helm. More than this wo should rejoice that ho has seen fit to remain ho re as long as ho has and hope that tho University mny long continue to liavo his distinguished services. It is only through tho untiring efforts of such men, supported by able faculties that a unlvorslty can maintain a position of first rank In tho educa tional world. Wo should not merely accept tho good things of this world without a thought of gratitude to those who have made them possible for us, but should make "an effort to contribute somothing along with the rest or at any ruto show some appre ciation. SUBSCRIBERS. The Nobraskan wishes to announce and at the Biimo time to apologize on behalf of tho business manager to those subscribers who have not beon RESULTS TELL! We claim to bo tho best CLEANERS and DYERS in Lincoln and are here to provo.lt. Our methods are the VERY LATEST and our work mon the best that money can socuni. ' We clean tho finest dresses and robes without dangor of fading or shrinking in any way. Wo also clean gontlomen's clothing of all kinds. Goods called for and dollvorod. AH goods thoroughly sterilized. We do altering and repairing. CALL OR WRITE FOR PRICE LI8T. J. C WOOD & CO. Phono Bell 147 1320 N 8TREET, LINCOLN, NEB. Phone Auto 1292 lecelving their paper regularly. Tho complete list of subscribers will be prepared and ready for uso early next week, after which time wo hopo this difficulty will bo avoided. For Our Visitors. In tho past no attempt has boon made to afford visiting football teams diessing room facilities between halves, it seems to bo tho universal custom for the visiting team to dress at ihejr hotel. Well and good, hut , they certainly need some facilities between times. As a loyal rooter I wish to protest against the present order of things which cdmpels visitors to grasp a definite idea of Nebraska spirit while herded' between halves in tho shops or some obscure corner of tho field. The rooting contlgent imbued with tho Nebraska spirit of fair play is Bilcnt when signals nre being called. Let the management brnco up and show some of the same spirit by providing dressing room facilities for our visitors. A STUDENT. Slavonic Language. The new department of Slavonic Language and literature offers tho following courses 1. Hohemlan. Hohemlan Grammar begun. Dally exercises In reading, writing and speaking the nohemian language. Reader begun. Occaslon Thls course is intended for Fresh men and Sophmores. Five hours. 2. Hohemlan Grammar completed and reviewed. Reader completed. Reading of easy nohemian tales, poems and plays begun. Daily prac tice In speoklng and writing. Hohe mlan lectures on Hohemlan litera ture. This course is intonded pri marily for Freshmen and Sophmores. Five hours. Second semester. .1. hohemian. Primarily a literary course. l'Jrnen s "ivytice Hasul, Nemcovu's "Hablcka." Dally practice in writing and speaking Bohemian. Three hours Ilrst semester. -I. Hohemlan. Primarily a literary course. Neruda's "Vybor Basnl," .Tirasek's "Filosofska Historic" and Celnkovsky's "Ohlnsy." Dally prac tice In writing and speaking the lan guage. Second semester. Pointers for Punters. The following advice has been given the football candidates at Purdue: When a student appeal's as a candi date for a football team, he should remember these things: That the coach's word Is law and gospel. That the player knows less about his needs than his trainers. That hard work, regularity and will ing saqrifices are the three gridiron virtues. That condition counts for more than pounds of flesh. That condition Is a prize that is won by those who labor. That victory Is worth more than all a player gives up. That there. Is only ono time to play football, while there is much time for coming amusements. Tho season is on. None of tho big games have beon playod. At present the teams from the big colleges and universities are trampling on tho prac tice material from tho secondary schools and wondering what Is going to happen later. And all this is In the lino of training. , Remember, In the Nebraskan is tho only place you can read tho complete university bulletins. The custom of posting them In the various buildings on the campus has been stopped. Drake and Ames meet nt- Des Moines on Thanksgiving day. WHO IS YOUR TAILOR? DRESHER Frats We line member the Name "Vm Smoke House COLE-McKENNA UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. All general University bullotlns and notices of faculty, committee and class meetings will be published free In tho Daily Nebraskan. All such notices should bo handed in to the Registrar's Office before five o'clock each day. Saturday, September 28. 8:00 p. m Memorial Hall. Y. M. C. A. Stag reception. Paddle Social. For all University men. All rooms for the accomodation of class and committee meetings must be scheduled in advance at the Registry's Office. Sunday, September 29. 1:00 p. m U 100. Mr. E. A. Marshall, Traveling Sec retary for Student Volunteer Movement will address all Uni versity girls. Monday, September 30. 0:00 a. m. Nebraska Hall 3. Physiology 13 meets. 5:00 p. m U 304. Contract law for Engineering stu dents. 8:00 to 12:00 a. m. Armory. 1:00 to G:00 p. m. Armory Measurements will be taken for cadet uniforms. Tuesday, October 1. 11:30 a. m U. 106. Dramatic Club meets. All members urged to bo present. In order to complete registration all students must return their class slips to the Registrar's Office. This should ' be done not later than Wednesday, October 2. Tho Regents' Bookstore, Administra tion Hall, basdment will be open from 7:30 a. m., to G:00 p. m., until Octo ber 5. Mrs. Davis, hair dressing parlors are now located In tho Famous. Corner Thirteenth and O streets. Those leather banners are superb. 340 North Eleventh. Try Bud'.s Cafe, 1435 O St. STUDENTS quality and satisfying, and an action that will respond, for tho same price that is asked elsewhere for an old tin pany, sticky-key, poor action piano. Tt will pay you to seo them. Runt pianos' tuned free of charge. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. The Only Exclusive Piano House in the State. 135 So. Eleventh Street. Phones, Bell 703, Automatic 4943. We are producers of Men's Clothes with Tone, Individuality, Style and Character LOOK US OVER TODAY Lincoln's Fashionable TAILOR 1 143 SOUTH TWELFTH ST. i BELL PHONE 504 AUTO PHONE 2686 I The "Uni" Smoke House ex tends to you gratis, the home-like comforts of its Smoking, Reading, and Lounging Room. carry in stock a complete of Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers' Articles. It is a pleas ure to please you. CO., 1132 O ST. 12TH ELLIOTT BROS Tailors HUYLER'S Chocolates and Bon Bons. The Druo C?uttr. Km The Drug Cutter. BOYS WE'VE ifrMlw777N. MOVED Miiwy(li MAKE J I 1 ;!ffil THOSE I '"r tasty ; It TOGS" Wflffff LOCATION l J MW SOUTH TOpBs&Jy poooogxxxxxxxxxxoooci Q Would like to be x Q your Laundrymen O H Wo will rent you New High Grade Piano with a tone that is 3 1 A MawnwutfMBWOTtnnmai miawimrrww ' .:?: