THE DAILY INEBRASKAN CAMPU8 N0TE8. LYRIC THEATRE POPULAR BOOKS Peru tomorrow. Patronize Capital Hotel Harbor shop. MATINBB 3 P. M. BVB. 7i45 Ac 9i00 PRICES TBN and FIFTEEN CENTS Gone. Hughes, ex-1908, 1b on the campus. FOR 50c FAMOU8 DEQRAW 8I8TER8 m & Of all the 'following popular books which we nre offering nt the above extremely low price, the paper, the binding and the printing are almost equal to the regular $1.50 editions. Of some titles the quantity Is limited. The Masqlierader Katherine Cecil Thurston. The Prospector Ralph Conner. The Deluge David Graham Phillips. Marriage of William Ashe Mrs. Humphrey Ward. Lady Rose's Daughter Mrs. Humphrey Ward. A Great Love Clara Louise Burnham. The Kidnapped Millionaires Frederick Upham Adams. The Two VanrevelG Booth Tarklngton. Katherinc's Sheaves Georgia Sheldon. The Corner in Coffee Cyrus Townsend Brady. Slaves of Success Elliott Flower. Seats of the Mighty Gilbert Parke. To Have and To Hold Mary Johnston. Prisoners of Hope Mary Johnston. The Lightning Conductor C. N. and A. M. Williamson. MILLER & PAINE Book Department, First Floor, West Aisle. Suits and O'coats Made to Order, $15 No MoreNo Less World's Greatest Tailors J. F. GREGORY, Managor and Cutter LINCOLN BRANCH 145 So. Thirteenth Street TE m m HEWHfr Frats Remember the Name "imr Smoke House & The "Uni" Smoke House ex tends to you gratis, the home-like comforts of its Smoking, Reading, and Lounging Room. J We carry in stock a complete line of Cigars, Tobaccos and Smokers1 Articles. It is a pleas ure to please you. COLE-McKENNA CO., 1132 0 ST. UNIVERSITY STUDENTS EAT at the NEW WINDSOR CAFE First Class Prices Reasonable Jostle D. IJarton, 1007, Is teaching at Hlue Hill. See (he editor about reporting for the Dally Nebraskan. Harriet Hutton, 190G, Ih teaching In Sheridan, Wyoming. F. M. Hunter, 1905, is suporlntendont of the Ashland schools. Eva Casey, 1907, Is teaching the Pawnee City high school. Elmer LInqulst, 190G, Ih cashier In a bank at Goldfleld, Nevada. New lines In fall millinery. The Fa mous, Thirteenth and O streets. Leota Lapp, 1907, Is teaching sci ence In the Fairbury high school. Joseph Dickenson, 1907, Is science teacher In the Schuyler high school. Ethel Clark, a graduate of the Uni versity Is living at Moulder, Colorado. Dale Perrln has returned to the Uni versity and will get out for football. Charles Duer, 1907, Is visiting with his Phi Delta Theta fraternity brothers. C. B. Cotton, 1907, Is attending the Columbia school of mines In New York City. Kelso Morgan, a member of last year's track team Is studying law at Michigan this year. Miss Pfelffer of the European His tory department Is at Kadoka, South Dakota on a leave of absence. Richard Patterson, ox-1909, has en tered Columbia University where he Is registered for mining engineering. The Regents' Bookstore, Administra tion Hall, basement will be open from 7:.'i0 a. m., to C:00 p. in., until Octo ber 5. Engineering Notes. Prof. Viers, who was on the faculty of the University in the Applied Me chanics department last year. Is a practicing mechanical engineer, In the employment of a concern at Colorado Springs which manufactures pumping and mining machinery. Subscribe now, $2 per yr, Clark E. Mickey, M. E., '08, is set ting up an Olsen torsion testing ma chine recently purchased by the Ap plied Mechanics department. The ma chine, which has a capacity of 50,000 inch-pounds and cost some $450, will all materially to the facilities of the material-testing laboratory, which Is already equipped with two "Universal" testers for tensile, compressive and bending tests. The power for the now machine is taken by line shafting from the motor now used with the largo Rlehle universal tester. Mr. Mickey Is installing the line shafting, align ing the tester, and handling the entire setting up. The machine will bo ready for use next week. ROME, MAYO AND JULIET MERRITT 8I8TER8 WM. H. WINDOM MARGARET. DALE THE LYR08COPE LATE8T ILLU8TRATED 80NQ8 ' THE : JEWEL THE MOST EXPENSIVE AND Q EAREST PICTURES IN THE CITY. i M30 O STREET JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF MOVING PICTURES AND ILLU8TRATED 8ONG8 -1330 O STREET- Y R D - O 0- 0) y t re d - o V f R D - O I YARD-0 v re d - o Y f R D - O n u 3 in Y R D - O Wo manufacture all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo make the finest and most delicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" nnd EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE BY OLYMPIA CANDY CO., 1I3I 0 St. a