SHSSfljiSSSmSS THE DAILY NEBRASKAN i ttbe alls IRebraeftan THE COLLEGE IDEA THE PHOPEHTY OF THE tJNIVERBITY OK NEBRASKA. Lincoln, NohruHka. ""1 1W tfc 4 PUBLISHED EVERY DAY EXCEPT SUNDAY AND MONDAY IJY THE STUDENT PUIJ. HOARD. Publication Office, 126 No. 14th St. EdItor-ln-Chlef M. A. Mills, '08 Mannolno Editor Clyde E. Elliott, '09 Business Manager... H. C. Robertson, '09 Editorial and Business Office: BA8EMENT, ADMINISTRATION BLDQ. Postofflce, Station A, Lincoln, Neb. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $2.00 PER YEAR Payable In Advance Single Copies, 5 Cents Each INDIVIDUAL NOTICES will bo clmrKcd for at tho rate of 10 ccntH per Insertion for every fifteen wonlH or fraction thereof. Faculty notices and University bulletins will Kindly be published free. Entered at the postofllce at Lincoln, Nebraska, iis second-class mall matter under the Act j)f Congress of March 3, 1879. NO BULLETIN8. Tho Registrar's ofllce has definitely clodded to dlscontlnuo tho practice of posting notices upon the various bulle tin boards on the campus. Hereafter all such Information can bo found in a column of tho Dally Nobraskan under tho caption of University Bulletins. This cluingo In tho timo honored cus tom of posting notices is due to tho fact that the work has recently be come such it burden on the ofllce that It was found necessary to seek some other means of reaching tho atudents. It Was perfectly natural that in thiB search, the plan of using the Nebras kan's columns was settled upon since such was the function and business of tho paper. To those who appreciate tho amount of time expended in post ing notices for tho numerous an nouncoments upon the six or eight bulletin boards to bo found upon tho campus, this change of policy is very commendable. Evoryono should remember that all notices coming from the Registrar's Ofllco can bo found in this paper and no place else. So why not subscribe . Carried Out In Our Young Men's Clothes There are about 2,000 college fellows in and around Lincoln who want clothes that are out of the ordin ary something different from the other fellow's. Some go to a tailor sometimes getting what they expected, sometimes not but more and more they are finding out that our College Clothes, ready to put on, have more style and exclusiveness than the tailor's costly garments have: CJ We have the styles and patterns here put them on and keep it up till you find what you want. We will guarantee you'll be better pleased and have money left. Just take a look at the style and fit in our suits at $15, $20 and $25 Ma gee & Deemer S- ymcauf 1109 O Street most an obligation on tho man in the engineering school who wants to keep in touch with the men who are des tined to bo his fellows through life. The acquaintances he makes there will stay by him, In the chilly future when friends are rarer and come harder. It 1b foolish, and It is a shame, for a man to reach his Junior or Senior year without knowing most of his follow students, upper classmen and begin ners. It is also worth reflecting on, that this voluntary student organization brings to tho University each year sev eral noted engineers who lecture to whosoever will come and hear; the UNIVERSITY BULLETINS. The STUDENT WITH A BIG HEAD I can fit as well as the student with a small head Bring your head to me whatever its shape and I will fit it for $2.50. WHY PAY MORE? BUDD, $2.50 HATTER All general University bulletins and notices of faculty, committee and class meetings will be published free in the Daily Nobraskan. All such notices should be handed in to the Registrar's Ofllce before five o'clock each day. There will b'e a Convocation of nlj students in Memorial Hull each Tues day and Thursday at eleven o'clock and Friday at five o'clock. Friday, September 27. 5:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. George Edwards, the South Ameri can explorer and missionary, at Convocation. 1:00 p. m. U 111. First lecture in Novel and Drama Course. German 13. Saturday, September 28. 8:00 p. m Memorial Hall. Y. M. C. A. Stag reception. Paddle Social. For all University men. All rooms for the accomodation of class and cbmmltteo meetings must be scheduled In advance at the Register's Office. 1 C. G. Rhubesky, C. E., '08, will be as sistant this year in the Applied Me chanics department, in the cement testing laboratory. C. E. Mickey, M. E., '08, is assistant in the testing laboratory for Applied Mechanics. for the Nebraskan and know all the nows? KEEP OFF FIELD. While It certainly 1b commondable for as many students to attend football practice as can find the time It is not necessary that they crowd out into tho field to tho detriment of practice. This is only a little thing but we should en deavor to restrain our enthusiasm to the extent at least of keeping off tho field. There is lots of room In tho grand stand and on tho bleachers. Let's use it in the future. Engineering Society bearing the ex pense. This expense is small on the lndlvidaul member, and yet no man ought to go through school without contributing his small share to such good work as this. The announcement that the Engi neering Society will moot October 9th ought to be a command on every en gineering student to keep tho date open and to attend. Tho Engineering Society Is a voluntary organization of students, but membership in- It is al- Debatlng. Tho Debating Board will meet In tho near future to fix the time for tho squad preliminaries. The squad when chosen will consist of fifteen men and will at once begin work for tho coming debates. Thoro aro several candidates for places on tho squad, among whom aro R. A. Van Orsdel, 13. C. Cherrrlng ton and S. P. Dobbs. Earn some University credit by re porting for the Dally Nebraskan. A. E.' Wolf, 1907, Is teaching in the state of Washington. The Engineering Society will hold its first meeting for the year on Wednesday, October 9th. The meeting will probably bo held in the new Tem ple, but the place will be announced later. Mrs. Davis, hair dressing parlors are now located In the Famous. Corner Thirteenth and O streets. Say, Students Your outfit is Not complete Without One of our Loose leaf Covers Come in and We will show you. Harry Porter 1123 O Street L. J. HERZOG THE UNIVERSITY HANS' TAILOR The finest work done and prices right. Call at our new store. 1230 O St. Lincoln Miss A. E. Soukup, dressmaking. Special attention given to students. 113G O St. Auto 1737. CTIinCWTQ We will rent you New High O I UUCIl I O Grade Piano with a tone that is quality and satisfying, and an action that will respond for the same price that is asked elsewhere for an old tin pany, sticky-key, poor action piano. It will pay you to see them. Rent pianos tuned free of charge. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co. The Only Exclusive Piano House in the State. 135 So. Eleventh Street, Phones, Bell 703, Automatic 4943. t J xmmm$im&(mmKwm ; . . . tj iTv'F,"mr4ikAiw-1 - . '-' aammr .