The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 27, 1907, Image 1

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    Xlbe 3)ath IFlebraekan
Vol. VII. No.. 5.
Price 5 Cents.
oooooooooooo O O oooooooooooo
Little Known About State Normal
Eleven First Opportunity to
See Cornhuskers in Action.
The football season of 1907 will be
formerly launched on Nebraska field
at 3:30 tomorrow afternoon when the
husky Cornhusker eleven will meet
the veteran team from the Peru Nor
mal. Nothing definite has been heard con
cerning the Peruvians, but It la ru
mored that they have several old men
In their line-up and that the team Is
the strongest they have had In years.
The game tomorrow will bo th'o flrsj,.
opportunity afforded for the support
ers of the Cornhuskers to get a line on
their team and to see what progress
has been made thus far In developing
a winning aggregation.
Four teamB have been out on Ne
braska field for practice every night
this week and they have been going
thru signal practlco, falling on the
ball, and catching punts. For the last
three nights short scrimmage practice
has been engaged In and the 'Varsity
has shown good form In skirting the
scrub's ends and In piercing their lino
for long gains.
Several men havi boen showing up
well In practlco. Wollor, Burnett and
Beltzer have been consplclous as
ground gainers against the scrubs. Col
lins" has boen doing good work at cen
ter, while Harte, a new man on the
'Varsity squad has proved a good
tackle. Harvey has been shifted to
end and has shown, good spqed In prac
tice. Kroger, a candidate for full-back
Is developing Into a good ground gain
er. Matters has been playing his UBual
good game at tackle. Minor has show
ed speed, both on his feet and In run
ning the team at the quarter position.
"Husky" Chaloupka has been punch
ing big holes In the scrub line. The
probable line-up for tomorrow will be:
Nebraska Peru
. Craig It. E Phillips
Chaloupka. . . .R. T Lincoln
Harvey It. G Vanaford
Collins C Swenson
Chaloupka L. G StebbinB
Matters L. T Anderson
Denslow. . ... . .L. E. . . . .-. . .Stewart
Cooke Q Collins
Burnett R. H Zlnk
Kroger.. F. B James
Weller,'. L. H Tollwlst
The officials will be: referee, Plnneo;
field judge, Cornell; umpire, Ste
vens; head linesman, Dr. Vance
"Pote" Edgerton, 1907, is the west
ern representative for an eastern min
ing syndicate, with offices in the
Brownell block.
A. M. Levy, 1907, was on" the cam
pus yesterday. ,
$5.50 season tickets (grandstand) for $4.00
$4.25 season tickets (bleachers) for $3.00
A large picture) of Capt. Weller and a vote for athletic
board free with reserved seat tickets.
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Governor Cannot Be at Convocation
Governor George Sheldon will not
speak at Convocation today as was an
nounced. Instead George 'Edwards,
the South American oxplorer.and mis
sionary will deliver a lecture.
Mr. Edwards was a scout In the
Modoc and Piute Indian wars and In
the Spanish American war. Ho was
also a soldier In the Civil war. Prior
to his conversion ho was engaged In
mining In South America. Since his
conversion ho has spent flvo years
among tho wild Indian tribes in the In
terior of that continent.
Students Debating Club to Meet Sat
urday. The Students Debating Club has se
cured room U 102 for Its first meeting
which will bo held Saturday evening
at 8 o'clock sharp. This club, which
meets regularly every Saturday even
ing Is tho only University organization
where drill In Parliamentary Law may
bo secured. It Is, consequently, much
sought by men desiring to take part In
class politics, or those wishing for
other reasons to bo able to take part
In public meetings or conventions.
The Club was reorganized and a new
constitution drafted and adopted last
spring. All University men are eli
gible to membership, subject to tho
approval of the membership commit
tee and the club at large.
During tho first meeting, aside from
a short parliamentary drill, the sub
ject of having debates with Doane,
Wesleyan and other near by schoolB
will be discussed and action taken
towards arranging such debates to bo
held the latter part of tho semester.
No debate will be held at the first
meeting. Teams for debates, however,
will be chosen at that time.
(paddle social
Come early and bring paddle
Memorial Hall. Saturday, Sept. 28. 3 o'clock.
Y. M. C. A. NOTE8.
What the Workers of the Association
Are Doing.
For the last few days tho University
Y. M. C. A. has been carrying on a
campaign for tho enrollment of men In
Its courses of Bible study. At tho
meeting, before which Charles Hurroy
spoke last Sunday afternoon nearly 100
men signed up for the work. During
the last four evenings a number of
men have gathered under Chairman
JorgenHen to make systematic canvas
ses of those sections of tho city where
most University men reside, with tho
result that tho enrollment mark has
now reached 240. Since It can bo count
ed upon that at least 100 men will take
the work at the Stato Farm and as
many or more fraternity men will sign
up, the goal set at tho beginning of
tho canvass, which was to get GOO
men, Beoms already easily In sight.
The first work undertaken by tho
association this year was that of call
ing upon new men and during registra
tion week the main effort along thlB
line. Now tho campaign for Blblo
Btudyls In full swing, and a little later
the matters of finance and member
ship will be taken up. By concentrat
ing the force of all the principal work
ers upon one phase of tho work for
a certain period before turning that
part over to tho supervision of Its own
committee, It is felt that moro Is being
accomplished In a given time.
The plans of the association will bo
greatly faclliated when tho new quar
ters In tho Temple are ready fdr occu
pancy. Superintendent of Buildings
Fee predicts that this will bo within
the next two weeks.
Up to the present, about 700 copies
of the handbook have been passed
out and the demand remains undimin
ished. Plans for tho "paddle" social
next Saturday are developing rapidly
and a royal big time Is assured. All
University men and especially now
ones, are expected without fall.
O O KCHKC000000
New Stunts Have Been Arranged for
the "Paddle Social" Freshmen
Are Asked to Be Present.
Tho annual "stag" reception for all
University men that will be given In
Memorial Hall next Saturday night
promises to bo ono of tho moBt suc
cessful that has over been glvon by
tho Y. M. C. A. New and unlquo
stunts have been planned that are fast
rounding Into shape. It will bo known
as tho "Paddlo Social."
Somo degree of mystery surrounds
tho proposod reception. So far as
tho committee is concerned nothing
can bo learned ns to just what will bo
done to tho visitors. Tho only thing
that tho committee has made public
has boon tho solitary injunction "Bet
tor got there early with your paddlo
and see tho fun." No limit has been
mado as to tho slzo and shape of tho
paddles. Tho only restriction Ib thati
not ono will be allowed In the hall
without a paddlo.
It has been hinted by somo that tho
paddles aro to be used to gather up
tho taffy that will bo put In a largo ket
tle In tho mlddlo of the room. How
ever, this rumor his not been circu
lated by absolutely rellablo persons
and tho freshmen may bo fooled who
como to tho recoptlon with that Idea
In their minds.
Whllo they .are to bo tho center of
attraction for tho greater part of tho
evening, they aro by no moanB to bo
tho only novel Bchomes that are to be
sprung on tho visitors after they ar
rive. There will bo somo good muBlc
such as few people can hear for top
notch prices In large cities. All this
can be hoard for nothing next Saturday
Tho stag reception has always been,
a source of great enjoyment to all who
have attended heretofore as well as
a great help to to tho now men In the
Unlvefslty. It gives all a chanco to
got acquainted with not only tho other
now men, but also with tho upper
classmen.. It shows the freshmen' at
the very beginning of the school year
what the association stands for and
tho part It plays In tho University.
It Is the earnest desire of the social
committee, to get not only all tho
new men out but also the old. Tho
freshmen, who want to get better ac
quainted with the other members of
tho class and with some of the rep
resentative men in tho University who
have been here for two, three and four
years, can not do better than come to
tho social on Saturday night.
Y. W. C. A. Sunday 8ervlce. .
Mr. Marshall, a former traveling
secretary for tho Student Volunteer
movement and closely associated with
Y. M. C. A. work, will addrosB all Uni
versity girls In U. 106 Sunday, Septem
ber 29 at 4 p. m.
All University girls are welcome.