THE DAILY INEBRVSKVIN f- V 3fr Y R D - O Y R D - O "V M R O - O I YARD-0 'V f R D - O Y A R D - O O 1 n n u 3 U3 a Y R D - O SAM'S CAFE S,F, Westerll eld Proprietor Special Sorvlco to PARTIES Boll Phono . 355 Auto . . 3355 A Specialty In Oysters In Season 117-19-21 North 13th St. HEFFLEYS UNIVERSITY TAILORS and HATTERS 1337 O STREET W Savt You Honey on Your Laundry Work Shirts. 5c to 10c Collars 2 l-2c Guffs (pair) 5c Merchants Laundry Cor. Ilth ft M Sts. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Top Corduroy Pants ELIAS BAKER PANTS CO. U 8 So. ELEVENTH St BACKSTR0M COMPANY EXCLUSIVE g Get your shoes shlned by Q b Amerioan boys at Q R COLE & McKENNA'S 8 8 PALM GARDEN 8 g 1132 O - 1132 O g TAI CAMPU8 NOTE8. Subscribe for the Dally Nebraskati. "Dent" Slaughter Is In Washington, D. C. Clyde Wilson, 190G, Is studying law in Denver. Georgia Field spent the summer in Vermont. Neal Cronln, Lit., 1904, is studying law at Minnesota. F. A. Schmidt is practicing law at ArkanBaB City, Oklahoma. Frank Rush, 1908, Is employed In the city engineer's office. J. E. Bednar, Lit., 1906, is regis tered In the law college this semester. Miss, Vlnda Hudson, Lit., 1307, Is teaching In the Ponca schools. Joe Runner, 1907, Is science teacher In the Kearney high school. Miss Zella Grlflln has returned to school after two years absence. Matt's place Pool and cigars Old Heidelberg, 146 No. Eleventh street. "Pete" Edgerton, 1907, Is "ad" man for the Wageworker, Will Maupln's "ad" bulletin. The four companies of University cadets were out for the first drill Tuesday niglit. Alice Agee, 1907, Is Instructor In English In the high school at Ardmore, Indian Territory. C. V. Smith, a former student Is on the campus. Ho is engaged in Y. M. C. A. training school work In Chicago. The first lecture in German 13, the Novel and Drama course, will be given Friday at 13:00 o'clock in U. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Zeno Crook, both 1898 graduates, were on (he campus yester day. They were on the way to Den ver. The Regents' Bookstore, Administra tion Hall, basement will be open from 7:30 a. m., to 6:00 p. m., until Octo ber 5. Dorothy Green, 1907, Is teaching in the Lincoln public schools. She spent the summer on her homestead In Colorado. All rooms for the accommodation of class and committee meetings iriust bo scheduled In advance at the Regis trar's Office. George Hedges, 1907, who waB a draftsman in the superintendent's office last year, has juat returned from Pittsburg. G. W. Cheney, 1907, was married tc Miss Barnum, Alpha Omlcron PI, in August. Mr. Cheney is teaching school at Edison. C. C. McWilllams, 1907; O. It. Mal lat, 1907, and Val Kendall, 1907, are working for the Westirighouse people1 nt Pittsburg, Pa. Clara Helmrod, i907; Helen Hendrle, 1907; Helen Redington, 1905, and Jane Bunt, 1906, are teaching In the Fremont high school. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Y. W. C. A. handbooks are being dis tributed In the Y W rooms The annual roceptlon to University Girls under the auspices of the Y W C. A., will be held at Mrs. A. J. Saw yer'8 residence 1701 F street, Sntur day evening, Soptomber 28th. The pro, gram will be as follows: Piano solo Vera Schnupp Welcome Governor Sheldon Tenor solo Geo. Ireland Reading Miss Howell Whistling solo Geo. Ireland The Y. W. C. A. basepient room has been painted, papered, and lighted anew and is now a most attractive resting place. The work for the year Is oponlng up nicely. Sunday an enthulslastlc and strong service was held in U 102, at which Dr. Roach gave a most stirring and helpful address for the beginning of a new year, his thought being "Is Jesus Christ in the Curriculum?" Laura Rhodes and Miss Vlbbard sang solos appropriate to the message. Noon meetings have begun well. Those held this week are led by the of ficers and those next week will be led by chairmen of committees. Bible Study and Mission Study lead ers are just starting on their campaign, having teachers, time and place all arranged so that the printed slip will give full directions. The courses tills year are especially helpful, and It Is expected that there will be a larger en rollment than during any provloujs year. Class work will begin the second week In October. University Bulletins. All general University bulletins and notices of faculty, committee and class meetings will be published freo In the Dally Nebraskan. All such notices should be handed in to the Registrar's Office before five o'clock each day. Thero will be a Convocation of ail students in Memorial Hall each Tues day and Thursday at eleven o'clock and Friday at five o'clock. Thursday, September 26. 11:00 a. m Memorial Hall. Steckelberg Quartet at Convocation. 11:00 a. m. Library 305. Engineer's meet for elective free hand drawing. 7:30 p.-m. Memorial Hall 102. Pershing Rifles meet for annual elec tion of civil and military officers. Friday, September 27. 5:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Governor George L. Sheldon at Con vocation. Saturday, September 28. 8:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Y. M. C. A. Stag reception. Paddle Social. For all University men. E. F. Monroe, Law 1904. Lit., 1907, and MIsb Mabel Pepoon, 1907, were married In Lincoln September 3. Mr. Monroe Is superintendent of the high school at Ohlowa. Three football tickets free if you buy a season ticket. We know how to measure FOR YOUR- FALL SUIT and give you style and quality. See LUDWIG about your clothes. J 036 O. LYRIC THEATRE MATINEE 3 P. M. EVE. 7t46 e 9t00 PRICES TEN nd FIFTEEN CENT3 FAM0U8 DEQRAW 8I8TER8 ROME, MAYO AND JULIET MERRITT 8I8TER8 WM. H. WINDOM MARGARET DALE THE LYR08COPE LATE8T ILLU8TRATED 80NQ8 THE t JEWEL THE MOST EXPENSIVE ANP Q EAREST PICTURES IN THE CITY. t J430 O STREET JOY-0 THEATRE FINEST OF M0VINQ PICTURES AND ILLUSTRATED SONGS ' 1330 O STREET - Wo'mnnufucturo all of our Candies & Ice Cream Wo make tho finest and moat delicious drinks in tho city. TRY OUR FAMOUS ATHENIAN BITTER SWEETS CHEW "NUT LOVET" and EAT "SAUER KRAUT" MADE DV OLYMPIA CANDY CO., II3I OSt. THE FIRST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK C Owned by tho Stockholders! of Tho First National BankJ INTEREST PAID AT 8K PER GENT First National Bank Roomi , Tenth and 0 $$ii UNIVERSITY JEWELER & OPTICIAN C. A. Tucker JEWELER Dr.S.S.Shean OPTICIAN II23 0 STREET. YELLOW FRONT Yeur Palrwige SellclW 3 1320N St.,.LInooln, Nab. JasBBssa (. rf